SPOUT, _s._ The razor-fish, S.


SPOUT, _s._ A boggy spring in ground, S.

_Stat. Acc._

~Spouty~, _s._ Marshy, S.

_Stat. Acc._

_To_ SPRACKLE, _v. n._ To clamber, S.

V. ~Sprattle~.

Isl. _sprikl-a_, membra concutere.


1. A cry, a shriek, S. B.


Su. G. _sprak-a_, strepere.

2. A mult.i.tude; as, a _spraich of bairns_, Ang.

_To_ SPRAICH, _v. n._ To cry with a voice of lamentation, Ang.

SPRAYGHERIE, SPRECHERIE, _s._ Moveables of an inferior description; such especially as have been collected by depredation, S.


Gael. _spreidh_, cattle.


1. A long stripe, including the idea of variegation, S.


2. The tail of a comet.


Teut. _spreng-en_, spargere, variare.

~Spraing"d~, ~Spraingit~, _part. adj._ Striped, streaked, S.

_Journal Lond._

SPRAT, SPREAT, SPRETT, SPRIT, _s._ Jointed-leaved rush, S. _sprot_, S.


Isl. _sproti_, a reed.


~Spritty~, _adj._ Full of _sprats_, S.


_To_ SPRATTLE, _v. n._ To scramble, S.

_J. Nicol._

Belg. _spartel-en_, to shake one"s legs to and fro.

SPRECKL"D, _adj._ Speckled, S.

Su. G. _sprecklot_, id.


SPREE, _s._ Innocent merriment,


Fr. _esprit_, spirit, vivacity.

SPREE, _adj._ Trim, gaudy, spruce, S.

Sw. _spraeg_, formosus.

_A. Douglas._

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