aThat might be a bit distracting, to all of you.a Her voice shook with nerves. aYou could miss a crucial piece of information, lose your advantage.a aWe could at that.a His lips curved. aMaybe wead make you partic.i.p.ate, get you to go through your numbers with us, answer our questions. See if we couldnat catch you in a mistake, make you lose that infamous cool of yours.a aIad hardly call it infamous.a aHoney, you donat know the half of it. Don Blatovsky said you were ice from inside out, though he put it in less than flattering terms.a Jonas eyes took on a gleam. aWhich is why Peter utterly destroyed him in racquetball.a There were a series of chuckles around the table, male sounds of satisfaction that made her feelaprotected. Championed.

aPlus, he didnat have this crucial bit of information.a Jon leaned forward, bringing his face close to hers as his hand slid across the table, under her suspended body, and found her p.u.s.s.y. He dipped into her heat and wetness, making her gasp. aThereas no ice here. In fact, thereas heat enough to burn.a He smiled at her from inches away, those glowing eyes dominating her vision. aIam waiting for your answer to my original question.a She had to struggle to remember. aIad like to try it.a Then, because it made her feel raw to see the warmth in his eyes, and sense the pleasurable approval of all men at the table, she added, aMaybe Iall buy the first one off the line. The Who-Needs-A-Man vibrator.a Jon withdrew his hand, brushed his knuckles over her cheek so she smelled herself on his skin. aHoney, Iave never seen a woman who needed a man more than you do. Youave needed one your whole life.a Before she could fashion a reply to that appalling and confusing statement, he had removed the device from his suit pocket. After all that talk, she would have expected a complicated design. Instead, it was innocuous and sleek, and appeared to have three main pieces. An oblong disk of a soft material, a curved shaft, and a circular piece about the size of a silver dollar. The circle looked like a tiny wagon wheel, with a short, thick piece of rubber as the hub and a pinwheel of silver spokes. A network of slim straps tied the whole thing together.

He laid it on the table before her and rose. Placing his hands together before his chest in an att.i.tude of prayer, he bowed, nearly touching his forehead to hers, then straightened. aI see the divine in you, the face of love, and I honor it.a At her curious look, he gave her his angelic look. Not quite a smile, but then the expression didnat need it to convey the same delicious feeling inside of her. aThatas the namaste. Itas from Hindu culture, used in various ways, but in Tantra itas a way to begin lovemaking, a reminder that coming together with a lover in true s.e.xual intimacy is a way to spiritual development.a The knowledge he gave her of its meaning caused that delicious feeling to spread out through her torso into her limbs. It should have seemed incongruous to be restrained the way she was and yet to feel so suddenlyacherished, but she couldnat deny the reaction. Lucasas mouth on her body, Jonas quiet approach, even Mattas watchful regard abruptly became something else.

This night, for all its volatile moments, had the quality of a ritual. And suddenly she felt like the center, like she was being worshipped, an incredible thought that she nevertheless could not deny.

aI was trying to resolve how to stimulate and please a woman in all her most erogenous areas at the same time, without overloading her nerve endings.a The inventor part of his personality took over and she was almost amused to see it in his body language. aI want to incorporate some stimulation to the nipples eventually, but right now I wanted to keep it to the areas below the waist. Matt, if you could come and help me?a An involuntary ripple of need surged through her as she heard Matt leave his chair, move behind her. Jon gave her cheek a rea.s.suring caress and then joined Matt, where she could not see them.

aTouch her here,a Jonas voice said softly. She quivered harder as Matt laid his palms on the curves of her a.s.s, his thumbs inserting between them and then spreading her open, causing her breath to catch and hold in the back of her throat while a hard spasm of sensation rocked through her, like an aftershock of climax.

aShe likes it very much when you touch her, much more than when we do. Hold her open like this.a Such a simple, truthful statement from Jon, no slyness. Almost as if he were trying to rea.s.sure Matt. Did Matt need such rea.s.surance?

aI donat want her hurt.a Mattas voice was rough, odd. aIs that lubricated enough?a aIt is. Sheall feel nothing but pleasure, I swear it. Savannah, what youare feeling now is my finger. Iam very gently placing some lubrication in your a.n.a.l pa.s.sage. Iam only going to be putting some pressure on your sphincter, not going all the way in, but I want you to be comfortable.a There was a gentle, rubbing sensation around the rim that made her b.u.t.tocks tremble under Mattas grip. Instinctively, she lifted toward Jonas touch. G.o.d, it feltagood.

aNow, let that breath youare holding out slowly, for a count of five. One, twoaa She followed his direction, and felt something rounded, smooth and slick ease into the opening of her r.e.c.t.u.m. Not deep, as he had said. It just stretched the opening, made her want to squirm with the stimulating sensation. Head seated the short rubber hub in her pa.s.sage, she realized. The awheela was placing the firm pressure against the rim of the opening.

