REFUT, _s._ Shift, expedient.


Fr. _refuite_, evasion, avoidance.

REGENT, _s._ A professor in an university, S.

_Stat. Acc._

L. B. _regens_, Fr. _regent_, id.

_To_ REHABLE, REABILL, _v. a._ To reinstate; a law term.


REHATOURE, _s._ Uncertain.


_To_ REHETE, _v. a._ To revive, to cheer;

Fr. _rehait-er_.

_Gawan and Gol._

REID, REDE, _s._ The fourth stomach of a calf, used for runnet, S.


Teut. _roode_, id. a _rubedine_ dictus.


V. ~Eyttyn~.

_To_ REID, _v. n._ To discourse.

V. ~Rede~, _v._

REID, _adj._ Red, S. B.


~Reid hand~, a legal phrase, denoting that one is taken in the act of committing a crime, or immediately after.

_Quon. Att._

~Reid fische~, Fish in a sp.a.w.ning state, S.

V. ~Red sp.a.w.n~.

_Acts Ja. I._

REIDSETT, _adj._ Placed in order.

_Sir Gawan._

A. S. _ge-rad sett-en_, in ordine ponere.


1. In a violent rage, S.


2. Furious, distracted.


Isl. _reid-ur_, iratus; _reide_, ira.

REIF, REFE, _s._

1. An eruption on the skin, S.

2. The itch is, _by way of eminence_, called _the reif_, S.

A. S. _hreof_, scabies.

_To_ REIFE, REYFF, _v. a._ To rob.


A. S. _reaf-ian_, Isl. _hreif-a_, id.

~Reif~, ~Reiff~, ~Reff~, _s._

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