Belg. _slorig_, sordidus.


SLETT, _s._ L. _flet_, q. v.


SLEUTH, _s._ Sloth; A. S. _slewth_.


~Sleuth~, ~Slueth~, _adj._ Slothful.


_To_ ~Sleuth~, _v. a._ To neglect, or to do work carelessly, S. B.


_To_ ~Sleuth~, _v. n._ To linger.


SLEUTH, _s._ The tract of man or beast, as known by the scent.


~Sleuth-hund~, ~Slouth-hund~, ~Sloith-hund~, ~Sloth-brache~, ~Slough-dog~, _s._ A blood-hound.


Isl. _slod_, semita, vestigia; Ir. _sliocht_, a tract.

SLEW FYR, struck fire.


Teut. _vier-sla-en_, excutere ignem.

SLEWYT, _pret._ Slipped.


Su. G. _slaa knut_, nodum nectere.

_To_ SLICHT, _v. a._ To contrive.


Isl. _slaegd_, fraus, dolus.

SLICHT, SLIGHT, _adj._ Worthless, S.


Su. G. _slaet karl_, h.o.m.o flocci.

SLICK-WORM, _s._ A worm bred in the ooze of rivers, S.

V. ~Slik~.

_Statist. Acc._


1. Slippery, S.


2. Mutable, uncertain.

_Pal. Hon._

3. Cajoling, wheedling, S.

A. S. _slith_, sliddery.

~Slidness~, _s._

1. Slipperiness, S.

2. Smoothness of versification.


~Slidder~, _adj._ Unstable, variable.


~Slidder~, _s._ Slipperiness.

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