Bending over her, nibbling her shoulder as he began to unb.u.t.ton her blue silk dress, he decided to tease her, as she had unwittingly teased and tempted him for so many weeks back at work.

aNo drinkaa she panted as he eased the silk from her shoulders.

He paused for a moment, remembering he had offered her a drink in the attempt to forget his aching c.o.c.k.

He smiled against her soft skin, letting his curved lips show her without words his amus.e.m.e.nt. He continued removing the delicate silk of her dress. When he eased the bodice down her chest, it sat, pooled at her waist, and he returned his hands to cup her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, as they had itched to do forever.

aPlace your hands upon the gla.s.s, Lily.a Hands cupping her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, watching over her shoulder, he blindly looked out the window. Watching their reflection, he tried to memorize the details. His much larger body standing behind Lilyas half-naked perfection. High up as they were, as well as still masked, he felt it highly unlikely anyone would recognize them, let alone be able to watch them.

He felt a thrill when Lily obeyed his command. He smiled. While never having entertained dominant fantasies, he certainly wouldnat mind being master of Lily every now and then. Maybe he could test the waters.

aYou ever have submissive fantasies, Lily?a Lily swallowed and for a split second her mind flashed back to the fantasy she had seen when she first put the mask on. A highwayman holding her hands above her head and taking her, the feeling of his body pressing into hers, the tender yet rough way he thrust inside her. She had been more than willing but he took her nevertheless.

While she wouldnat consider it a asubmissivea fantasy as such, the new thought of being taken by this man, of having his much larger body over and under her, had definite appeal. Even so, the desire was new enough she didnat feel comfortable admitting to it just yet.

She looked into the window to stare at Andrewas reflection.

aNot really,a Lily answered his curious question. He had watched her as she had stared into the distance, a slight flush creeping over her flesh. He had a feeling her mind had been cast back to something he had said and, from the dilation in her pupils and the quickening in her breathing, it had been something erotically stimulating she had been thinking of.

Before he could probe deeper into the issue, she had continued. aIam not into pain or anything but a strong man, an alpha man, is almost always a turn-on, no matter what a woman says.a Andrew smiled. He could tell now she was telling the truth, but not the whole truth. That suited him just fine. He wasnat into bondagea"he wasnat even sure he would know how to perform it safely if she had askeda"but being dominating in an alpha manner, he was more than used to.

Deciding to seduce her first, he began to play with her nipples once more. He used his mask as a tool, letting his close-shaven cheek and soft lips caress her shoulder, her neck, her exposed skin and the slightly rougher edge of the mask to counteract that softness of his flesh. The play between soft lips and cheek and the harder edge of the mask seemed to work as her breath came harder and faster in pants.

aLook out into the world, Lily. Everyone is partying, having a grand old time. Lovers old and new are meeting, getting acquainted, playing that strange game of two animals coming to mate.a He continued to caress her skin; he could hardly believe how satin soft it felt. In the last hour or so, he had become a dedicated breast man. Lilyas b.r.e.a.s.t.s seemed to be so much more responsive than any other set he could remember.

The nipples were a pale pink color, long and so easily peaked. He couldnat help but tweak them, watching her back arch in pleasure and her mouth open on a long moan. He loved to play with her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and nipples, letting the weight of the globes sit in his hands, thumbs caressing the erect nipples.

As he spoke softly, continued to explain the different sights they could see outside the window, he played with her lovingly, kneading and using a gentle force to spike her desire higher.

He wanted her hot and ready, prepared for his penetration but, more than that he wanted her to be antic.i.p.ating their joining, to realize how important it was in the big picture, how inevitable it had become in their life.

Andrew knew he had been fantasizing about Lily for weeks, months now. The fact he needed to seduce her, prepare her for him, excited him. She knew him in pa.s.sing but they had never had the chance to get to know each other. They worked in different divisions and he was in the management team, while Lily was still working her way up the corporate ladder.

Everything, the carnival, the lights, the party atmosphere, as well as the culmination of his fantasies, turned him on more than he could ever imagine.

