Publishedat 29th of December 2018 12:10:29 PMChapter 128

Question . 1

"Will Shen Tian join the others in the new world, as a student too?"

Answer - Yes .

Question . 2

" How long will this fanfiction be?"

Answer - Depends, about 200 to 300 chapters I guess .

Question 3

" Will he confront Nie Li about reincarnation?"

Answer - Yes, eventually .

Question 4


Answer - I won"t drop the fanfiction .

Question 5

- From what I understood,"Are you going to stop at the latest chapter of TDG?"

Advertis.e.m.e.ntAnswer - No, I"ll continue my own little arcs, :)

Question 6 .

"Will they go to the Draconic Ruins Realm? Will you make both Nie Li and Shen Tian defeat Sage Emperor?"

Answer - Too early to answer that, as I have yet to think that FAR, but there is a high chance the Sage Emperor won"t die . No he won"t be a c.o.c.kroach .

Question 7

"Will you give the Temporal Demon Spirit Manual/Book or whatever to Shen Tian?"

Answer - No .

Question 8

"Will Shen Tian have a harem?"

Answer - For the one hundredth f.u.c.king time, NO .

Question 9

"Will Nie Li ever f.u.c.king die here?"

Answer - I dunno, probably no .

Question 10

"Will you kill the Demon Lord before leaving the Little World?

Answer - Surprise motherf.u.c.ker, spoiler! No, Demon Lord WILL EITHER DIE or get enslaved by mc .

Question 11

"Which Sect will he join?"

Answer - One of the readers gave me a superb idea, the Abyssal Void Sect, I might make an original sect!

Question 12

(Original Question skipped due to not being related to novel)

" Are you going to do character development?"

Answer - I plan to, I"ve noticed I focus too much on MC and enemies, and barely on his friends . Will TRY to change .

Question 13

"Will Our MC ever experience some kind of challenge?"

Answer - If we read the same novel, you should also have read the same fights . Although in every fight, Shen Tian never EVER goes all out, he did struggle against the Chaos Emperor, they fought for hours to DAYS without a clear winner . He was not going all out but sitll .

Question 14

"Will Shen Tian ever have a goal in life?"

Answer - It"s a bit cliche, but his goal in life is to be at the apex, reason still to be revealed .

Question 15

"Will he get kids?"

Answer - Obviously yes . . . Ahhh Just that one of them is tightly connected to my next stories in fact!

Question 16

"How old is Shen Tian, and which is his birthday?"

Answer - Stole it from my birthday, but he is currently as old as me, 14 years old, birthday - 27th August .

Question 17

"Why are you so dedicated to not write a Harem Novel/Will you ever write such a novel?"

Answer - I usually would ignore such a question, but let me make it STRAIGHT here . I WILL NEVER EVER WRITE A NOVEL WITH +2 GIRLS, MAX is 2, anymore and I WON"T WRITE IT!

Question 18

"Will Shen Tian make his own weapon in the near future?"

Answer - I plan to, he"s going to melt a very strong metal inside his soul realm, together with some s.h.i.t, and mix it with his laws, to create the Abyssal Void Sword . Thunder G.o.d"s Meteorite Sword goes to Ning"er .

Question 19 .

"What impact will the other friends of Nie Li and him will have in the story?"

Answer - Still not sure myself, a minor to major influence, Nie Li lacks a lot of treasures, but he makes up with that with his current cultivation, peak of the Legend Rank!

Question 20

"Will he create his own organization, similar to Akatsuki?"

Answer - Maybe, he already has all the members!

Question 21

"When will your MGa Fanfic come out?"

Answer - When I finish my TDG Fanfic, perhaps a few days after it, after all I want to rest a bit .

Question 22

"Why are you so good at writing?"

Answer - I"m not .

Question 23

" Will he go to other novels?"

Answer - He makes an appearance in my MGA fanfic, as the second OVerseer/Overlord . Nothing more .

Question 24

"How Strong is Shen Tian actually?"

Answer - Heavenly Star, at the end of the Underground Region Arc, currently hovers around the Heavenly Axis Realm .


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