Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 27

“What is this? It"s gorgeous, just like a red jade…” Ran Hongxia blinked. She looked curiously at the Insect Core laying in Li Jiayu’s palm and exclaimed.

Everyone’s puzzled gazes lingered on that Insect Core and had expressions of alarm plastered over their faces.

Be it ordinary gems, jewels and the like, everyone had already seen many of them, regardless of if it had been on television or in jewelry stores. So, it shouldn’t come as a surprise to see one.

That Insect Core, however, was vastly different from ordinary jewels. Not only was it exquisite and pure as water, the most incredible thing was that it emitted a faint l.u.s.ter that dazzled up the somewhat dusky hall.

“This is an Insect Core. After killing a Crimson Crowned Beetle, I took it from its brain.”

Li Jiayu said plainly. He watched the exquisite face of Ran Hongxia, who stood before him, and felt annoyance resurfacing to his heart. Subconsciously, he almost stabbed her with Frost Moon out of reflex!

"Stinking woman!

"See if I don’t stab you to death!

‘Huuu... Calm down, calm down. Although I was chased and battered like a pathetic mutt by Ran Hongxia in my past life... forced to kneel several times and even slandered as a pervert... which resulted in her almost breaking my "little brother" and busting one of my soft and tender "eggs"...!!

‘Had it not been for sister’s cure, it’s probable that I would"ve long since turned into a eunuch in my previous life!’

‘However, everything has returned to the very beginning. Without any mishaps, there should be no situation which would cause me to be chased by this r.e.t.a.r.ded woman…’

‘And if she dares to come after my life, I will send her to h.e.l.l right at this moment!

‘I should be more open-minded... Although Ran Hongxia is loathsome, there’s no doubt about her tremendous potential.’

In his previous life, Ran Hongxia had practically been the southern province’s most dazzling upcoming talent and had “Heaven’s Firmament Sword Saintess” as a t.i.tle. Her strength could have been ranked at the top 100 within Celestial Empire and she had been an expert that various large forces vied over.

Even when Li Jiayu had advanced to a Greater Dark Summoner, she still had 70% of Li Jiayu’s strength. She had been terrifyingly strong! If Li Jiayu were to be encroached by Ran Hongxia, he would have his skin peeled even if he does not die!

Ran Hongxia was simply a genius in the sword. Although she did not seem that intelligent, nor were her four limbs fully developed, her comprehension of the sword was the highest Li Jiayu had ever encountered!

During life or death matches with Ran Hongxia, there had been several occasions when he had evidently been about to end her life. However, he failed every single time!

At the brink of the most critical situations, Ran Hongxia had frequently attained enlightenment in the midst of battle and turned the tide around! Her swordplay would ascend to another level and unleash her prestige, in the end, she would beat Li Jiayu into a sorry state!

So, if the situation required the little group to increase their strength in the shortest period of time, Ran Hongxia would undoubtedly emerge as the first selection!

As long as Ran Hongxia did not exact her random bouts of justice and treat Li Jiayu as an eyesore, everything would be fine...

“How could that be? Such an ugly insect actually produced such a beautiful crystal in its brain? Then again… Did the condensed crystal bring any benefit to them?"

Ran Hongxia’s limpid eyes brimmed with surprise. Raising her hands, she wished to take the crystal from Li Jiayu’s hands and observe the crystal in close detail, yet was afraid it might appear rude and, hence, she dropped the matter.

"How would I know if this provided any benefits? Not to mention, these insects aren"t organisms from Earth, so it’s natural that they should not be viewed by Earth"s standards... In short, the only thing you need to know is that these Insect Cores are of great help to you!"

“Not from Earth? How do you know that? From what I"ve heard, you seem to be able to predict events?”

Seeing how Ran Hongxia stared fixedly at him, Li Jiayu felt irritated and turned around, saying stiffly,

“It’s none of your business even if it’s true! Anyways… you can’t go wrong if you listen to my words. Ignore the other things!”

"Ah! Every time she stares at me… my lower region starts aching. It’s a terrible trauma!"


Ran Hongxia replied dimly as she pouted slightly. In actuality, she felt extremely aggrieved. Why did an expert swordsman she had finally managed to meet turn out to hate her? 

"If he disliked me, why did he save me? Why did he gift me an Insect Core!?"