aWhile many women enjoy getting f.u.c.ked in the a.s.s, the sensation is ninety percent psychological and ten percent stimulating the opening,a he confirmed her reaction. aWith a device like this, therefore, Iave focused on the sensitive nerves there. Plus, we agreed your a.s.s would be Benas specialty. Just like your b.r.e.a.s.t.s are Peteras area of expertise.a Savannah froze at that remarkable statement. aDonat worry.a Jonas hand stroked her back. aYouall love having him there, and this, as well as Peter, will help you prepare for him. Now, Matt, with your permission, Iad like to take it from here. Savannah, this next piece will stimulate your c.l.i.t. a Jonas long fingers slid up her thighs. With her legs spread apart, she felt the trepidation again, but no one had hurt her yet, physically, and she decided to rely on the empirical data she had and tried to relax.

aGood girl,a Jon murmured. His fingers moved under her, past the p.u.s.s.y. The material of the oblong piece felt like good quality linen, now viscous with some type of adhesive. He completely hooded her c.l.i.t, pressing firmly, making her breath rasp as the two sensations twined together and pulled pleasurable tension down even lower in her stomach. aThe adhesive is a warming oil, so it wonat feel much different from your own fluids after a moment, and itas fragrant, a vanilla smell to make it pleasant to your nose, though I personally prefer the smell of a womanas aroused c.u.n.t to any other scent on earth.a He withdrew and shifted, placing the flat of one palm against her lower back, just at the rise of her b.u.t.tocks. Something touched the opening of her p.u.s.s.y, the shaft piece, she realized. aNow, the phallus. Itas up to you how deep Iall go. I donat want to break anything thatas not mine to break.a It took her a moment to understand, then she gave a nervous half laugh. aThe gynecologist took care of that years ago.a She felt shy about saying it, but she did it, forcing herself to try and be as sophisticated as they were being about all these things shead never done, things shead never even realized could be done. aJustadonat go any deeper than you knowayou know.a aAll right, then. You tell me if I cause you a moment of discomfort.a There was the glide of something within her opening, and then pressure. She tensed. Jon immediately stopped, his palm obviously on her back to register such a reaction. aI think an additional distraction might be good. This is low setting.a Savannah sucked in a breath as current ran through the hood over her c.l.i.t and through the pinwheel. The oblong c.l.i.t piece hummed against her in a wave rhythm, like experiencing a tongue and a vibration at once. And the a.n.a.l pieceathere were tiny electrons of sensation leaping all over there. She couldnat track them all, but it robbed her of the ability to retain any control over her voice. She was making soft moans of pleasure, unable to stop herself, and she wished for the gag, so the embarra.s.sing noises would be m.u.f.fled.

Jon eased the phallus in on one of the tiny undulations she could not help making, and seated it against a dense spot that reacted immediately, almost spasmodically, to the touch.

aPerfect. G.o.d, youare perfect. Thatas it, honey. The current goes through the spokes of the wheel and all around the rim, and thereas a different rhythm pulsing through the hub, the part thatas inside you. Itas key to the whole thing, because the flow and speed of the vibration alters constantly in all three pieces, so they keep stroking you, over and over, but in different ways. When you finally go, that lack of consistency will prolong the o.r.g.a.s.m, much like when a man changes the angle of his c.o.c.k during lovemaking between the c.l.i.t and G-spot.a She knew nothing of those things, only that his words were goading her further.

aJon,a she gasped.

aHang with me.a Being an engineer, and therefore very detail-oriented, he was making some more adjustments. His hands moved quickly over her now, and she felt the satin ribbons of the straps tighten over her thighs, between her legs, so the components were held firmly against her a.n.u.s and in her p.u.s.s.y. The c.l.i.t piece was left alone, and its greater freedom to vibrate against her made all three sensations even more excruciating.

aOh, G.o.daa She was so close. It was going to be hard and intense, more than she could handle, but she wanted it, craved it like the relief of an excruciating pain being taken away.

Jon wasnat in the mood to let her go so quickly. Abruptly, the vibration stopped.

aNo,a she blurted out. aNo.a Matt stepped into her field of vision, his hand cupping her face, his expression dangerous with brutal male desire, telling her he was not there to soothe, but to see her agony. With no outlet for her pa.s.sion, she bit him anew, this time his palm, too wound up to exercise restraint. She tasted his blood again and reveled in it, the taste of life.

He growled in response and buried the fingers of his other hand in her hair, but not to yank her away. In the same instinctive way she knew how to breathe, she knew he wanted to grip her with such brutal force at this moment, make her feel his dominance over her. She snarled against his flesh. It eased the grip of her jaw and he drew the hand back, showing her that she had marked him. She wanted to mark him everywhere. That gorgeous chest, flat abdomen, hard thighs, his feet, hisa aStart taking her up, Jon,a he muttered.

aFive minutes at low setting,a Jon responded behind her, his voice thick with his own reaction. His hand slid over her b.u.t.tock, squeezed hard and she whimpered at the bolt of electric reaction. Mattas spanking had made her hypersensitive there, in a way that made pain irrelevant. Pain or no pain, it was all pleasurable. aThat will build her reaction, make it even more intense.a The three pieces activated again. They werenat just vibrating. The d.i.l.d.o began a slow, measured stroking, like a manas c.o.c.k must, only still not deep enough, making her want to struggle, pull it in, even as the terror of what that desire meant swept through her.

