ROOD GOOSE, RUDE GOOSE, the brent goose, Ross.

_Statist. Acc._

Dan. _radgaas_, Norw. _raatgaas_.


1. The beam which forms the angle of a roof, S.

2. A toast, expressive of a wish for prosperity to one"s family, S. B.

ROOK, _s._ A sort of uproar, Loth.

Germ. _ruck-en_, movere; _ruck_, impetus.

ROOK, _s._ Thick mist, S.

V. ~Rak~, _s._ 3.

~Rooky~, _adj._ Misty, S.


ROOM, _adj._ and _s._

V. ~Rowme~.

ROON, _s._ A shred.

V. ~Rund~.

_To_ ROOSE, _v. a._ To extol.

V. ~Ruse~.

_To_ ROOSE _fish_, to throw a large quant.i.ty of fish together, with salt among them; allowing them to lie in that state for some time, before curing them, S.

ROOST, _s._

1. The inner roof of a cottage, composed of spars reaching from the one wall to the other, S.

2. A garret, S. B.

Su. G. _roste_, the highest part of a building.

ROOT-HEWN, _adj._ Perverse, S. B.

Sw. _rothugg-a_, to root up.


_To_ ROOVE, RUVE, RUIFF, _v. a._

1. To rivet, to clinch, S.

_Acts Ja. VI._

2. To settle a point beyond the probability of alteration.


Fr. _riv-er_, id.; Isl. _rauf-a_, perforare.

ROPEEN, _s._ A hoa.r.s.e cry.

V. ~Roup~.

_Complaynt S._

ROSE, _s._ The erysipelas, a disease, S.


Su. G. _ros_, Germ. _rose_, id. from the colour of the eruption.

ROSEIR, _s._ A rose-bush; or arbour of roses.

Fr. _rosier_.

_Gl. Sibb._

ROSET, _s._ Rosin, S.


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