Publishedat 31st of December 2018 09:25:16 AMChapter 233: 233

Well, I wanted to make a chapter about my future projects and my current novel .

It"s been a very amazing year . 26th also marked the 3rd anniversary of me starting to write officially on the internet and in English . . . I believe I was just one day off my 4th month as an 11 years old boy .

I Don"t remember writing much at age 13 since I was kind of sick of the criticism which was really rare anyway . That was when I wrote originals in RoyalRoadl, I also agree that they are horrendous lol

My best work there was probably Void G.o.d Emperor . . . I literally rewrote that piece of s.h.i.t three times and still dropped it T-T

Back to the main point of this chapter anyway xD .

Advertis.e.m.e.ntSo, probably most of you aren"t the ones who read this fanfiction from day 1 when it was kind of popular but not really, I always called myself the least popular top writer when I Was in top 20 .

It was you guys which made me strive to improve, and I believe I"ve completed my goal for this novel . If it was one month ago, I"d like to tell you all that this novel would last until ch . 400 .

In fact, my goal was to originally even surpa.s.s the current count of TDG, which is 473 or something like that . I don"t need to tell you guys that I mostly focused on writing the original pieces of this fanfiction which practically is not even a fanfiction .

With a bit of sadness, I have to announce that I am . . . Going to write in a faster pace . No, I won"t be writing more chapters than am, but going to skip most content in the original arc . If I were to continue with my original pace, it would take up to ch . 300 to FINISH the original arc .

Now I plan to that by ch . 300 we would have covered most if not all of TDG, killed the Sage Emperor and perhaps even finished the story . To compensate you might"ve noticed that I am raising the word count per chapter, from the usual 1000 words to 1 . 1k or even 1 . 2k( last 5-6 chapters have that average)

My projects for the future .

Talest of the Eternal G.o.d Slayer

My first project for 2019 is supposed to be my MGA fanfiction . I really feel like my prologue is wasted on that fanfiction lol .

This was supposed to be extraordinarily long but after a few thoughts there and here, I decided to just make it roughly the same size .

I don"t plan on adding a lot of original chapters there, mostly working with the story MGA has mainly because it"s . . . Ma.s.sive .

Yeah, it"s filled with filler but you get what I mean .

(Still searching for an appropriate name for mc, Chu Jian comes to mind)

I estimate to start it by MARCH at the latest date, and February at the earliest date .

My 2nd project for 2019 with my fans support at the time, is Road of Divinity .

Dragon Marked War G.o.d is the work I decided to make a fanfiction on when the fans chose it as the next work to make a fanfiction to .

I believe I can work around that since It doesn"t really EXPAND as a whole, but merely where the MC goes . It will be enjoyable to write it since I plan to do a different kind of mc there .

I estimate it to start around July or September and finish by November at maximum, also going to be 200-300 chapters most likely .

my FINAL project in 2019 is probably going to be my original novel, something I have a basic idea of what I want to do, but no name, no characters( only 2 to be sure though, MC and . . . ) .

I plan to start it around December 2019 at the latest date .

August 2019, 27th also marks the day I turn 15 .


So, this novel will end by end of January most likely . Enjoy it till then .

Goodbye .

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