TATHIS, _s. pl._ Fragments.

_Sir Gawan._

Isl. _taet-a_, lacerare; _tet-ur_, tatters, shreds.

TATTER-WALLOPS, _s. pl._ Fluttering rags, S.

TATTY, TATt.i.t, TAWTED, _adj._ Matted.

Isl. _taatt-a_, to tease wool.


TAVART, _s._ A short coat without sleeves.

V. ~Talbart~.

TAUCHEY, _adj._ Greasy, S.

V. ~Taulch~.

TAUCHT, _pret. v._ Gave, committed.


S. _Betaucht_, abbreviated, q. v.


1. A child, Aberd.

Isl. _tata_, a baby, or puppet.

2. Podex, Perths.

_Gl. Everg._

~Taudy-fee~, _s._ Fine paid for having a child in b.a.s.t.a.r.dy.


TAULCH, TAUGH, _s._ Tallow, S. _tauch_.

_Acts Ja. I._

Belg. _talgh_, Su. G. Germ. _talg_, id.

TAUPIE, TAWPIE, _s._ A foolish woman; generally as implying the idea of inaction and slovenliness, S.


Su. G. _tapig_, simple, foolish; Dan. _taabe_, a fool.

_To_ TAW, _v. n._ To lay hold of, to tumble about.

_Gl. Sibb._

Su. G. _tae-ja_, Isl. _tae-a_, carpere lanam.

_To_ TAW, _v. a._

1. To make tough by kneading, Ang.

2. To work, like mortar, Ang.

Teut. _touw-en_, depsere.

TAW, _s._ The point of a whip, S.

V. ~Tawis~.

TAWAN, _s._ Reluctance, hesitation, Ang.

Isl. _tauf_, _toef_, mora; _tef-ia_, morari, impedire.

TAWBERN, TAWBURN, _s._ The tabour or tabret.

V. ~Talbrone~.


TAWIE, _adj._ Tame, tractable, S. O.


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