Matt stepped back, though his attention never left her face, and then he was outside the range of her vision. She could feel him to the left of her, and Jon was before her again.

With his beautiful face, the long sensitive fingers, the curve of his mouth, Jon would never need a device such as this to get a girl to go to bed with him. But with it, women would elevate him to the stature of a G.o.d, bow down and worship him. At the moment, shead cheerfully volunteer to be High Priestess of the cult of Jon.

aNow,a he continued. aBefore I raise the setting, Iam going to put the gag back in your mouth. I want something seated on your tongue to keep you from biting through it, though Iad love to hear you scream for us. Iam going to draw up your head a little higher, because we all want to see your face. That will enhance the sensation of your bondage, your slavery to us, to Matt.a At that amazing statement, one she would not have expected from Jon, he put his fingers along her cheek again, pushing the ball gently against her teeth. aA most cherished slave. One we couldnat do without. Open up, honey.a She didnat have much choice with her head held rigid and his thumb cleverly inserting into the hinge of her jaw, making her obey.

aPut her on display in the center of the table so we all can enjoy watching her reach climax again and again,a Matt commanded.

The gears whirred at the far end of the table and the mechanism began to lift her even higher into the air and move her forward, toward the center. With her knees and ankles connected by the straight bars, and the cuffs holding open her thighs, her legs remained bent and spread, as if she were on her hands and knees, only she had her hands bound behind her back, her head slightly lower than her raised hips. She felt the table recede, and when she came to a stop, the heat of the spotlight told her she was about three feet above the table, allowing the men in the room to examine her from every angle, including the parts of her stretched by Jonas wondrous torture device. It was demanding even now that she twitch her hips in futile attempt to establish a rhythm with the three alternating pumping, stroking and vibrating currents, all individually tailored to maximize response from the three erogenous zones. She couldnat move much, but the little amount she could her body was using, making her feel the weight of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s quivering with her shameless, involuntary movements.

aMatt, Iam ready for my turn.a Peteras voice came at her from the table level, suggesting he was sitting just to her right, just below her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. aI want to suckle those pretty t.i.ts and make her come just from that alone. Jesus, sheas built. a There was a hoa.r.s.eness to his voice, the savagery of desire, and she felt it pushing on her from all sides, every manas need in the room swamping her, mixing with her own arousal until she could think of nothing so exciting as being buried beneath them all, helpless beneath their hands, mouthsac.o.c.ks. What would it be like to taste each of them, feel one or more of their c.o.c.ks stretching her mouth, while the others shoved into her wherever they could find an opening?

Did she really have that thought?

aAll in good time. Lucas.a Mattas voice filled her like the warmth of a promise. aGive her some visual stimulation.a aWith pleasure.a She was turned on the track, rotating like displayed artwork. She was stopped when she faced Peter and Ben. Peteras gaze devoured her b.r.e.a.s.t.s in a way that made them tremble and ache. Just beyond the two men the panels of the wall slid back as Lucas operated a switch, revealing a grid of twelve screens, which Matt and his team used to monitor different stock markets and news channels at once, as well as manage video conferences.

The dozen different images that flickered to life now were montages of her recent experiences in this room. She saw not only herself, but the men when she had not been able to see them. Lucasas expression as he had run his palm down her back. Peter, watching her strangled cries with rapture on his face. Jon, placing the devices within her most private areas with quiet capability, his lips firm with concentration.

Matt. His eyes intent, flamed with raw pa.s.sion, presumably while Lucas went down on her. His quick, predatory strength as he tied her, then stood over her while she lay flat on the table. There was an expression on his face at that moment that she did not dare give a name, because it had no place in this room, she was sure. Definitely not lodged in her heart like an arrow.

She wished she had the blindfold back, or that the straps holding her head were not so relentless, as she saw images of herself. From the back, her b.u.t.tocks clenching as Lucasas blond head worked his magic between her thighs, the pale line of them on either side of his face, the pink soles of her feet outside his shoulders. Then a shot after she had been fully restrained in the harness and was listening to the entry of the men. The press of her lips not just suggesting trepidation, but sensual excitement.

Jon doing his namaste to her, the easing of her jaw revealing her change in feelings at that moment. Embarra.s.sing close-ups when he placed the items against her p.u.s.s.y and a.n.u.s.

