UNSELYEABLE, _adj._ Una.s.sailable.


UNSETT, _s._ An attack, for _onset_.



1. Not secure, not safe.


2. Unsteady, S.

V. ~Sikkir~.


UNSILLY, _adj._

V. ~Unsel~.

UNSNARRE, _adj._ Blunt, not sharp, S. B.

V. ~Snarre~.

UNSNED, _part. pa._ Not pruned or cut, S.

UNSONSIE, _adj._

1. Unlucky, S.


2. Mischievous, S.

V. ~Sonsy~.


_To_ UNSNECK, _v. a._ To lift a latch, S.

_Pop. Ball._

UNSOUND, _s._ A pang.

_Gawan and Gol._

Teut. _on-ghe-sonde_, morbus.

UNTELLABYLL, UNTELLIBYLL, _adj._ What cannot be told.


~Untellably~, _adv._ Ineffably.


UNTHINKABILL, _adj._ Inconceivable.


UNTHOCHT, _To haud_ one _unthocht lang_, to keep one from wearying.

_Pop. Ball._

Teut. _ondeuchtigh_, curae et timoris expers.

UNTHRIFTY, _adj._ Unfriendly.

V. ~Thryft~.


UNTILL, _prep._ Unto.

V. ~Skair~.

UNTYNT, _part. pa._ Not lost.

V. ~Tyne~.


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