SKYRE, _s._ A schirrus.


Fr. _scyre_, id.

SKYRIN, _part. pr._

1. Shining, S. B.

_Poems Buchan Dial._

2. Making a great show, S.


A. S. _scir_, Su. G. _skir_, shining.

_To_ SKIRL, SKIRLE, _v. n._ To cry with a shrill voice, S.


Isl. _skrall-a_, sonum streperum edere.

~Skirl~, _s._ A shrill cry, S.


Isl. _skrall_, Dan. _skraal_, vociferatus.

_To_ SKYRME, _v. n._ To make a feint.

Isl. _skrum-a_, fingo.


_To_ SKIRP, _v. a._ To mock.

V. ~Scorp~.

SKIST, _s._ Chest; for _kist_.

_Gl. Sibb._

SKIST, _s._ Perhaps, _skift_, art.

_K. Hart._

SKIT, _s._

1. A vain, empty creature, S.

_Dancing skit_, a contemptuous designation for a female dancer on a stage.

_G. Buchanan._

Isl. _skiot-r_, celer, citus.

2. A piece of silly ostentation, S.

SKIT, _s._ An oblique taunt, S.

Isl. _skaeting-r_, dicteria acerba.

_To_ SKITE, SKYTE, _v. a._

1. To eject any liquid forcibly, S.

Isl. _skvett-a_, id. Sw. _skijt-a_, exonerare ventrem.

2. To squirt, to throw the spittle forcibly through the teeth, S.

~Skite~, _s._ The dung of a fowl, S. B.

~Skyte~, _s._ A nasty person, S. B.

Dan. _skyden_, sordidus.

_To_ ~Skyte~, _v. n._ To glide swiftly, S.

Su. G. _skiut-a_, id.


SKIVERS, SKEEVERS, _s. pl._ The leather now generally used for binding school books, which is sliced into two, S.

Su. G. _skifva_, a slice, pl. _skifvar_.

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