But the worst was a clip from the beginning, when she was still mostly clothed. Mattas first kiss, her body visibly softening into his as his hands wandered possessively down her body.

aWaiting five minutes like this, doing the low setting, is also a Tantric practice,a Jon said seriously, behind her again. Heat rose in her face, because now she knew exactly what he was looking at. Her attention was caught by Benas gaze, his eyes the color of green sea gla.s.s, multifaceted, jewel-like, a rich compliment to the sculptured jaw and firm, unsmiling lips.

Out of all of them, she knew the least about him, Mattas legal pit bull. Remembering what part of her body Jon had said was reserved for him, she flicked her gaze nervously back to the screens, not able to handle any greater level of anxiety at this moment. She focused on the comparatively soothing quality of Jonas voice instead.

aProlonged pleasure makes not only the climax but the spirituality of the moment even more intense.a His voice was as compelling as a priestas. aWhen I turn it on full, Savannah, I suggest you fight it. Fight it with everything youave got. The best things in life are those you hold off from enjoying as long as possible.

aYouall understand that best at the end of the night, when you finally stop fighting Matt. Youall discover an intensity ten times greater than anything we do to you, because itas something he has that none of us can offer you, no matter what pleasure we bring you tonight. Something that you wonat see until you accept that youare more than worthy of it. And when you do, Matt will be the luckiest man in the room. Here we go.a She was turning now, the suspension straps moving along the circular track, taking her around the table. It was a disorienting experience that managed to sway her body and increase the effect of Jonas device within her. When she stopped, she faced the head of the table, her gaze locked with Mattas. She knew he could see every expression of her countenance, tense with desire, her lips pressed hard around the ball gag, throat working against the forces that were going to overwhelm her in no time, take her back to that place where Lucas had taken her. Only, if Jonas device worked, it was going to keep her there, in screaming, mindless pleasure, where everything was beyond her control. And Matt was going to see it all, every vulnerable moment.

She would fight, but not for the reason Jon suggested. Her body didnat rule over her mind and, her fatheras tenet be d.a.m.ned, she wouldnat learn a lesson from failure because she wouldnat fail. She wasnat going to be made to do something just because someone wanted her to do it.

She realized she sounded a little desperate, even in her own head, and another rule came to mind. Never lose emotional control, even in your thoughts. Discipline is bone-deep, not just skin-deep. She had no idea what number it was, though she remembered thinking once it was somewhat redundant with Five, which she couldnat remember at the moment, either.

The c.l.i.t hood started pulsing harder, rippling strokes like the tide rolling up over a sh.o.r.e after a large vessel had pa.s.sed, the tongue sensation electrical. The slight roughness of the linen and the fact there were no straps holding it firmly against the c.l.i.t, the adhesive doing that work, meant it created even more friction as her hips rocked the very tiny amount her bonds allowed her. She tried to stop the movement, but then the other two areas were turned on at the higher setting Jon desired, and she was lost.

Oh G.o.d, oh G.o.d, oh G.o.d. It was everywhere, inside and outside, radiating from the top of her head to the end of her toes. In that moment, if she could have spoken, she would have said things that would have embarra.s.sed her far more than having Matt see her face, which was unthinkably embarra.s.sing in itself. The electric current ran along the spokes of the wheel firmly pressed against the opening of her r.e.c.t.u.m, and that short rubber stem rotated very gently, sliding against the opening of the sphincter muscle, rocking the wheel like a spinning top, so it was stroking the rim of her in a way that made her strain against those straps. And the phallusa Jon had it perform several seconds of simple vibration, his fingertips briefly touching her, verifying how wet she was before he set it in motion again. Slow short glides in and out of her, stroking her p.u.s.s.y lips, with a rotation movement that kissed that dense spot within again and again and again, the mere brush of an electrical tongue.

She fought. She gave it all she had, in total panic, shutting her eyes, unable to look at Matt, her breath rasping around the gag so harshly the saliva escaped, making the ball slick. She bit it hard, desperate to hold back.

She lasted seven seconds, and then the storm crashed down on her.

Against the gag, the scream that ripped from her throat reverberated back in her chest, choking her, accelerating the rate of her heart. Her body was shuddering, vibrating, convulsing, bucking impossibly against straps too snug to allow her room to buck. Whereas the climax Lucas had given her had given her the sense of falling backwards into the embrace of a bed piled high with pillows and quilted covers, this was like catapulting from an airplane, that terrifying feeling of falling, spinning out of control toward bone-breaking impact. She wanted to undulate against something, something solid, something that would rock back against her, ease this tearing need in her.

And it went on and on. There was no pinnacle. She kept thinking she had hit it, and then shead launch straight across to another peak, the tiny wheel at her a.n.u.s, the busily stroking d.i.l.d.o and enthusiastically vibrating c.l.i.t piece alternating their rhythm and patterns as Jon had said they would, giving her no relief, only merciless pleasure for the enjoyment of the men watching, all at the command of one man.

Look at me, Savannah.

