
_To_ WESCHE, _v. a._ To wash, S.


WESCHE, _s._ Stale urine.

V. ~Wash~.

WESELY, _adv._ Cautiously.

V. ~Vesie~.


_To_ WESY, _v. a._ To examine.

V. ~Vesie~.

WESTER, _s._ A fish-spear, Loth.

WESTLAND, WESTLIN, _adj._ Western, S.


WESTLINS, WESTLINES, _adv._ Westwards, S.


WETHY, _s._ A halter.

V. ~Widdie~.


WETING, _s._ Knowledge.

_Sir Gawan._

A. S. _weot-an_, to know.

WEUCH, _s._ Wo, mischief.

V. ~Wouch~.

_To_ WEVIL, _v. n._ To wriggle.

V. ~Weffil~.

? WH.

For words not found here, see ~Quh~.

WHANG, _s._

1. A thong, S.

2. A slice, S.

_To_ ~Whang~, _v. a._ To flog, to scourge, S.

V. ~Quhaing~.

_To_ WHAISLE, WHOSLE, _v. n._ To wheeze in breathing, S.

_Pop. Ball._

Su. G. Isl. _hwaes-a_, id.

WHATY, _adj._ Indifferent.

_Thomas of Ercildone._

_To_ WHAUK, _v. a._

1. To thwack, S.

2. Metaphor., to hara.s.s.


WHAUP, _s._ A curlew.

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