
2. _To scutch lint_, to separate flax from the rind, S.

Ital. _scutic-are_, id. E. _Scotch_.

_To_ SCUTLE, _v. a._ To pour from one vessel to another, often including the idea of spilling, S.

Isl. _gutl-a_, liquida moveo, et agito c.u.m sonitu.

~Scutles~, _s. pl._ Any liquid that has been tossed from one vessel to another, S.

SE, _s._ Seat, residence.


SE, _s._ The sea.


SEA-COULTER, _s._ The puffin.


SEA-HEN, _s._ The lyra, a fish.


SEA-PIET, _s._ Pied oyster-catcher, S.

_Stat. Acc._

SEA-SWINE, _s._ The wra.s.se, S.


SEA-TOD, _s._ A species of wra.s.se.


SEAM, _s._ The work at which a woman sews, S.

Fr. _seme_, id.

SEATER, _s._ A meadow, Orkn.

_Statist. Acc._

Norw. _saeter_, pasture for cattle; Isl. _saetur_, pascua.

SEATH, SEETH, SETH, SAITH, SEY, _s._ The coal-fish, S.

_Stat. Acc._

Isl. _seid_, ftura asellorum minuta.

SECRET, _s._ A coat of mail concealed under one"s usual dress.


SEDEYN, _adj._ Sudden.


SEDULL, _s._ A schedule.


SEED-BIRD, _s._ A sea-fowl, S. A.

_Statist. Acc._

SEED-FOULLIE, _s._ The wagtail. S.

Q. _seed-fowl_; Su. G. _saed_, and _fugl_.

_To_ SEEK, _v. a._ To attack.

V. ~Soucht~.

_To_ SEEK one"s _meat_, to beg, S.

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