"This fellow is so unreasonable!"

Seeing Ran Hongxia feeling at a loss, Li Jiayu thought he would feel satisfied. However, for some odd reason, it felt dull. It was as though bullying such a foolish woman did not give him any sense of accomplishment, so he ceased the nonsense and got to the point,

“Take this. Grab it in the heart of your palm.”

“It’s so light as though there’s no weight. Ugh, what’s next?” Ran Hongxia followed Li Jiayu’s instructions obediently and took the Insect Core from Li Jiayu’s palm. The instant their skin came into contact with each other, she felt that Li Jiayu’s hand was terrifyingly cold. It was so cold that it was like ice and she could not help but shudder at the touch.

“Afterwards… shut your eyes, open your mind’s consciousness, guide your mental energy into your palm and try to join it with the Insect Core… Gradually, you’ll be able to feel the Insect Core’s power and the core will turn into a flow of warm energy inside your body.”

“T-This… What kind of joke is this? I am not a hypnosis master or magician. How would I know how to guide the mental energy?" Ran Hongxia had a perplexed expression as she was afraid that others would take her as a joke.

“If I say you’re capable of achieving it, It means you can achieve it! Why are you being so skeptical? When the cosmic storm swept by us, everyone’s bodies had already undergone a subtle transformation. Particularly, for people like you who have great apt.i.tude, guiding your mental energy is as simple as eating rice.”

“You are not me. How do you know that I’m able to do it? Then again… it’s such a big crystal, how can it be a.s.similated into the human body?”

“Stop this nonsense! As long as you do not have the brain of a pig, you can definitely do it. Insect Cores are not substances but rather, the condensed form of life energy. So, other than the cover and protection layer, there’s no weight. Inside the Insect Core is the purest form of bio-energy. It can be absorbed 100% by humans.”

The bystanders clicked their tongues in wonder. If what Li Jiayu said was true, then these Insect Cores would be extremely precious. Using scientific logic, an energy that’s able to a.s.similate 100% fully into the human body had not been discovered yet.

Simultaneously, they all had eccentric expressions plastered across their faces. They were not idiots and could see that Li Jiayu was not friendly toward Ran Hongxia, although it could not be said to be malicious. They could sense that Li Jiayu felt that Ran Hongxia was very loathsome or else, he would not have spoken to Ran Hongxia in such an abrasive manner.

However, there was something the others failed to comprehend. Li Jiayu seemed to understand Ran Hongxia. Otherwise, why did he call her Sword Saintess and naturally gifted? He even gifted an object as precious as the Insect Core to Ran Hongxia, rather than him using it on himself.

“Okay… Let me try again.”

Li Jiayu’s slightly angry gaze placed her at a loss. Her heart felt as though a cat was scratching at it. Hurriedly, she focused, shutting her eyes and trying her best to do accordingly as Li Jiayu had instructed.

In a few seconds, the Insect Core held within Ran Hongxia’s palms began to emit a serenely cold red glow from the gaps. It was to the extent that her soft hands took on a brilliant appearance, dazzling up the dark hall.

She felt a gentle warm energy flowing in her palm. As though she was being tickled by a feather, it was numbing, yet comfortable. Afterward, that energy flowed along her palm and entered her meridians, then rapidly disseminated along the entirety of her body. In the next moment, she felt the depths of her bones seemed to be burning up. Feeling the heat, to one’s surprise, she sweated even though there was chilled air blowing in from the outside.

The whole process only lasted for 10+ seconds and Ran Hongxia was already done with the a.s.similation. 

The Insect Core in her hands had already vanished into thin air! All of a sudden, she opened her eyes with pleasant surprise evident on her face. She felt that both of her arms were overflowing with strength and could not wait to find an expert to spar.


Ran Hongxia’s hands grasped onto the wooden sword and waved it in pa.s.sing, actually drawing out a burst of wind sound with ample might! Be it speed or strength, both had been inadvertently raised by a mile.

“It’s incredible. A mere Insect Core increased my strength by double…” Ran Hongxia muttered under her breath, staring at Li Jiayu with an incredulous gaze. The observers, who had witnessed Ran Hongxia absorb the Insect Core, clicked their tongue in wonder and in an instant, their gazes blazed with desire.

