62. History Medicinal of those things which relate to the Form and Comeliness of the Body.

63. History Medicinal of those things which alter the Body, and pertain to Alterative Regimen.

64. History of Drugs.

65. History of Surgery.

66. Chemical History of Medicines.

67. History of Vision, and of things Visible.

68. History of Painting, Sculpture, Modelling, etc.

69. History of Hearing and Sound.

70. History of Music.

71. History of Smell and Smells.

72. History of Taste and Tastes.

73. History of Touch, and the objects of Touch.

74. History of Venus, as a species of Touch.

75. History of Bodily Pains, as species of Touch.

76. History of Pleasure and Pain in general.

77. History of the Affections; as Anger, Love, Shame, etc.

78. History of the Intellectual Faculties; Reflexion, Imagination, Discourse, Memory, etc.

79. History of Natural Divinations.

80. History of Diagnostics, or Secret Natural Judgements.

81. History of Cookery, and of the arts thereto belonging, as of the Butcher, Poulterer, etc.

82. History of Baking, and the Making of Bread, and the arts thereto belonging, as of the Miller, etc.

83. History of Wine.

84. History of the Cellar and of different kinds of Drink.

85. History of Sweetmeats and Confections.

86. History of Honey.

87. History of Sugar.

88. History of the Dairy.

89. History of Baths and Ointments.

90. Miscellaneous History concerning the care of the body--as of Barbers, Perfumers, etc.

91. History of the working of Gold, and the arts thereto belonging.

92. History of the manufactures of Wool, and the arts thereto belonging.

93. History of the manufactures of Silk, and the arts thereto belonging.

94. History of the manufactures of Flax, Hemp, Cotton, Hair, and other kinds of Thread, and the arts thereto belonging.

95. History of manufactures of Feathers.

96. History of Weaving, and the arts thereto belonging.

97. History of Dyeing.

98. History of Leather-making, Tanning, and the arts thereto belonging.

99. History of Ticking and Feathers.

100. History of working in Iron.

101. History of Stone-cutting.

102. History of the making of Bricks and Tiles.

103. History of Pottery.

104. History of Cements, etc.

105. History of working in Wood.

106. History of working in Lead.

107. History of Gla.s.s and all vitreous substances, and of Gla.s.s-making.

108. History of Architecture generally.

109. History of Waggons, Chariots, Litters, etc.

110. History of Printing, of Books, of Writing, of Sealing; of Ink, Pen, Paper, Parchment, etc.

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