TRAIK, _s._

1. A plague, a mischief.


2. The flesh of sheep that have died of disease or by accident, S.

_Pennecuik, N._

_To_ TRAIK, _v. n._ To be in a declining state of health.


Su. G. _trak-a_, c.u.m difficultate progredi.

TRAILSYDE, _adj._ So long as to _trail_ on the ground.

V. ~Side~.


_To_ TRAYN, _v. a._ To draw, to entice.

Fr. _train-er_, to draw.


~Train~, _s._ A rope used for _drawing_, Orkn.

_Stat. Acc._


1. To trust.


2. _v. n._ To pledge faith, by entering into a truce.

_Gawan and Gol._

Isl. _treist-a_, Su. G. _traest-a_, confidere.

~Traist~, ~Trest~, _s._ Trust, faith.

_Complaynt S._

Isl. _traust-r_, Su. G. _troest_, fiducia.

~Traist~, ~Traisty~, _adj._

1. Trusty, faithful.


Isl. _traust-r_, Su. G. _troest_, fidus, fidelis.

2. Confident.


Germ. _treist_, Su. G. _troest_, audax.

3. Secure, safe.


~Traist~, _s._ An appointed meeting.

V. ~Tryst~.


~Traistis~, _s. pl._ A roll of the accusations brought against those who, in former times, were to be legally tried.

_Acts Ja. III._

~Traistly~, _adv._ Confidently, securely.


TRAIST, _s._ Frame of a table.

V. ~Trest~.

TRAYT, _s._ Bread of _trayt_, a superior kind of bread made of fine wheat.

Panis de _Treyt_, Fleta.

_Chalm. Air._

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