STOCK-HORNE, _s._ A horn anciently used by foresters in S.


STOCK-OWL, _s._ The eagle owl, Orkn.


STOCK-STORM, _s._ Snow continuing to lie on the ground, Aberd.

Isl. _stakastormur_, id.

STOCKERIT, _pret._

V. ~Stacker~.

STOCKIE, _s._ A piece of cheese, or a bit of fish, between two pieces of bread, Fife.

STOER-MACKREL, _s._ The tunny fish, S.


Sw. _stor_, great, and _makrill_, mackerell.


V. ~Stok~.

STOIP, _s._ A measure.

V. ~Stoup~.

_To_ STOIT, STOT, STOITER, _v. n._

1. To stagger, to totter, S.

_J. Nicol._

2. To stumble, S.

_Sir Tristrem._

3. Applied to public affairs.


Su. G. _stoet-a_, allidere, offendere.

~Stoiter~, _s._ The act of staggering, S.

_To_ STOK, _v. a._ To thrust.

V. ~Stug~.


~Stok~, ~Stok swerd~, ~Stog sword~, _s._ A long small sword.


Teut. _stocke_, sica, ensis.

STOKEN, _part. pa._ Inclosed.

V. ~Steik~, _v._

_To_ STOLL, _v. a._ To place in safety, or in ambush.


Teut. _stell-en_, ponere.

~Stoll~, _s._ A place of safety.

_Gl. Sibb._

STOLLING, STOLLIN, _s._ The act of stowing a cargo on shipboard.

_Acts Ja. III._

O. Teut. _stouw-en_, acervare.

STOLUM, _s._ As much ink as a pen takes up, S.

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