Did he say it? Whisper it in her mind? She opened her eyes and met Mattas dark gaze, raging with the fires of heaven and h.e.l.l, with everything she could want from both and in between. Jon was right. At this moment, she had no rational thought. She utterly and totally wanted Mattas Mastery. She wanted to be his. And if she could speak, she would have begged for it.

Tears slid down her face, her nose running from the excruciating pleasure of the multiple climaxes. When they finally began to lessen in intensity, she thought her stomach and b.u.t.tocks would forever be in a state of clenched response, all muscles tight as stretched rubber bands from the onslaught of the However, as the sensations drifted away, leaving her shuddering and sniffing helplessly, everything went limp with exhaustion. The place between her legs still pulsed, almost quivering with exertion.

aHer p.u.s.s.y is as full and juicy as the prettiest peach youave ever seen. Lucas?a Jonas soft voice, not quite steady itself.

Ohanoayes. Lucasas mouth ever so gently closed over the distended area, and she let out a guttural, animal sound of near pain, exhausted pleasure. He licked her tenderly as Jon worked around him, eased out the d.i.l.d.o, which felt slick enough to be dripping. It was Lucas who held open her b.u.t.tocks as the a.n.a.l piece was removed. Through it all, she stared at Matt, her body heaving with gasping breaths.

When he rose, leaned toward her, her mind dragged her gaze where it wanted to go, to see the enormous erection straining against his slacks.

aDo you want my c.o.c.k?a It was a throaty demand that she respond, his voice beyond civility, commanding her. Prying open her fingers, he took away the handkerchief, using it to wipe her nose and around the corners of her mouth. That tender cozening perversely seemed to underscore his right to impose his will upon her, rather than lessening the force of his demand. When he didnat give back the handkerchief, she knew she was being told her choice to call an end to it all had been rescinded. aAnswer me, Savannah. Do you want my c.o.c.k?a She nodded as much as she could. Not just that. All of you. Everything. But she couldnat say it, even if the gag werenat there. He caught the strap holding the gag, ripped it away, pulled the ball from her mouth in a rough move. She didnat expect it, the way his hand gripped her jaw, her throat, in a hold just a step below bruising. No more than she expected to delight in the pleasure of the pain.

aSay it. Say it now.a aYes.a She was hoa.r.s.e, her lips and throat dry.

aLower her,a he ordered. aLeave her a.s.s in the air so Jon can get her ready for Ben. Just her head, to the level of my c.o.c.k. And spin her, so she can take me deep.a Her eyes widened as Peter and Ben moved to either side of the table. Their arms went under her body and they tightened the straps that held her to the bench. Jon slipped the S-hooks of the suspending chains and they turned her and replaced the chains so she was facing the ceiling. The long narrow bench supporting her front simply held her torso straight as the chains were adjusted. Her head was lowered, lowered, lowered, Mattas fiery gaze staying pinned on her even as the back of her skull touched the edge of the table, while her lower body went to approximately a forty-five degree angle above her, her legs still spread for Jon to doawhatever Matt had just told him to do. She couldnat remember, not with Mattas crotch this close to her face.

aI took her lower body down a little bit.a Lucas this time. aWe donat want all the blood to rush to her head and make her faint. Sheas still pretty spun up.a aRemember to move your foot if you feel faint. Mouth me. Let me know you want my c.o.c.k in your mouth.a She didnat think, didnat review any rules for this situation. Her mouth opened and closed over the fabric of his slacks, her lips pressing hard against the thick width of him, her tongue reaching out to lick and wet the straining cloth, as she made noises of animal hunger in her throat.

aJesus Christ.a Matt unfastened his pants and shoved them and a pair of black jersey boxers down to his hard thighs. The organ was so close to her that she couldnat see it clearly, but her nose brushed the heat, smelled the animal musk of him. He seized the chains holding her, pulled so her head tilted over the edge of the table and she was essentially upside down. He reached past her, took something Jon was offering, a lubricant of some kind, and rubbed it over the broad head.

aOpen up, Savannah.a She barely had her lips parted before he shoved into her mouth, stretching her lips as shead imagined, as shead craved. He seated himself deep, and then stopped, holding his c.o.c.k against the back of her throat, moving it slightly, as if he were rubbing it against her. She gagged, and his fingers stroked her throat, soothing her, and then the gagging desire was gone, though he pushed in deeper, against her tonsils.

aAnother of Jonas many tools,a he growled. aBenzocaine to coat the back of the throat, so you can take me deep. You want to take me deep, donat you? In your throat, in your a.s.s, in your p.u.s.s.y. You want me everywhere.a The tears were starting again, for the pleasure and truth were coming together, tearing her apart. She couldnat see through them, in the literal or figurative sense, so she simply tilted her head more, giving herself up to this moment.

Matt withdrew slightly, then moved back in. She stroked him with her lips, just wanting to taste him, feel him. With no experience at all, she simply licked him with her tongue, sucked on him to get that taste, that scent in her mouth, her throat, her nose, where she could keep it. She imagined the earth of a humid jungle would smell like this, exotic and mysterious, brutal and honest. She even scored him with her teeth, tasting the meat of him.

