Teut. _slabber-en_, E. _to slabber_.

SLACK, _s._ An opening between hills.

V. ~Slak~.

* SLACK, _adj._

1. Slow, S. B.

2. Transferred to money, when payments are made slowly, S. B.

_Gl. Shirr._

3. Thinly occupied, regarding place, S.

4. Not trust-worthy; loose in conduct, S.

5. Reluctant to pay a debt, S.

A. S. _sleac_, Su. G. _slak_, remissus.

SLADE, SLAID, _s._ A hollow, a den, S. B.


Isl. _slaed_, vallis; A. S. id. via in convallibus; Dan. _slet_, Isl. _sletta_, planities.

SLAE, SLA, _s._ The sloe, S.


A. S. _sla_, Belg. _slee_, Germ. _schleh_, id.

SLAG, _s._ A portion of any soft substance lifted up from the rest, S.


Isl. _slagi_, humiditas, _slagn-a_, humescere.

SLAG, SLOG, _s._ A gust.

_Maitland P._

Su. G. _slagg_, intemperies; Teut. _slegghe_, nebula.

SLAID, _s._ A valley.

V. ~Slade~.

To SLAIGER, _v. n._ To waddle in the mud, S.

_Gl. Sibb._

Teut. _sleggerigh_, madidus; radically the same with _Laggery_.

_To_ SLAIK, SLAKE, _v. n._

1. To carry off and eat any thing clandestinely, especially sweetmeats, &c. S.


Germ. _schleck-en_, ligurire, suavia et dulcia appetere.

2. To kiss in a slabbering way, S.


3. To bedaub, S.


4. To lounge like a dog, and be content to feed on offals, S.

SLAINES, SLAYANS. _Letters of Slaines_, letters subscribed, in case of slaughter, by the wife or executors of one who had been _slain_, acknowledging that satisfaction had been given, or otherwise soliciting for the pardon of the offender.

_Acts Ja. VI._

_To_ SLAIRG, SLAIRY, SLARY, _v. a._ To bedaub, S.

Teut. _sloore_, sordida ancilla; Belg. _slorig_, sordidus; O. E.

_slorie_, sordidare.

~Slairy~, ~Slarie~, _s._

1. Any thing that bedaubs, S.

2. A part of one"s food, taken so carelessly as to dirty one"s clothes, S.

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