As he described the scenes in the streets below them, his aching need to possess her increased. He felt her nipples harden to tight buds and heard her panting breaths.

aI want you.a He couldnat help the growl in his voice. He had trouble containing himself. aI want nothing more than to press you up against this gla.s.s, tear the rest of this beautiful dress of yours off and plunge myself inside you. I want you to feel the force of my need, understand just how much I want this night from you.a He could hear her panting cries, the wail that seemed stuck in the back of her throat. Even though he couldnat see them, he could just imagine how dilated her pupils would be, slightly glazed with the pa.s.sion of their position as well as his words.

He leaned closer, so he could whisper in her ear. Even though they were alone, as if they were the only two lovers in the entire Mardi Gras, let alone the world, he wanted his next naughty words to be just between them, a secret they could share and hold forever.

aI want to f.u.c.k you,a he started, surprised at himself. He had never uttered words quite this raw to anyone before. aI want to press you tight against this window, and be so deep inside you for the rest of our lives you wonat be able to feel complete without me thrusting inside you. I want to pump so hard inside you no one else will ever be able to satisfy you. I want to fill you full of my seed, so full it runs down the side of your thigh in excess. And when weare both spent, collapsed on the floor, I want to lie still inside you, and start this thing all over again.a aOh, yes,a she murmured softly and Andrew knew without a shadow of a doubt if he touched her lower curls she would be flowing with her heated dampness. Never had he wanted a woman as desperately as he wanted to be inside Lily right now.

She ground back against him, urging him to move faster, and he couldnat deny her. While working her up into a pitch of erotic fever, he had only been adding fuel to his own fire. Even so, he desperately tried to draw this out, to make as many memories as humanly possible for them both.

aPatience, my dear, we have all night. Why rush things now?a aBecause I feel as if Iam about to explode,a she moaned.

aWell, darling, if you must come, you must. Feel free to start ahead of me.a Andrew could feel her shuddering, feel the fine tremors running along her arms, knew they would also be in her legs, hidden beneath all the silk of her skirt. For a moment, he wondered if the tremors were Lily holding on to her climax, or her about to start it.

He continued to play with her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, to kiss and nibble her neck, her cheek, up to her earlobe. Tasting her with his tongue, he relished the salty taste of her skin. Even on the knife-edge of desire, standing on the brink of exploding, she still tasted of feminine heat, of salty sweetness.

His masculine ego now demanded for him to bring her to climax without actually stripping her bare. He grazed his teeth along the sensitive run of her neck, nibbling at the pulse points he could tell were strewn along there from her shivers and moans.

Tweaking her nipples simultaneously, he could feel her climax build inside her, knew without a doubt she had nearly thrown herself over the edge of her desire.

A minute later, she pushed back onto his hard body, arching her back and throwing her head onto the curve of his shoulder, crying out in her completion.

Andrew watched her reflection in the window. When she relaxed and leaned back pa.s.sively in his embrace, he looked down at her softened features.

Even though his fingers itched to touch her curls, to thrust inside her damp heat, to bring her to another climax, hard on the heels of her last one, he let his girl rest, get her breath back.

Plenty of time later to bring her to peak over and over until she canat remember anything, except the pleasure you bring her, he a.s.sured himself.

Andrew waited patiently until her breathing returned to normal and she was back to squirming in his embrace.

Then he began the procedure all over again.

He kissed and nibbled his way around her neck and cheek, touched and played with her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. This time, however, Lily was far more actively involved.

He felt a purely masculine smile cross his face as she removed her palms from the window, leaving clear palm-prints from where she had them pressed against the window all through their previous play. He smiled, thinking of what the cleaning crew would think about such delicate marks so clearly imprinted on the window.

She reached both her hands back to grab his a.s.s, pulling him closer, so even through the thin material of his pants his hot, incredibly aroused hard-on laid against the silk of her dress. Andrew lowered his hands to her waist. Slowly, careful to not rip or tear the delicate silk, he pushed the dress from her hips and it pooled in a mess down by her ankles.

Andrew looked down her entire length in the window. The light from inside made the large window act like a two-way mirror. The outside world could be clearly viewed, yet so could the s.e.xy reflections of him and Lily. It had become a very useful tool for them both.