She was vaguely aware of Jon, applying something soothing onto her c.l.i.t, just inside her p.u.s.s.y lips and around her a.n.u.s, something she supposed would keep her from getting raw before the next a.s.sault. But then another sensation invaded, something less pleasant. She fought against it, and the fighting made it worse. Dizziness, black spots on her vision. She kept on, furiously, desperately sucking on Matt, not wanting to lose the odd sense of comfort in the act of servicing him, but it was overtaking her, sweeping her body, turning her shudders into a sick tremblinga She wouldnat wiggle her foot. That would be failure. And she needed this, didnat want it to stopa aMatt.a Peteras sharp voice seemed to come from far away and she made a noise of wailing protest as Matt withdrew from her. Suddenly his arms were under her, lifting her, making the chains holding her upper body go slack, lay cool against her skin as he brought her head even and then slightly above the rest of her body. She opened her eyes, saw his face close above hers, the concern in his strong face.

aI should have known you wouldnat ask for help when you should,a he muttered, his hands impossibly tender against her temples.

She wanted to say she was sorry for making him angry, but his lips were soft on hers, making it all right. Making nothing necessary but to simply be.

Just like she had felt at her fatheras funeral, if only for one moment.

It wasnat an entirely unexpected thought to have right now. Matt had given her that one moment, just as he had made this night something far different than she antic.i.p.ated.

Overwhelmed, she let herself spin comfortably down a gray tunnel, into that memory.

Chapter Four.

Among all the offers of sympathies, the unwelcome press of strange hands and bodies near hera"acquaintances, hangers-on, a few genuine friends of her fatheras who had little to offer to her beyond their formal support as she stepped into her fatheras corporate shoesa"Matt had been close. She remembered the heat of his body near her throughout those long several days. The supporting touch of his hand, the only contact she had welcomed, at the small of her back.

After the funeral and memorial service, deep into the third or fourth hour of the never-ending wake at her fatheras sprawling estate, she had escaped to her room for a few minutes. Burying her face into her pillow, shead screamed, beating the mattress, wishing for tears that never came. Though she stayed in there a good thirty minutes, trying to compose herself, shead been undisturbed. It was only when she took a deep steadying breath, checked her hair and makeup and stepped back out in the hallway, that shead found out why.

Matt sat on the top stair, with a brandy loose in his hand and a plate of untouched funeral food. Keeping watch. Keeping them at bay, the barbarians away from the gate.

aI donat need a watchdog, Kensington,a she said uncharitably, frightened of how relieved she was to see him there.

He lifted a shoulder, took in everything about her at one glance. aHumor me. It gives me an excuse to stay away from them.a He picked up a carrot from the plate, took a bite. aG.o.d, I hate these things.a aThe vegetables?a aNo. When I die, Iam going to have a fast cremation and leave instructions for Lucas to throw a street party in my honor for a few thousand drunken revelers who have no idea who I am and couldnat care less. Theyall toast my memory because I bought the drinks, and the people who love me wonat be put through a dog and pony show.a an.o.body loves you, Kensington.a He smiled. aYou do.a He patted the step beside him. aAt least the foodas good. Come have a taste.a She found herself quite willingly moving toward him. aIs Morris Johnson still downstairs?a aOf course. He and his executive staff. Trying to schmooze up to the CEO of Bank of America and eating as much free food as he can get his hands on.a aIf we slip a laxative into his crab dip, Iall bet we get a great interest rate on our next six-month cash loan from BoA.a aHow diabolical, Miss Tennyson. Remind me not to eat anything youave provided next time weare having an important meeting.a aI thought thatas why you employ Ben. To be your official royal taster.a aCute.a She lowered herself beside him, in the small s.p.a.ce his large frame and splayed knees allowed, but it felt good, not crowded. She absorbed his warmth with a welcome shiver.

aCold?a aA little. It was overcast at the graveside.a aIam sure Geoffrey arranged it. He did like the appropriate setting for all occasions. Here.a aI can go get a sweater.a Her words died as he shrugged out of his coat, bringing a whiff of his cologne to her delicate nostrils, and laid it around her shoulders.

aThere.a Suddenly, she was struggling not to weep. Why did she want to weep now, when she felt nothing in her room except rage? She made a snort that sounded suspiciously to her own ears like a sniffle. aI guess if we were in high school, youad ask me to go steady now. Give me a broken coin and wead each wear half.a A corner of his mouth lifted in a smile, and he reached over, tugged free a tendril of her hair trapped under the collar. aI was on the wrestling team. Youare the football quarterback type. Youad have turned up your nose at the likes of me.a aWrestling?a aAbsolutely. You know how punishing football is on the adolescent bone structure? At least, thatas what my mother told me, over and over again, ad nauseum, when I whined to sign up. We compromised with wrestling.a aMatt Kensington, whining?a She leaned back against the opposite wall, which made her knee brush his. The contact felt right, so she didnat take it away and he didnat seem to notice.

