
BOKS, _s. pl._ "Corner teeth," Gl. Sibb.

_Maitland Poems._

_To_ BOLDIN, BOLDYN, _v. n._ To swell.


~Boldin~, ~Boulden~, _part. pa._ swelled.

This is softened into _bowdin_, _bowden_, S. Often in the _pret._ and _part._ it is written _bolnys_, swells, (Doug. V.) and _bolnyt_. I hesitate whether these are contr. from _boldinnys_, _boldinnyt_, or the v. in another form, more nearly resembling Su. G. _buln-a_, Dan.

_bul-ner_. Su. G. _bul-na_, _bulg-ia_, id. _bolginn_, swollen. Hence Isl. bilgia, Su. G. bolgia, a billow; because it is raised by the wind; and _bolda_, a boil, a tumour. Gael. _builg-am_ to swell, _builg_, a blister.

BOLGAN LEAVES, Nipplewort, an herb, S. B. Lapsana communis, Linn.

Perhaps from Isl. _bolg-a_, tumere, or Su. G. _bolginn_, swollen, q. "swelling leaves," as being supposed by the vulgar in S. to be efficacious in removing swellings.

_To_ BOLYN, _v. n._ To lay tack aboard.

_Maitland Poems._

O. Fr. _bolin-er_, to sail by a wind, or close upon a wind.

BOLL, _Lintseed Boll_.

V. ~Bow~.

BOLLMAN, _s._ A cottager, Orkn.

_Statist. Acc._

Perhaps from Su. G. Isl. _bol_, villa, and _man_, q. the inhabitant of a village. It is always p.r.o.nounced _bowman_.

BOLME, _s._ A boom, a waterman"s pole.


Germ. _baum_, Belg. _boom_, a tree.


V. ~Boldin~.

BOLNYNG, _s._ Swelling.

V. ~Boldin~.


BOLSTER, _s._ That part of a mill in which the axletree moves, S.

BOMBILL, _s._ Buzzing noise; metaph. used for boasting.


Teut. _bommele_, a drone.

BON, _s._ Apparently, bane, injury.


BONALAIS, BONAILIE, BONNAILLIE, _s._ A drink taken with a friend, when one is about to part with him; as expressive of one"s wishing him a prosperous journey, S.


It is now generally p.r.o.n. _bonaillie_, S. _Bonalais_ might seem to be the plur. But perhaps it merely retains the form of Fr. _Bon allez_.

BONE, _s._ A pet.i.tion, a prayer.


O. E. id. Isl. _baen_, precatio, oratio; _boon_ pet.i.tio, gratis acceptio, mendicatio, G. Andr. A. S. _ben_, _bene_, id.

BONETT, _s._ "A small sail, fixed to the bottom or sides of the great sails, to accelerate the ship"s way in calm weather." Gl. Compl.


Fr. _bonnette_, Sw. _bonet_, id.


1. Beautiful, pretty, S.

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