Lily stood before him, perfect pale beauty, rounded in all the right places men never complained about, long legs that he ached to have wrapped around his own hips in indescribable pa.s.sion. His hands tightened for a moment, until he realized it might be painful for Lily. The pleasure he could bring her, the shared s.e.xual joy they brought each other, had him erect like never before. He felt his jaw muscles tighten in pure, unadulterated l.u.s.t for this woman.

A tiny wisp of silk she probably thought pa.s.sed for a thong teased his eyes, running slimly along the vee between her legs.

Lily hesitated a moment, then obviously caught his ravenous gaze in the reflection of the window. She smiled teasingly at him and stood up, braced her legs apart, replaced her palms on the window and arched her deliciously naked body into the chill gla.s.s.

He couldnat help but notice as her b.r.e.a.s.t.s pressed oh-so-lightly against the gla.s.s her nipples hardened even more.

With her back arched, her delicious a.s.s sticking out and wearing only her mask, heels and thong, she looked like a centerfold spread from his h.o.r.n.i.e.s.t teenage fantasies.

aWell, Andrew,a she pouted, aI seem to only have my thong and mask on and here you are, fully dressed and masked. That seems a little unfair from here.a He grinned, his dimple flashing beneath his mask.

aOh, I donat know,a he drawled. aFrom where Iam looking, it seems absolutely perfect.a She flushed and he felt his heart turn over. They might be playing right now but he fully intended to brand her, to make her totally his and then confess all in the morning.

He wanted her to know how long he had been fantasizing about her, how many lunch breaks he had sat a few tables over in the staff room cafeteria and watched her wildly gesticulating a particular point in a funny story she told her coworkers.

He wanted her in his life and in his home. Yet first, he wanted her, most importantly, in his bed. Idly stroking her round and firm a.s.s, he indulged in a moment of pure fantasy. Naked on his large bed at home, her on all fours and him on his knees behind her. He loved taking a woman from behind, because he could plunge inside her to the b.a.l.l.s, yet at the same time caress her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and play with her nipples.

Next time, he promised himself. When we both return home, Iall have ample time to indulge in our every fantasy and desire. And my bed is big enough for anything.

Pulling himself from his ever-growing fantasies and desires, he remembered his need to possess Lily in the here-and-now. Shedding his cape, leaving it crumpled in a ball on the floor, he unb.u.t.toned the first few b.u.t.tons on his formal black shirt. Falling down onto his knees, he smiled inwardly at the small gasp of surprise that escaped Lilyas lush lips. Turning her around with gentle hands on her hips, he angled her toward him, so he was perfectly level with her pelvis.

Spreading her legs wider so he had the perfect view of her p.u.s.s.y, he bent forward and licked a slow, long stroke, taking her juices inside him. Closing his eyes, enjoying her sweet, hot taste, he hurriedly went back for more. She tasted divine, hot and sweet and spicy and so delicious he doubted he could ever get enough.

Lapping at her like a cat with his bowl of cream, he quickly finished all her juices. By pushing aside the sc.r.a.p of lace, he was able to spear his tongue fully into her. She cried out, arching back, pressing herself against his face. He tried to hide his smile, but couldnat.

Thrusting his tongue into her, again and again, he moved his hand around so he still held her in the perfect position, but could also rub her c.l.i.t. Her sensitive bit of flesh felt fully engorged, hard and swollen between her folds. Fiercely thrusting his tongue into her, rubbing her c.l.i.t, he could feel the excitement and s.e.xual energy build in his Lily.

She began to buck, to thrust herself upon him in time to his tongueas thrusts, to moan as his thumb circled around and around.

aFaster,a she panted, an aching need evident in her tone. aPlease, Andrew, just a little faster and I can come again.a Smiling, muttering, aAs you wish,a against her heated, swollen flesh, he speared her p.u.s.s.y faster with his tongue and frantically rubbed her c.l.i.t.

In seconds, he could feel the contractions begin in her womb, could taste the extra flow of her juice and felt the gathering inside her body, held so closely to his own.

She arched, screamed her release as her body contracted over and over again. He lapped the extra juice, startled by how sweet it was, how delicious it tasted to him.

Finally, she collapsed against the chill gla.s.s, replete and satisfied.

