Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 20

Li Jiayu extended his hand and, like an iron clamp, wrapped his fingers tightly around Fan Haiqiang’s throat, causing the latter’s scream to cut off abruptly. Li Jiayu then moved his face forward and spoke in an unhurried manner,

“Vice-Princ.i.p.al Fan, screaming in this unsightly manner will greatly affect your n.o.ble image. That is extremely inappropriate for a lecturer, don’t you think so? If you continue acting in this way, don’t blame me when I exert disciplinary measures against you.”

Fan Haiqiang, whose face was drained of blood, oddly resembled a toad on the brink of death. His forehead was covered in cold sweat. With bulged eyes and constantly twitching lips, he nodded desperately. His imploring gaze implied that he would stop screaming; it beseeched Li Jiayu to stop tormenting him!

“You must find it strange as to why I’m torturing you, am I right?”


Li Jiayu extended his other hand to adjust Fan Haiqiang’s tie, a.s.sisting this n.o.ble educator and “person of virtue and prestige” to appear slightly more presentable.

However, cold sweat formed on Fan Haiqiang’s head as he was gripped pathetically by the throat like a dead dog. There was a large hole in his pants which inevitably exposed his frozen lower region. Laid beside him was his severed reproductive organ… Even if he was dressed up to the nines, it would have held no significance as his current image could be summarized in one word: miserable.

“Have… H-have I offended you…? Why are you doing this?”

The instant he felt the immovable hand, which had been tightly clasped around his throat, loosen, Fan Haiqiang rapidly gasped heavily for air before glaring at Li Jiayu and inquired with both shock and anger.

“Up until now, we have had no grudges or feuds.”

“T-then are you by any chance… A relative of the chairman of the department? Seeking revenge for him?”

“Who is the chairman of the department? Ah! Is he the sacrifical p.a.w.n you pushed out earlier? I apologize, I don’t even know that fellow’s surname…”

“Then why did you chop off my third leg! You ruthless barbarian!” Fan Haiqiang wailed hysterically and nearly fainted from Li Jiayu’s exasperating words. 

"Perhaps he saw me as an eyesore, so he mercilessly chopped off my third leg?"

"Why did such an unreasonable barbarian exist?"

"No! This wasn’t being unreasonable, this was a being devoid of humanity!"

It was truly a pity for the high-spirited and robust Fan Haiqiang who was in the prime of his life. Through countless threats and promises, he owned a harem that was neither big nor small within the university… 

"Did this signify that he would never get to taste the flavor of a female school girl again?"

‘d.a.m.ned it! d.a.m.n this white-haired juvenile! I curse you to go to h.e.l.l. You’re even more hateful than those insects!’

“Even if we don’t have any grudges at present, doesn’t mean it’ll stay the same in the future.”

There was a hatred in Li Jiayu’s eyes that bore into his very bones. He could not wait to use the cruelest of methods to torment Fan Haiqiang!

"This ungrateful mutt! This wretched mutt!"

Nothing in this world could soothe Li Jiayu’s hatred, not even if Fan Haiqiang was to disintegrate into ashes!

In his previous life, after the apocalypse had begun, Fan Haiqiang had used his position as Vice-Princ.i.p.al to lead everyone in the first escape from the university. He was, unfortunately, an idiot who lacked a strategic mind. He repeatedly committed stupid mistakes and decisions, causing the students to get caught up in the ambush of the insects!

Before the escape, there were at least 5700 people, but those who managed to reach Yongcheng only numbered to barely 500!

If it hadn’t been for this dolt who led the students straight into a fire pit, the students would not have suffered such serious casualties and at least 2000 and above would have been able to survive the escape!

Fan Haiqiang had taken over the supervision of the scarce supplies of various rations and medicine. Withholding onto the great authority, he was extremely egoistic and only kept the good items to both himself and made sure those who protected his life firmly received ample rations.

As for the others… the students who were defiant and possessed little to no combat prowess were merely given two mouthfuls of bread. Whether they lived or died held no importance to him as they were only there to preserve his image.