aLike the proverbial girl. But something tells me you never whined.a She gave a half laugh and some of the coldness returned. She crossed her arms over her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, gripped the edges of the jacket closer to her, letting go of the ball of tissue in her hand so it fell into her lap. The coat smelled of him. She pictured a closet of such suits, all smelling like this, and her falling into them, holding on in the quiet, tranquil darkness of his closet.

aGeoffrey didnat believe in it. He taught me that if you want something, you strategize how to get it. You never beg. And if you fail, you accept the failure, a.n.a.lyze it, go back and win what you lost back.a He nudged her knee with his own. aWhatas that in your lap?a aJust a tissueaa She looked down at his puzzled expression and instead of the tissue, she saw a tiny rag doll, little bigger than the length of her hand. Shead left it on her bed earlier, hadnat realized until this moment that was what she had clutched in her hand as she screamed into her pillow, and apparently had held onto when she left the room. aOh.a She lifted a shoulder, tried for a casual look, even as her hand settled protectively over it under his shrewd gaze. aAt my fatheras corporate Christmas party, one of his business a.s.sociates brought a little gift for me as the alady of the housea. When I was six,a she added, at the twinkle in Mattas eyes. Her eyes could not linger on his face, so she looked back down, fingered the doll. aHe knew nothing about me of course, was just trying to win favor with my father.a He had no clue that fawning on Geoffreyas child meant nothing to Geoffrey.

aBut I liked it.a Extraordinarily liked it. Kept it with her that night, slept with it hidden under her covers where her father couldnat see. But Geoffrey had known. aOne night, I was tired over something, and I whined, I guess as children can do, and he punished me by taking it away. I found it in his closet when I was looking for a suit for himafor this.a aHe never gave it back?a Matt raised an eyebrow.

She shrugged. aOf course not. As I said, head told me whining didnat get you anywhere. It meant the things that mattered got taken away from you, and when you lose things from your own actions, you must learn from them.a Savannah shook her head. aDonat look at me like that, Matt. I know it sounds dysfunctional, and maybe it is, but you know, kids from good income brackets get about everything they want these days, and for the most part, they are whiny, self-indulgent, spoiled brats whose parents donat know how to say no to them. Geoffrey may not have been a loving, affectionate father, but he taught me everything I know about how to be successful. How to be hungry only by choice.a Reaching out, Matt put a hand to her face, startling her. She was immobilized by how good it felt, that human contact freely offered, pressed against her skin. aYou were the best thing that ever happened to him,a he said quietly. aHe had all the money in the world, and he got his most valuable acquisition the day you were born. And not just because you could run his company better than he could run it himself.a Savannah didnat know what to say to that. She looked toward the bottom of the stairs. aItas odd no oneas walked by here to disturb us.a aI told them there was free food in the main courtyard. It drew them off. Here.a He offered her his plate. aAs I said, the foodas quite good.a aOf course.a She shook her head at it. aGeoffrey already had his menu planned out. It wouldnat be less than perfect. Hungry by choice, remember?a aThe best kind of hunger there is,a he said. Suddenly, she knew exactly where his knee pressed against hers, and what hunger he was talking about, because it had her lower extremities in a perilous grip.

aI want to give you something for later.a He broke the charged silence between them. Withdrawing the handkerchief from the breast pocket of his jacket, he folded it into her hand, his own remaining over it.

aWhat, is my makeup running?a aNo. Itas for when everything about this day hits you, and you finally cry, even if itas for no other reason than you donat feel like crying and that breaks you down.a He rose. aKeep the coat until youare warm. Iall get it back later.a Then he leaned down and kissed her forehead, just a gentle brush of lips, his hands holding the lapels so she was in a light embrace within the jacket. aIam here if you need me, Savannah. Iam always here. Come down when youare ready. Lucas and Jon are in the foyer hallway, keeping people from coming this way. You donat have to come down at all if you donat want to.a aOf course I do.a The dangerous temptation of such an image broke the spell. She rose to her feet, slid the jacket off her shoulders and handed it back to him. aI donat need this.a But she kept the kerchief. It was a gift, after all.

She was on the step above him, so their positions put them at eye level. His expression had hardened with an emotion she couldnat read as he studied her face. In a surprising move, he suddenly slid an arm around her back and legs, swung her up in his arms and turned, carrying her down the steps.

aMatt,a she hissed. aWhat are you doing?a At the bottom, he let her feet touch the floor, but he held her elbow another moment. aThat was to remind you that someday, you might need someone else to carry the load for a while. And you can trust me to get you where you need to go, no matter how steep the hill is. Up or down.a He left her there, amazed, speechless. Oddly happy and hurting at once. And that was when she used the handkerchief for the very first time.

Shead kept it folded under her pillow ever since.