He let her stand there for a moment, drinking in the sated, tousled look she had about her whole body. Her face was flushed beneath the silk mask. The blush managed to run all the way down to her chest, a delicate tinge of red across her skin.

Lily stood there before him, almost naked with only her mask, heels and a slightly torn sc.r.a.p of lace between her folds. Her legs were still splayed widely, her p.u.s.s.y a warm, fleshy red from his rough tongue and her own fierce arousal.

He stood, the image of her splayed against the window, satisfied from his lovemaking, burned forever on his brain. Without even a single coherent thought, he shed his shirt and unb.u.t.toned his pants.

Reaching one arm under her legs and the other around her back, he easily picked her up. Her eyes remained closed, her smile on her face.

aIam too heavy,a she murmured, not particularly caring.

He smiled.

aYouare perfect. And I am a highwayman, after all. We highwaymen have to take what we want. And be sure, I definitely want you.a She smiled and opened her eyes.

aI seem to be pretty sated right now. I think itas my turn to drive you wild.a He laughed.

aNot a chance, dearest. Iam not even close to being done with you.a Lily merely smiled. Her eyes glittered s.e.xily from behind her mask and Andrew felt himself falling deeper and deeper into their game. Best to stay in control, he reminded himself. Confessions of eternal and undying love had no place here in their magical night. Best keep it to s.e.x and games. There would be plenty of time for confessions later and the love could grow between them after that.

Stepping through the bedroom door, he crossed over to the bed and tossed her down onto its softness.

Lily laughed, and bounced once, instantly climbing onto her knees. Slipping her stilettos off and wriggling her torn thong down her legs, she dropped them on the floor, totally uncaring where they ended up. Returning to her kneeling position, she came right up close to where Andrew stood, watching her in awe, and placed her hands on the hips of his pants.

aCome on, Mr. Highwayman, surely youare not shy?a He grinned. Let her see him in his aching arousal; it would certainly prove he wasnat shy.

Slowly, teasingly, he let his hands drop to the zipper on his pants.

Chapter Six.

Lily found herself holding her breath, waiting for Andrew to remove his pants and show himself to her. Even if he was only a few inches long, he had more than proved he could satisfy her without the usual slam-bam-thank-you-maaam methods.

She still had that niggling sensation of knowing him but the night was too perfect, too wonderful, for worrying about such things. She wanted to bask in her s.e.xuality, enjoy every decadent moment. There would be plenty of time for recriminations and what-ifs tomorrow or even next week, once her fantastic holiday was over.

Lily banished the thought with a shudder. She had come here to rest and relax. Fantastic, multi-o.r.g.a.s.mic s.e.x was an added bonus.

She had no idea when he had lost his shoes and socks. She couldnat remember seeing him take them off but she had been so lost in her own pa.s.sions, he could have started contacting people on the moon. As long as he had kept on tasting her and touching her, she doubted she would have noticed.

Shaking her head slightly, she reached once again for his pants. As she gently unzipped them, being careful not to catch anything delicate in its metal teeth, she smiled up at her lover. She loved his dark eyes, his dark hair and wicked smile. The dimple peeking in and out of his cheek drove her wild. She found herself surprised that, instead of being shy or worried about her instant attraction to this man, she felt energized by it. He lent her a feeling of safety, of protection, and in this magical atmosphere she embraced the incredible magic of their time together.

As she helped him shuck his pants over his hips and skim his black briefs along with them, his erection sprang free and she caught her breath at its magnificence. While not the biggest c.o.c.k she had ever seen, it was a more than healthy length and beautifully thick. More than enough to fill her and satisfy the heat he had built up in her.

As he came over her, leaning his weight on his arms as his body caged hers deliciously, she reached one hand up to touch the edges of his mask. She thought it funny how she had totally forgotten her own mask, comfortable and silky as it was.

aShould wea?a she trailed off, not knowing if he preferred the masks on or if he was just being polite in not removing hers first.

He smiled, his dimple playing in his cheek again. She found his smile so warm and s.e.xy she couldnat help but smile back at him.

aNah. Letas leave the masks on for tonight. Tomorrow we can take them off. I think the masks add to the magic of the night, donat you?a She nodded. The masks did add to the mystique of the evening. Also, since that niggling doubt that she knew him wouldnat go away, she didnat want to spoil the evening by looking disappointed if he removed the mask and she realized she didnat know him. Her look of disappointment could easily be misconstrued as disappointment in him.

