1. A small twig, S.

_Chr. Kirk._

2. In _pl._ brushwood, S.


~Stake and rice~,

1. Stakes driven into the earth, and thin boughs nailed across, S.

_Acts Ja. II._

2. A part.i.tion-wall in a cottage, S.


Isl. _hrys_, Su. G. _ris_, virgultum.

_To_ RISK, _v. n._ To make a noise like the tearing of roots, S. O.


A. S. _hrisc-ian_, stridere, rispare.

_To_ RISP, _v. a._

1. To rub with a file, S. _rasp_, E.

2. To rub hard bodies together; as _to risp the teeth_, S.

~Risp~, _s._ Coa.r.s.e gra.s.s that grows in marshy ground, S.; q. gra.s.s for _rasping_.


_To_ ~Risp~, _v. n._ Denoting the sound caused by the friction of hard bodies, S.

RITMASTER, _s._ A captain of horse.


Belg. _rit-meester_, Teut. _rid-meester_, magister equitum.

RITTOCH, _s._ The greater tern, Orkn.


RIVE, _s._ A rent or tear, S.

Isl. _ryf_.

RIVE, _s._ Shallows.

_Sir Tristrem._

Isl. _rif_, _reif_, brevia.

_To_ RYVE, _v. a._ To rob.


~Ryuer~, _s._ A robber.

V. ~Reif~.


_To_ RIZAR, _v. a._ To dry in the sun, S.

Fr. _ressore_, dried by the sun.

~Rizar~, _s._ Drying by means of heat, S.

RIZARDS, RIZZER-BERRIES, _s. pl._ Currants, S.


ROBIN-HOOD, a sport, condemned in our old acts of Parliament; in which the predatory exploits of this celebrated outlaw and his companions were represented.


ROCH, ROCHE, ROTCHE, _s._ A rock; Fr. _roche_.


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