The matter that caused Li Jiayu and the rest of the boys feel indignant was that Fan Haiqiang actually had the audacity to stealthily ask the girls to accompany him during the night!

If they refused, he would use all means necessary to seek revenge! He would reduce the food rations and protection. Due to this, quite a few girls lost their lives because of their defiance!

In actuality, many of the guys who wished to rebel against Fan Haiqiang’s tyranny but were swayed away in the end by his deceit. It was said that he had an acquaintance in the Yongcheng Military district who was a Deputy Commander and as long as they followed him to Yongcheng, that Deputy Commander would take care of everyone properly! 

This shameless Fan Haiqiang! This reason, forced most of the crew’s Sorcerers, Awakened, Warriors and Healers to have no choice but to bow their heads! Although he didn’t have a fart of any capability, the skill of being an official was displayed to its fullest. He was able to  utilize various preposterous reasons in order to deceive the warriors in the crew, so much so that they did not dare defy!

Even after escaping to Yongcheng, Fan Haiqiang was still strung through and filled with evil! He had even discreetly joined a certain deranged cult, wholeheartedly believing that if he collected 7749 hearts of warriors, made it into a stew and drank it, he would turn into a Third-Tier ability user!


Casually taking a sip of a soup and you’ll advance to the Third Tier? Was that even remotely possible? Even if it was at the cost of 49 hearts of warriors?!

Anyone with even the slightest of rationality could tell that something was fishy. Fan Haiqiang, however, believed it! He foolishly believed it, or perhaps… A lowlife such as him, admired the grandeur and superior position of a Third Order Ability User, causing him to try his best to ascend to that realm, even if he was to exhaust any means possible!

Therefore, he exploited the ident.i.ty of both Xijiang University’s Vice-Princ.i.p.al and Yongcheng’s Eastern Knight to once again deceive the students. Coercing the ability users, he led them step by step into his trap. Until finally, a tragedy occurred… However, as predicted, Fan Haiqiang failed to become an Ability User...

Paper can never conceal fire and amongst the 49 Ability Users, over 30 of which had been students of Xijiang University! Naturally, their collective disappearance set off an investigation. Two months after that incident, Fan Haiqiang felt the truth was about to come to light and hence, colluded with a few scoundrels to push the blame onto Li Jiayu!

The accusation… caused Li Jiayu to lose all his reputation. despite many of them persistently believing in Li Jiayu’s innocence, there had been just as many who doubted and loathed him because of this incident. This event had taken away Li Jiayu’s footing in Yongcheng, so much so that… It became a catalyst for the entire Celestial Empire to hunt him in the future!

However, these were not what Li Jiayu hated the most.

The most detestable act was… In an attempt to fawn over a nemesis of Li Jiayu for his own selfish desires… Fan Haiqiang dared to recommend Li Jiayu’s sister, Li Banyue to that person!

Even if his nemesis sincerely fancied Li Jiayu’s sister, Li Banyue had not once taken a glance at that person. Regardless of how outstanding, how handsome or how much stronger he was compared to Li Jiayu, it was all of no use as Li Banyue already had someone in her heart!

‘d.a.m.n it! d.a.m.n it! d.a.m.n it! Had it not been for Fan Haiqiang, my little sister would not have ended up that miserably! She would not have died!’

The catalyst for everything had undoubtedly been Fan Haiqiang!

Even in his dreams, he wished Fan Haiqiang to die a gruesome death!

“Why are you glaring at me? Compared to the students who had their hearts gouged out, a missing piece of flesh is nothing. Ah?! You’re still glaring at me?!”

“I… When did I gouge out anyone’s heart? I am a law-abiding citizen; not once have I committed a crime!"

“If I say you did, it means you did! No one needs your affirmation!”

Pa! Pa!

Li Jiayu tapped Fan Haiqiang’s face in an extremely humiliating manner but still felt that it was inadequate to vent the hatred and murderous intent that festered within his heart. 

So, Li Jiayu clenched his fist into a ball, mustering his entire strength behind  it. Then like a sledgehammer, he drove his fist directly and mercilessly into Fan Haiqiang"s face!

Peng! Peng! Peng!

