SEINYE, SENYE, SENYHe, SEINGNY, _s._ A synod, a consistory.


O. Fr. _sane_, A. S. _seonath_, a synod; Teut. _seyne_, id.

_To_ SEJOYNE, _v. a._ To disjoin.

Lat. _sejung-o_.

_R. Bruce._

SEIR, SERE, _adj._ Several.


Su. G. _saer_, adv. denoting separation.

SEYNITY, L. _seynily_, signal.

_Gawan and Gol._

SEIR, _s._ Uncertain.

_Gawan and Gol._

SEIS, _pl._

1. Seats.

_Pal. Hon._

2. Thrones.

V. ~Se~, _s._ 1.


SEIS, _s. pl._ Times.

V. ~Syis~.

SEISTAR, _s._ The sistrum.


Fr. _sistre_, a kind of brazen timbrell.

SEITIS, _s. pl._ Plants or herbs.


A. S. _seten_, planta.

_Sets_, S. slips of flowers.

SEKER, _adj._ Firm.

V. ~Sicker~.

SELABILL, _adj._ Delightful.


SELCHT, SELCHIE, _s._ A seal, S. _selch_.

_Complaynt S._

A. S. _selc_, _seolc_, phoca.

SELCOUTH, _adj._ Strange.


A. S. _sel-cuth_, rarus, insolitus.

SELE, _s._ Happiness.

V. ~Seile~.

SELE, _s._ A yoke for binding cattle in the stall, S.

Su. G. _sele_, a collar, a yoke.

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