
2. A pettish humour.


In Lincolnsh. this word is used for a scarecrow, from _bogill_, or C. B. _bogel-u_, to affright, and _bo_, a hobgoblin, q. "the affrighting goblin."

_To_ BOGG-SCLENT, _v. n._ Apparently, to avoid action, to abscond in the day of battle.


Perhaps in allusion to him who _sklents_ or strikes off obliquely from the highway, into a _bog_, to avoid being taken prisoner.

BOGSTALKER, _s._ An idle, wandering, and stupid fellow; one who seems to have little to do, and no understanding, S.

V. ~Stalker~.


Borrowed perhaps from outlaws, who were seen at a distance hunting in marshy places, where pursuit was more difficult.

BOID, _s._

_Maitland Poems._

Isl. _bode_, a term used to denote a wave agitated by the wind; unda maris c.u.m vadosis scopulis luctans.


1. A washing-tub, S. B.

2. A flat broad-bottomed vessel, into which milk is emptied from the pail, a _bowyne_, Loth.

Unless from Isl. _boginn_, curvus, or Dan. _bugn-e_, to bend, as respecting its form; I can offer no conjecture as to the origin.

BOYIS, _s._ _In boyis_, in fetters.


Teut. _boeye_, compes, pedica, vinculum; _boey-en_ compedire.

BOIS, _adj._ Hollow.

V. ~Bos~.


V. ~Boss~.

_Knox"s Hist._

_To_ BOIST, BOAST, _v. a._ To threaten, to endeavour to terrify, S.


C. B. _bost-io_, to vaunt one"s self; _bost_, vaunting.

BOIST, BOST, _s._ Threatening, S.


BOIT, _s._ A cask or tub used for the purpose of curing butcher-meat, or for holding it after it is cured; sometimes called a _beef-boat_, S.


Germ. _b.u.t.te_; Ital. _botte_, id., whence E. _b.u.t.t_. Su. G.

_byttia_, situla, cupa; Teut. _botte_, id. dolium, orca, cupa.

_To_ BOK, BOCK, _v. a._

1. To vomit, S.

_Gawan and Gol._

2. To reach, to incline to puke, S.

3. To belch, (eructare) S.

A. Bor. _boke_, _bowk_, to nauseate, to be ready to vomit; _booac_, to reach, to keck, ibid. Perhaps from A. S. _bealc-an_, eructare. It however has greater resemblance of _puke_, to which no etymon has been a.s.signed.

BOK, BOCK, _s._ The act of reaching, S.


BOKEIK, _s._ Bopeep, a game.

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