
~Trattils~, _s. pl._ Trattles, idle talk.



V. ~Treviss~.

TRAWART, _adj._ Perverse.

V. ~Thrawart~.



V. ~Tranont~.

TRAZILEYS, _s. pl._ The props of vines.


L. B. _trestell-us_, fulcrum mensae.

_To_ TREADLE, _v. n._ To go frequently and with difficulty, Fife.

TREE, _s._ A barrel, S.

_Acts Ja. V._

Su. G. _trae_, mensura aridorum.

~TREE and TRANTEL~, a piece of wood that goes behind a horse"s tail, for keeping back the _sunks_ or _sods_, used instead of a saddle, Perths.

TREGALLION, _s._ Collection, a.s.sortment, Dumfr.

C. B. _treigliant_, a strolling; _treiglian-nu_, to effect a circulation; O. Fr. _trigalle_, a lodging-house.

TREIN, TRENE, _adj._ Wooden; _treein_, S.


A. S. _treowen_, arboreus, ligneus.

~Trein mare~, a barbarous instrument of punishment, formerly used in the army.


_To_ TREISSLE, _v. a._ To abuse by treading, Loth.

O. Fr. _tressaill-ir_, to leap or skip.

_To_ TREIT, TRETE, _v. a._ To entreat, Lanerks.; pret. _tret_.


O. Fr. _traict-er_, id. Lat. _tract-are_.

~Treyter~, _s._ A messenger for _treating_ of peace.


TREITCHEOURE, _s._ A traitour; Fr. _trichear_.


TRELLYEIS, TRELYEIS, _s. pl._ Currycombs.

Fr. _etrille_, Lat. _strigil-is_.


TREMBLING FEVERS, the ague, Ang.

_Trembling aixes_, Loth. from A. S. _ace_, dolor.

TRENSAND, _part. pr._ Cutting.

Fr. _trenchant_, id.


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