As he bent down to kiss her, he whispered, aBesides, there will be plenty of time for us to make love without the masks, after tonight.a She raised an eyebrow. aSure of yourself, arenat you?a Instead of replying, he kissed her, which felt more than fine to her. The feeling of his lips against hers, of his tongue darting and playing with her, sent fire racing over her skin. Never had she been the type of woman to blush at anything, yet his every touch seemed to make her skin burn and her body ache.

As he lay over her, his naked body sent darts of fire along her skin. He seemed to create a fire inside her; the skin-on-skin contact seemed to create a delicious friction within and she couldnat help herself. She could feel her p.u.s.s.y creaming again, could feel the aching tension inside herself. Despite having two fantastic, she was climbing, aching for more.

She touched his skin, ran her hands gently over his chest and shoulders, drawing him closer, eager to explore his body. She arched into him as he also explored her. His mouth plundered hers, yet his hands rubbed over her skin, sensitizing her for him.

Eagerly, she spread her legs, enjoying the solid, warm feeling of him lying cradled between her thighs. Blindly, without thinking or caring about the consequences, she arched herself up into him, trying to get his heated tip to enter her and begin their night of fun.

aHang on, darling,a he panted, pulling his mouth away from hers. He shuffled over to the side table, pulling open the nightstand drawer and removing several foil packages.

With more haste than grace, he sheathed himself in the latex.

ad.a.m.n, a few kisses and your divine skin under my hands and Iam worse than a fifteen-year-old virgin. I doubt youad appreciate the lack of protection.a Lily smiled, glad one of them had some brains left. aI wasnat thinking about it, myself. But yeah, Iam glad youare gentleman enough to think of it.a aGentleman? Woman, Iam supposed to be a highwayman. Now, you need to stand and deliver, so I can keep my head high with pride.a Lily laughed and pulled him back into her embrace, eager for him to keep going. aI am very keen for your head to stay high. I donat think I can stand but I can certainly deliver.a Kissing her highwayman again, Lily moaned as his tip entered her p.u.s.s.y. Even through the latex she could feel the heat of his c.o.c.k, could feel the power resonating from him. He paused, just barely inside her, pulsing and throbbing with his own need and heat. She could feel her own moistness easing his thick pa.s.sage inside her.

aPlease donat tease,a she panted, canting her hips, trying to draw him deeper inside her.

aHow much do you want me?a he teased. If not for the breathlessness of his own question, Lily might have been worried.

Instead of responding, she reached one arm up to drag his face down to her; the other reached around to grasp his exceedingly firm a.s.s and, crossing her legs behind his hips, she pulled him deeply inside her.

With a groan of approval, Andrew plunged, filling her so full, so deeply, she wondered if she might split. aI canat wait, oh s.h.i.t, Iam sorry, love.a Andrew started withdrawing and plunging, faster and faster. Lily felt the friction inside her and closed her eyes against tears of ecstasy. As hot and tight as she felt, she couldnat believe how magnificent the feel of Andrew moving inside her was. Over and over he thrust into her, seemingly reaching deeper and deeper each time.

Lily felt her o.r.g.a.s.m gather inside her. It was as if a storm was about to break. Every nerve ending tightened, Lily threw her head back in complete abandon. She panted for breath and as the wave crashed over her she couldnat even scream, so intense was her pleasure.

Her mouth open in a silent scream, something she had only previously read about, never experienced. She could feel Andrew tighten, as if his c.o.c.k were gathering itself for something. And then he exploded inside her.

He shouted out, a hoa.r.s.e, indescribable sound of a male releasing himself inside a woman. Even though she couldnat feel his seed inside her, she could feel his contractions inside the latex, as her own p.u.s.s.y contracted around him, milking him for all his juice.

As the wave subsided, Lily fell back onto the bed, replete and totally spent. Panting for breath, she barely noticed Andrew fall down to her side, half on top of her, half off.

She panted and caught her breath as the minutes ticked easily by. As her brain stopped whirling and everything seemed to right itself, she curved semi-consciously into Andrewas warm body.

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