2. Smartly, regarding a stroke, S.


~Sickerness~, _s._ Security, S. B.

_Bur. Lawes._

SICKRIFE, _adj._ Slightly sick, S.

SIDE, SYDE, _adj._

1. Hanging low, S.


Su. G. _sid_, Isl. _sidr_, demissus.

2. Late, S. B.

Moes. G. _seitho_, sero; A. S. _sidesta_, serissime.

SIDE-ILL, _s._

V. ~Sethill~.

_Pop. Ball._

SYDIS, _pl._ Cuts of flesh.



1. Side by side.


2. Obliquely, not directly, S.

~Sideling~, _adj._

1. Having a declivity, S.

2. Oblique, as to discourse, S.


SYE, _s._ The sea.


SYE, _s._ A coalfish.

V. ~Seath~.

_Stat. Acc._

SIERGE, _s._ A taper.

V. ~Serge~.

SIGNIFERE, _s._ The Zodiac, Lat.

_K. Quair._

SIGONALE, _s._ L. as in MS., _suponale_, perhaps a plate, or basket; Lat. _sup-pon-ere_.


SYIS, SYISS, SYSS, SEIS, _s. pl._ Times; _fele syis_, _oft syss_.

V. ~Syith~.


SYISS, SYSE, _s._ Sice, at dice;

Fr. _six_.

_Bannatyne P._

SYITH, SYTH, _s._ Times.


A. S. _sithe_, Moes. G. _sintha_, vices.

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