First Year Second Semester – Black Joker (Part 2)

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One Day I Became a Burikko Villainess n.o.ble Girl, . Honto tutorial .

Think of it as throwing money at the author and Alphapolis, and getting a book with squiggles and pretty pictures as a pleasant extra.

You might be thinking, ‘Well, do I owe any thanks to Alphapolis the publisher?’, but in fact it is because the publishers are so willing to pick up web novels (Alphapolis in particular) that so many creative stories are being written by people wanting to make it as writers.

It happened in the middle of cla.s.s. When I was getting my attendance marked off as a member of the Clovers cla.s.s, a row of soldiers appeared before me.

“Capture Frau Monier!”

An unfamiliar commanding soldier pointed at me and raised his voice. With his voice as the trigger, the other rank and file soldiers all charged at me at once.

“Wha-? Frau, did you do something?”

“Who are these people? Kyaa!”

The schoolgirls in my cla.s.s who didn’t know anything all screamed together at the sudden development. Shocked by the group of soldiers, the cla.s.sroom fell victim to pandemonium.

Could it be, my plans were revealed? It couldn’t be… That’s definitely not it. I used memory wiping and mouth-sealing magic to make sure that, friend or enemy, n.o.body would be able to reveal a thing. …In that case, why did the soldiers of this country appear here? Even though my plan is still only halfway. I can’t afford to be caught in a place like this.

I have to save this world that I love so much.

The environment I was raised in was the same as the protagonist’s. A small, and impoverished village. I took over the place of Frau Monier, the daughter of a normal family who was three at the time.

In the game world that my sister gave me… In that dream-like world, I woke up in a place like that. And as the protagonist of the game.

“This might really be a dream though.”

In this dream that I wouldn’t wake up from no matter how much time pa.s.sed, when I was injured it hurt, and I got hungry too.

And moreover… My joy at being in that ideal world lasted for but an instant… This world was, much dirtier than the one my sister had come up with. In the poor village that I lived in, everybody suffered because of their lifestyle. It was a scene that wasn’t shown in much detail in the game. Here the crops had poor yield, everybody starved, and thieves appeared as a matter of course. There were even unbelievable epidemics, and even harm from monsters. …Even so, this country wouldn’t give us a thing. The n.o.bles and royals only thought about themselves, and never took notice of the commoners.

There was no way that the world my sister created should have been this dirty. So I stood up and took the first step. Together with comrades who felt the same way. I couldn’t wait absentmindedly until the headmaster picked me up like the protagonist.

“So… What are these guys nonchantly doing, appearing wearing a mask of justice after all this time? You’re barking up the wrong tree!”

I raised my right hand to the air. Soldiers of this level are nothing.

“I won’t let you lot dirty the precious world that Oneechan created!”

Just with a wave of my right hand, the soldiers were all sent flying into the wall.

“Quick to fall, aren’t you?”

There’s no way they could win against me, right? I mean, I’m the protagonist in this story world, you know? I’m definitely here to clean up this world, you know?

“What are you gunna do, Frau? You can’t go to school anymore, you know?”

Asagi who was in cla.s.s right next to me was going to help me fight.

“…I can’t be helped, can it, Asagi? There are still people that I wanted to gather to us though.”

“We’re out of time, huh.”

“Well, that’s fine. It’ll be fine as long as we contact them again later… and our preliminary preparations are done.”

We ran past the confused students. I attacked the pursuing soldiers again with magic.

“Achille Jade, was it?”

“Yes, his intelligence will be useful… There was an interference, but her mind is done for now, so I wonder if she can do a thing now.”

Camille Rhodolite.

Although she was somebody from the same world as me, she was a foolish woman who lived in the exact opposite way that I did… Even when I was grieving over the deaths of my fellow villagers, and after that even while I was running around to try and better the country even a little, she was living leisurely without a worry and celebrating her life as a n.o.ble, and enjoyed her romance game. Without paying any attention to the lifestyle of the starving people of this nation. The first time I saw her I was just so angry that my vision turned red.

“Scary, scary.”

Asagi shrugged his shoulders while running.

“Let’s transfer. There’s a transfer magic circle to Topageria prepared in my room.”

“Yeah, alright… Oop.”

Asagi dodged an attack from a soldier lying in wait. I’ve known him since I was little. He’s also dissatisfied with this country. At the end of the day, he’s the ringleader of the Revolution Route, after all. It was easy pulling him over to my side. We gathered like-minded people to our side, and then put ourselves to action.

First I used the volume of my magic power as a bargaining tool in order to have myself adopted into the n.o.ble family of the neighbouring country. With a powerful merchant who travels the world, as well as possessing a baron’s t.i.tle, the Cintron family. In Diamonds, and Clovers, and Spades too… the J’s are all very capable. I definitely want to complete the set with the J of Hearts too. If they’re talented, and pledge their allegiance, then they’ll definitely be useful.

“For now, let’s take shelter in the Cintron house.”


After completely crushing the soldiers, we left the school building. I wonder, did I go just a little bit too far? But, they’re the ones in the wrong.


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