The lineage of the Freeman family may be traced from Arthur Freeman, of Lincoln"s-inn-fields, London, and of Antigua, Esq., who espoused Dorothy, relict of George Symes, Esq. of Antigua, (by which marriage the estates called "Freeman"s," in Antigua, now in possession of Inigo-Freeman Thomas, Esq., came into that family,) and had issue a son, Thomas, who m. Rebecca, dau. of Col. Wm. Byam, (_see_ Byam"s _Pedigree_,) and by her had, i. Arthur, of whom hereafter.

ii. Thomas, m. Anne, dau. and co-heir of Col. John Wickham, of Old North Sound, in the Island of Antigua, and by which marriage he became possessed of the estate still known by the name of "Wickhams." Dying, he left issue two sons, 1. Thomas, speaker of the house of a.s.sembly, Antigua, in 1790, m.

Christiana, second dau. of Francis Ffry, of Bermudian Valley, Antigua, Esq., by whom (who died at Cheltenham, 23 Feb. 1808) he had a son, Thomas-Inigo-Wickham Freeman, Esq., a capt. in the army, and late of his Majesty"s 18th Hussars, and of Wickhams, in the island of Antigua, as lineal descendant of John Wickham aforesaid, (of the family of the celebrated William of Wickham, the founder of Winchester College, and New College, Oxford,) whose arms Capt. Freeman quarters with his own; and 2. Arthur, an accomplished scholar, and rector of St. Paul"s, Antigua, where he died in 1815.

iii. Byam, m. Anne, dau. and co-heir of Thomas Watkins, Esq. of Popeshead, Antigua, by whom he had an only child, Harriet, the wife of Thomas Oliver, Esq. of Boston, in North America, who had issue two daus., Alice, late wife of Captain Haynes, R.N., and Emily, who m. - Elton, Esq.

iv. Robert, v. Charles, both died unm.

i. Elizabeth, m. to Richard Kirwan, Esq.

ii. Rebecca, m. to Daniel Warner, Esq.

iii. Mary, m. to - Phillis, Esq.

iv. Charlotte, m. to General Sherington Talbot, (son of John Talbot, Bishop of Durham, and brother of Charles, Lord Talbot, lord chancellor of England, and ancestor of the now Earl Talbot,) by whom she had an only dau., born at Antigua during the raging of a hurricane, 28 July, 1751, and appropriately christened "Indiana;" m. at St George"s, Bloomsbury, 1773, to Louis-Peake Garland, Esq., by whom she had two sons, Nathaniel, and Peake Garland, Esqs., the former of Ensom, in Surrey, and the latter a barrister-at-law, recently deceased at Cheltenham.

Arthur Freeman (the eldest son of Thomas and Rebecca Freeman) m.

Margaret, dau. of Sir George Thomas, first Bart., and dying in 1780, left two sons and three daus., Inigo and George, who, in conformity with the will of their maternal grandfather, a.s.sumed the name of Thomas. (For Inigo-Freeman Thomas, _see_ Thomas"

_pedigree in this work_.) George, who was lieut.-col. in the 11th Hussars, and proprietor of an estate at Popeshead, in Antigua, died unm. in Nov. 1827.


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