On "Pietro of Abano" and the leading ideas of "Dramatic Idyls", second series, 1880. By the Rev. J. Sharpe, M.A. Read Nov. 25, 1881.

On Browning"s "Fifine at the Fair". By J. T. Nettleship, Esq.

Read Feb. 24, 1882.

Notes on the Genius of Robert Browning. By James Thomson.

Read Jan. 27, 1882.

Browning"s Philosophy. By John Bury, Trin. Coll., Dublin.

Read April 28, 1882.

On "Bishop Blougram"s Apology". By the Rev. Prof. E. Johnson, M.A.

Read May 26, 1882.

The Idea of Personality, as embodied in Robert Browning"s Poetry.

By Prof. Hiram Corson, LL.D., Cornell University. Read June 23, 1882.

(Contained in this volume.)

The Religious Teaching of Browning. By Dorothea Beale.

Read Oct. 27, 1882.

An Account of Abbe Vogler. (From Fetis & Nisard.) By Miss Eleanor Marx.

Conscience and Art in Browning. By the Rev. Prof. E. Johnson, M.A.

Browning"s Intuition, specially in regard of Music and the Plastic Arts.

By J. T. Nettleship. Read Feb. 23, 1883.

On some Points in Browning"s View of Life. By the Rev. Prof.

B. F. Westcott, D.D. Read before the Cambridge Browning Soc., Nov., 1882.

One aspect of Browning"s Villains. By Miss E. D. West.

Read April 27, 1883.

Browning"s Poems on G.o.d and Immortality as bearing on life here.

By William F. Revell. Read March 30, 1883.

James Lee"s Wife. By Rev. J. H. Bulkeley. Read May 25, 1883.

Abt Vogler. By Mrs. Turnbull. Read June 22, 1883.

On some prominent points of Browning"s teaching. By W. A. Raleigh, Esq., of King"s College, Cambridge. Read Feb. 22, 1884.

"Caliban upon Setebos", with some notes on Browning"s subtlety and humor. By J. Cotter Morison, Esq. Read April 25, 1884.

In a Balcony. By Mrs. Turnbull. Read July 4, 1884.

On "Mr. Sludge the Medium". By Edwin Johnson, M.A.

Read March 27, 1885.

Browning as a Scientific Poet. By Edward Berdoe, M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (Ed.). Read April 24, 1885.

On the development of Browning"s genius in his capacity as Poet or Maker. By J. T. Nettleship, Esq. Read Oct. 30, 1885.

On "Aristophanes" Apology". By John B. Bury, B.A., Trin. Coll., Dublin.

Read Jan. 29, 1886.

Andrea Del Sarto. By Albert Fleming. Read Feb. 26, 1886.

The reasonable rhythm of some of Browning"s Poems. By the Rev.

H. J. Bulkeley, M.A. Read May 28, 1886.

The following works should be mentioned:--

Stories from Robert Browning. By Frederic May Holland.

With an Introduction by Mrs. Sutherland Orr. London: 1882.

Strafford: a Tragedy. By Robert Browning. With notes and preface by Emily H. Hickey {First Hon. Sec. of the Browning Society}.

And an Introduction by Samuel R. Gardiner, LL.D., Professor of Modern History, King"s College, London. London: 1884.

A Handbook to the works of Robert Browning. By Mrs. Sutherland Orr.

London: 1885. A good reference book.

Poets and Problems. By George Willis Cooke. Boston: 1886.

pp. 269-388 devoted to Browning.

Essays on Poetry and Poets. By the Hon. Roden Noel. London: 1886.

pp. 256-282 devoted to Browning.

Select Poems of Robert Browning. By W. J. Rolfe. Boston.

Important works published since the first edition of this book:--

Sordello"s Story retold in prose. By Annie Wall. Boston and New York: 1886.

Browning"s Women. By Mary E. Burt. With an introduction by Rev. Edward Everett Hale, D.D., LL.D. Chicago: 1887.

Studies in the Poetry of Robert Browning. By James Fotheringham.

London: 1887.

An Introduction to the Poetry of Robert Browning.

By William John Alexander, Ph.D. Boston: 1889.

Sordello: an outline a.n.a.lysis of Mr. Browning"s poem.

By Jeanie Morison. Edinburgh and London: 1889.

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