SKEW, _s._ _Skew and reskew_; q. "take and retake."


Fr. _secou-er_, to move violently; O. Fr. _rescou-er_, to take again.

_To_ SKEWL, _v. a._ To distort, S. B.

V. ~Showl~.

SKY, _s._ A small board, used in the Shetland plough in place of a _mould-board_.

_Stat. Acc._

SKY, _s._ Shadow.


Su. G. _sky_, nubes, nebula.

SKYBALD, _s._ A mean worthless fellow, S.


Dan. _skabhals_, a rascal, a base man.

~Skybald~, _adj._

1. Mean, low.


2. Tattered, in rags, Clydes.

SKIBE, _s._ A low or n.i.g.g.ardly fellow, West and South of S.

V. ~Skybald~.

_To_ SKIFF, SKIFT, _v. n._ To move lightly and smoothly along, S.

_Maitland P._

Q. to move as a _skiff_; or Isl. _skaf-a_, _skef_, radere, q. to graze.

_To_ ~Skiff~, _v. a._ To cause a flat stone _skip_ along the surface of a body of water, S.

_To_ ~Skift~, _v. a._ To glide over, S. B.

SKIFFIE, _s._ The tub used for bringing up coals from the pit, S.

_Stat. Acc._

SKIFT, _s._ A flying shower, S. B.

Su. G. _skifw-a_, mutare; _skift_, intervallum.

SKIFT, _s._ Facility in operation, S. B.

Moes. G. _ga-skaft_, making; _skap-an_, facere.

SKIFT, _s._ A broad ridge of land, Orkn.

Su. G. _skift_, intervallum.

SKYLAND, _part. pr._ Not retaining.

Dan. _skyll-a_, eluere.


_To_ SKYLE, _v. a._ To conceal.


Su. G. _skyl-a_, Dan. _skyl-er_, occultare.

SKILL, _s._ Return.

_King Hart._

Isl. _skill_, redditio.


1. Reason.

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