_To_ STUT, _v. a._ To prop, to support with stakes or pillars, S.; _steet_, Aberd.

Isl. _styd-ia_, _stod-a_, id.

_Pop. Ball._

~Stut~, _s._ A prop, a support, S.

Belg. _stut_, A. S. _studu_, Isl. _stud_, id.

STUTHERIE, _s._ A confused ma.s.s, S. B. perhaps the same with ~Stouthrie~, _s._ 2.

STUVAT, STEWAT, _s._ A person in a state of violent perspiration.


O. Fr. _estuv-er_, to stew; Ital. _stufat-o_, stewed.

SUAWE, SWAY, _conj. adv._ So.

V. ~Sa~.


SUBCHETT, SUBDITT, _s._ A subject.


Fr. _soubject_; Lat. _subdit-us_.

SUBERBYLLIS, _s. pl._ Suburbs.

O. Fr. _suborbies_, id.


SUBMISSE, _adj._ Submissive; O. Fr. _soubmis_.


SUCCUR, SUCCURE, SUCCRE, _s._ Sugar, S. _sucker_.

_Compl. S._

Fr. _sucre_, Dan. _sucker_, id.

_To_ ~Succre~, _v. a._ To sweeten with sugar, S.

_Z. Boyd._

SUCKEN _of a mill_, _s._

1. The jurisdiction attached to a mill, S.


2. The dues paid at a mill, S.; _shucken_, Moray.

_Pop. Ball._

A. S. _soc_, Su. G. _sokn_, exactio, jurisdictio.

~Suckener~, _s._ One who is bound to grind his grain at a certain mill, S.

SUCKIES, _s. pl._ The flowers of clover, S.

V. ~Souks~.

_A. Douglas._



O. Fr. _surcuiderie_, _surquiderie_, id.; from _surcuid-er_, presumer.


1. Suddenness, S.

_R. Bruce._

2. _Slauchter of suddantie_, accidental homicide.

_Acts Ja. III._

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