Fan Haiqiang coughed up blood with every blow he received. Every blow made Fan Haiqiang wish for death, so much so that he feared the next blow would flatten his nose or even his skull!

“P-please… Please stop hitting me, I’ll die.”

Upon hearing Fan Haiqiang’s pleas, Li Jiayu sneered and lowered his hand, but soon followed up with a heavy kick to Fan Haiqiang’s frozen groin wound! He trampled ferociously and concluded with a kick which contained all of his might.


Fan Haiqiang could not help but to curl up, his back arched into the shape of a shrimp. The pain delivered by the devastating kick was worse than death itself!

A conservative estimate of the damage caused by this kick… would be that it may have left the bladder in a ruptured state or, if it was more serious, it would have already exploded!

“Princ.i.p.al Fan, just stay here and obediently sacrifice yourself to the insects. I think… I believe everyone will be grateful to you!”

Albeit being wrecked to a state beyond recognition, Fan Haiqiang still retained his consciousness but as he soon as he heard Li Jiayu’s intentions of feeding him to the insects, he exclaimed through tears and mucus,

“N-No… No… P-Please, let me off… I don’t want to die! As long as you stop hurting me, I will not blame you! So, please don’t feed me to the insects! I- I have money and I have women. As long as you allow me to live through this crisis… I will hand everything over to you. I request you to let me off. I do not want to die!”

Li Jiayu inhaled a mouthful of air. Turning around coldly, he picked up Hua Xiaolu from Han Xiaoqi’s embrace and carried her once more as he spoke,

“Why? Are you guys dumbfounded? Do you think I’m merciless? I’ll only explain once… If I do not deal with him today, we’ll be consigned to eternal d.a.m.nation!”

Lin Zhibin and the girls had perplexed expressions.There were bewildered and had feelings of loss and wisps of fear. They had known Li Jiayu was merciless towards insects but had no idea he was just as b.l.o.o.d.y and savage when dealing with humans!

However… more or less, they had various kind of feelings for Li Jiayu. There was the pure friendship between childhood friends, the indistinct friendship between men and women and also the blatant fondness… 

Adding to fact that they had experienced the ordeal together, they were thoroughly on Li Jiayu’s side. So, naturally, they would not question Li Jiayu’s actions. Additionally… Li Jiayu was covered in a fog of mystery; he seemed to be able to predict the future, so there might be an incomprehensible reason behind why he was doing this...

“You had an absolutely irreconcilable expression… I can see, you must have your reasons… I won’t think of you as a cruel person… There’s one thing I’m sure of is how you’ve protected me once and that alone is enough. Isn’t that right?”

Han Xiaoqi replied calmly as she looked at the friend whom she had grown up with since childhood. Her words contained no lies and her sincere expression revealed trust, trust that was built purely upon the foundation of their friendship.

“Sigh, the sight of this fellow has sunk my mood all the way to the bottom, causing me to recall some unhappy matters… Whatever, let’s move on. Ignore him, an insect will deal with him sooner or later.”

As his voice fell, a Venomous Spider leapt in from the outside. Gazing at Fan Haiqiang, who was limp like a puddle of mud, it narrowed its beady scarlet eyes, strutted over and pounced on his face before biting away ravenously!

“Ah! Don’t go! Don’t leave me, I beg you! Save me, kill it quickly! My neck…”

“Feuds of the past… shall be repaid in this lifetime! Perhaps you might feel wronged in the afterlife but that’s worthless. Laws are not necessary in the apocalypse. If I wish to kill, then you must die! Haha, this is the first time I feel that killing a human feels better than killing an insect!”

Li Jiayu looked over his shoulder. The corners of his lips curled up into a ruthless yet satisfied grin. An unspeakably pleasant emotion filled his heart and the regrets of his previous life intertwined as though he had toppled over a five-flavoured condiment bottle and could not distinguish which flavor was which.

Wordlessly, Li Jiayu ushered everyone towards the 13th floor… Chaotic screams echoed out from the 13th floor. It was easy to see that the 13th floor had been overrun by Sulphuric Acid Worms.

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