
WITHOUTYN, _prep._ Without.


A. S. _with_, versus, and _utan_, extra.

WITHLETTING, _s._ Obstruction.


A. S. _with_, and A. S. _let-an_, to permit.

_To_ WITHSAY, _v. a._ To gainsay, to oppose.


A. S. _with-saegg-an_, to deny, to gainsay.

_To_ WITHSET, _v. a._ To beset.


A. S. _with-sett-an_, to resist.

_To_ WITHTAK, _v. a._ To lay hold of, to seize.


A. S. _with-taec-an_, ad capere.

_To_ WITTER, WYTYR, _v. a._ To inform, to make known.


Su. G. _witr-a_, notum facere, indicare.

~Wittir~, _s._

1. A mark, a sign.


2. A pennon, a standard.


3. In _curling_, the mark towards which the stones are pushed, S. A.


~Witterly~, _adv._ According to good information.


~Wittryng~, ~Wyttring~, ~Wittering~, _s._

1. Information, knowledge.


2. Information with respect to future events, or of a prophetic kind.


Isl. _vitr-a_ is synon. with Sw. _foreboda_, to prognosticate.

~Witter-stone~, _s._ Apparently, a stone originally placed as a _witter_ or mark.


WITTER, _s._ The barb of an arrow or fishhook, S.

_To_ WITTER, _v. n._ To fight, to fall foul of one another, Gl. Sibb.; perh. to take one by the throat.

V. next word.

Belg. _veter_, a point; Teut. _wette_, acies cultri.

WITTER, _s._ The throat, Aberd.

_Journ. Lond._

This seems corr. from Lat. _guttur_.

WITTINS, _s. pl._ Knowledge. _Without my wittins_, without my knowledge, S.

A. S. part. _wittende_, knowing.

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