The fuzziness receded and she became aware of her surroundings again. Theyad adjusted the chains so she was level and turned her over so she was once again on her stomach. She was lying on the table, still bound, but the straps had been loosened back to their prior snugness, rather than the snugness that had been necessary when she didnat have the back support. Theyad also let her head down so her cheek was on the table.

Matt was sitting in the chair, leaned forward, his face no more than a foot from her.

aI guess we got a little carried away. You carried us all away. You were something else.a She coughed, her voice raw from her screaming. aBut Iam still tied up. So youare not done with me yet.a aIall never be done with you.a He drew even closer, so the depths of his brown eyes were all she could see. aYouave scared yourself, and youare retreating again. I can see it. Iam not going to let you. Iam going to feed you.a A weak chuckle, somewhere close to a sob, broke from her abused throat. A throat that remembered vividly what it was like to have him slamming against the back of it. aYou canat bribe me with food, Kensington, at least not unless you plan to keep me like this for several days without food and water.a aAn intriguing possibility.a He c.o.c.ked his head. As sensation returned to all her limbs, she realized he was stroking her forehead, playing with her loose hair. aActually, while manufacturing this invention and renovating the room for it, Iave thought about it a great deal. Imagining what it would be like to have my woman suspended in it every day, accessible to me whenever I wanted to play with her nipples, slip my fingers or c.o.c.k into her wet c.u.n.t. Put her on display for business a.s.sociates who come in here for meetings, a mesmerizing centerpiece for my conference table. I think my compet.i.tors would give me anything for the privilege. But just to look at you. No man other than those in this room tonight will ever touch you again. Youare mine.a That harshness came to his eyes again, and just as naturally as command came to him, resistance to capitulation flooded her. But this time she had no sarcasm to offer, just simple denial. aNo,a she whispered.

aYes,a he responded, just as quietly. He supported her skull in his hands as he readjusted the straps so her head was lifted, her facial expressions exposed to them all again. The chains tightened and she was raised from the table, only this time she was only lifted about two feet, and it was her upper body that was raised higher than her lower, so her b.r.e.a.s.t.s thrust out at Matt at eye level, in a blatant display that roused an embarra.s.sing heat along her throat and face. His eyes followed the track of it, and when his gaze got to her face, his own fire was a match for it.

aHere.a Lucas slid a small plate to Mattas elbow and Peter placed a gold-edged winegla.s.s next to it. Savannah smelled the rich scent of red Merlot.

aYou need to eat and drink,a Matt said. aWe donat have a good strategy for getting rid of your body if you die from too much pleasure.a His eyes glinted with humor, and she bared her teeth at him. He brought the tumbler to her lips, cradling her cheek with his hand, touching the corner of her mouth, compelling her lips to part. The angle was awkward with her position, and before she could take more than a sip, he took it away.

aA better idea.a There was a pause while he took a swallow. She wondered and imagined and then hoped, and then his mouth was there, sealing over hers, opening, letting the wine on his tongue spill onto hers, his hand still along her face, the grip of his hand moving along her throat as if to help her swallow the liquid.

She didnat drink much, having a low tolerance for alcohol, and just this swallow was made more potent by the method of delivery, by his care for her, by the stroke of that tongue on hers. He pulled away reluctantly, and then she smelled one of the snacks they often brought in for meetings from the gourmet deli down the street. Goat cheese flavored with thyme, wrapped in a finger-sized, seasoned flatbread.

aYour favorite, I believe,a he said, those eyes watching every inflection on her face, his own expression still a little intimidating, reminding her that he was not going to brook resistance. Savannah decided she was going to let him win this minor point to fortify herself and regroup. She wanted to try a different strategy. An experiment, really.

She ate the entirety of it from his hand, even obeying the sensual urge to clean the soft cheese off his fingertips, taking the taste of his skin with it, those strong fingers resting in her mouth.

The tension and l.u.s.t poured off him as she did it, and she knew her experiment was successful. It wouldnat be easy, but with the power of that knowledge, she knew she could turn this to her advantage, make him her slave if she wanted to.

But something else came with the thought. Anguish. She didnat want to make Matt a slave. She wanted his harshness, his power, his command. She wanted the tender protectiveness and chivalry as well, and wondered if there were even more gentle sides to him than head yet revealed to her, aspects of his personality that might exist in a softer world, one outside these corporate walls.

aG.o.d, you make me insane, Savannah,a he muttered.

Join the club, she thought. aHow did you know these were my favorites?a It was Lucas who spoke. aYou donat eat much that we have brought in. Or at least you didnat at first. But then we started noticing the things you would eat, more than once.a aWe wouldnat touch any of those,a Peter put in. aAnd made sure that portion of the tray was closest to you. Then we figured out if we ordered more of that type of snack, youad eat more.a Southern etiquette. Never eat the last one. She remembered a gradual increase in the food shead eaten at their sessions, an ample variety of her preferences present.

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