_Acts Sed._

USTE, _s._ The host, the sacrifice of the ma.s.s.

O. Fr. _oiste_.

_Abp. Hamiltoun._

UTa.s.s, WTAST, corr. of _Octaves_.


UTELAUY, WTELAUY, _s._ An outlaw.


A. S. _ut-laga_, Isl. _utlaeg-r_, exul.


1. Extremity, in any respect.


2. Extremity, as respecting distress.

V. ~Outrance~.


UTGIE, UTGIEN, _s._ Expense, expenditure, S.

Belg. _uytgaave_, id.

UTOUTH, _prep._

V. ~Outwith~.


V. ~Outterit~.

UVER, UVIR, _adj._

1. Upper, in respect of situation, S.


2. Superior in power. _The uver hand_, the superiority, S.

V. ~Ouer~.

VULT, _s._ Aspect.


O. Fr. _vult_, Lat. _vult-us_.

_To_ VUNG, _v. n._ To move swiftly with a buzzing or humming sound, Aberd. _bung_, S. O.



WA, WAY, _s._ Wo, grief, S. _wae_.


A. S. _wa, wae_, Moes. G. _wai_.

~Wayis me~, wo is me.


Isl. _vaes mer_, va mihi sit.

~Wae worth you~, wo befal you, S.

V. ~Worth~.

WA, _adj._ Sorrowful, S. _wae_; comp. _waer_, superl. _wayest_.


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