TRENTAL, _s._ A service of thirty, which were usually celebrated upon as many different days, for the dead.

_Bannatyne P._

Fr. _trentel_, id. from _trente_, thirty.

_To_ TREST, to trust.

V. ~Traist~.


1. The frame of a table, S. _tress_.

_Pal. Hon._

2. A tripod.


3. The frames for supporting artillery.

_Acts Ja. V._

Fr. _tresteau_, fulcrum mensae.

TREST, _s._ A beam.

V. ~Trast~.

TRET, _adj._ Long and well proportioned.


Fr. _traict_, _trait_, drawn out, lengthened.

TRETABYL, _adj._ Tractable, pliable.


_To_ TRETE, _v. a._ To entreat.

V. ~Treit~.

~Tretie~, _s._ Entreaty.


TRETIE, _s._ A treatise.

Fr. _traite_.


TREVALLYIE, _s._ A train or retinue, implying the idea of its meanness, Clydes.

C. B. _trafull-iaw_, to bustle extremely.


1. Any thing laid across by way of bar, S.

2. A counter or desk in a shop, S. B.

L. B. _travacha_, _travayso_, Fr. _travaison_, intertignium.

3. Hangings, a curtain.

_King"s Quair._

_To_ TREW, _v. a._ To trust.

V. ~Trow~.

TREW, _s._ Often in pl. _trewis_, a truce.

O. Fr. _treu_, also _treves_, id.


~Trewyd~, _part. pa._ Protected by a truce.


TREWS, _s. pl._ Trouse, trousers, S.

Ir. _trius_, Gael. _triubhas_, Fr. _trousse_.

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