_To_ TARVEAL, _v. a._

1. To fatigue, S. B.


2. To vex.

_Gl. Sibb._

Fr. _travaill-er_, to vex, to trouble.

~Tarveal~, _adj._ Fretful, S. B.

_Journ. Lond._

_To_ TASH, _v. a._

1. To soil, S.


Fr. _tacher_, id.

2. To injure by calumny, S.

3. To upbraid, S. B.

~Tash~, _s._

1. A stain, S. Fr. _tache_.

2. An affront, S.


TASK, _s._ Angel or spirit of any person, Ross-shire. Gael. _taisc_, ghosts.

_Stat. Acc._

TASKER, _s._ A labourer who receives his wages in kind, for a certain task, E. Loth.

_Stat. Acc._

Ta.s.s, Ta.s.sIE, _s._ A cup, S.

V. ~Tais~.

~Ta.s.ses~, _s. pl._

V. ~Tishe~.

_Sir Gawan._

TASTER, _s._ A sea-fowl.



1. A small portion of any thing not liquid, S.


2. Lock, applied to hair.


3. Division, applied to a precept.


Isl. _taeta_, lanugo; minimum quid; Sw. _tott_, _totte_, handful of lint or wool.


1. Cow"s dung, S.

Isl. _tada_, dung, manure.

2. The luxuriant gra.s.s arising from the application of manure, S.

_To_ ~Tath~, _v. n._ To dung, S.

_To_ ~Tath~, _v. a._ To make a field produce gra.s.s in rank tufts by the application of any manure, S.

_Stat. Acc._

~Tathing~, _s._ A raising of rank gra.s.s by manure, S.

_Stat. Acc._

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