A. S. _bufan_, _bufon_, above, and _most_.

BOOT, BUT, BOUD, BIT, BUD, BOOST, _v. imp._ Behoved, was under a necessity of, S.; _He boot to do_ such a thing; he could not avoid it.

_It bit to be_; it was necessary that this should take place.

_Ross. Burns._

_Bus_ and _bud_ occur in the same sense in Ywaine and Gawin. Most probably it is a corr. of _behoved_, Belg. _behoeft_.

BOOST, _s._ A box.

V. ~Buist~.


1. A small hole or crevice; a place used for shelter, especially by smaller animals, S.

_Sir Tristrem._

2. An opening in the clouds, when the sky is thick and gloomy, or during rain, is called a _blue bore_, S. It is sometimes used metaph.


Su. G. Germ. _bor_, terebra; Isl. _bora_, foramen; A. S. _bor-ian_, to pierce.

BORCH, BORGH, BOWRCH, BOROW, _s._ A surety. The term properly denotes a person who becomes bail for another, for whatever purpose.


2. A pledge; any thing laid in p.a.w.n.


The term occurs in both senses in O. E. A. S. _borg_, _borh_, fide-jussor; also, foenus; Germ. _burge_, a pledge. Su. G. _borgen_, suretyship. Ihre derives Su. G. and Isl. _borg-a_, to become surety, from _berg-a_, a periculo tueri, to protect from danger. The idea is certainly most natural: For what is suretyship, but warranting the _safety_ of any person or thing?

_To_ BORCH, _v. a._ To give a pledge or security for, to bail.


_To_ BORROW, BORW, _v. a._

1. To give security for; applied to property.


2. To become surety for; applied to a person.

_Baron Courts._

Su. G. _borg-a_, id.

_To_ BORROW _one_, to urge one to drink, Ang.

When one _pledges_ another in company, he engages to drink after him; and in ancient times it was generally understood, that he who pledged another, was engaged to drink an equal quant.i.ty.

BORROWGANGE, s. A state of suretyship.

_Reg. Maj._

Su. G. _edgaang_, _laggaang_, are rendered by Ihre, actus jurandi, from _gaa_, ire; _borrowgange_ may thus be merely the act of _going_ or _entering_ as a surety.

BORD, _s._

1. A broad hem or welt, S.

2. The edge or border of a woman"s cap, S.

Fr. _bord_, Belg. _boord_, a welt, a hem, or selvage; Isl. _bard_, _bord_, the extremity or margin.

BORDEL, _s._ A brothel, Dunbar.

Fr. _bordel_, id., Su. G. A. S. _bord_, a house. The dimin. of this, Ihre says, was L. B. _bordell-um_, _bordil-e_, tuguriolum, cujus generis quum olim meretric.u.m stabula essent.

BORDELLAR, _s._ A haunter of brothels.


BORE, _s._ A crevice.

V. ~Bor~.

BORE"S- (or BOAR"S) EARS, _s. pl._ The name given to the Auricula, S. B.

Primula auricula, Linn.

A bear is called a _boar_, S., especially S. B.

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