“That’s needless to say. Insect Cores are humanity’s energy source for evolution. If one wishes to survive in this, new, cruel era, Insect Cores are a necessary resource.”

“What if I absorb 10 at once, would my strength increase by tenfold? By then, my strength alone would be able to resist that red-colored beetle, right?”

Upon hearing that, the students stirred and their breathing hastened inadvertently. Even Hsiao Wanqing, who was in Li Jiayu’s embrace, could not restrain it and trembled, seeming to ponder deeply.

"Insect cores!"

‘It’s a treasure. If I obtained one, I can increase my strength. That would mean… being superhuman isn"t a mere dream anymore?"

‘Kill insects and strengthen oneself… G.o.d, this is amazing.’ 

Some guys who loved reading comics and playing games could not help but antic.i.p.ate it as this new era had brought forth a new path similar to leveling!    

One only needed to work hard to live. They just needed to occasionally kill some insects, loot the Insect Cores, train their techniques and then become famous by becoming a superhuman that would make the world shudder in awe!

Thinking about that made them excited and the breathing of several male students turned ragged. They were so overwhelmed with emotions that they were on the verge of losing control!

Li Jiayu swept a glance at the excited faces of those eager male students. In the face of this, he merely curled his lips and poured a bucket of cold water over their heads.

“Ran Hongxia, are you really that naive? ...10 times the strength? Wake up, foolish woman! Do you really think the Insect Crystal is omnipotent? Only with the first a.s.similation would one receive the greatest benefit. The next a.s.similation with the same kind of insect would have decreased effectiveness. 

"When you absorb the second Insect Core, you can promote your strength by 0.8 times at most, while the third would be 0.5 times. Everything depends on apt.i.tude and const.i.tution. For a genius like you, it decreases at a slower pace and your limit probably exceeds 10 crystals.

"However, for an ordinary human, 4-5 crystals is the limit. Not only that, the first crystal would only increase their strength by 0.7 times. Even if they have a lot of Crimson Crowned Beetle Insect Cores, raising their strength to 2 times is stretching the limit…”

Pausing for a moment, Li Jiayu looked at everyone’s vacant expressions and teased,

“Listen closely, whatever I’ve mentioned so far… refers merely to the strength of your arm! Arm strength does not affect the strength of your entire body such as your waist, legs, and the like, did not undergo any changes/improvements. 

"If one wished to increase their leg strength, they’ll have to kill an ample amount of Black Hopping Worm,  Corpse Worm, with their Insect Cores, you’ll be able to run further, and escape quicker!

"Even Corpse Spider, the evolved state of Venomous Spider’s Insect Core increases one’s immunity and contains a poison resistance effect. With this Insect Core, one will be able to survive in the new era, where the environment is harsh…

"There are varying effects such as, improving one’s blood performance, cell activity,  spirit recovery, mental calculation and many more. It was to the extent that it was even possible to change a person’s gender! Male to female, female to male, or even double-gender! These Insect Cores also do exist! 

"For Insect Cores, there are only those that you can’t think of and nothing the Insect Cores can’t achieve!”

The more Li Jiayu spoke, the more the students listened with growing interest. From the information gathered in Li Jiayu’s words, they found out that that the types and varieties of insects were very complicated and that they would soon face great danger. Despite that, they were still stuck between uncertainty and fear.

What is, danger? It is the intersection between crisis and opportunity!

When they found out that killing insects was not only a method to survive but also an opportunity of strengthening oneself, they were lured by the benefits. Only then did they raise their courage to fight the insects!

However, the words that followed afterward discouraged them,

“You people are treating the matter a little too simply. Do you really think all insects possess Insect Crystals? Let me tell you, insects like the Venomous Spider and Corrosive Worm Worms were just disposable goods! The weakest of trash! However, it seems that these trash roles are more than sufficient to force you guys into a corner with nowhere to go. They’re enough to scare you people witless! If a Dark Feathered Lightning Hawk came along, you guys would regret your own existence!”

These words reminded the students of the incident when a person was melted by a Corrosive Worm’s acid and turned into a puddle of yellow pus. 

This reminder was akin to someone pouring a bucket of cold water over their heated heads. Their fervently burning excitement was instantly doused out by more than half and they could only gulp down their saliva in bitterness.

"f.u.c.k… Is this real? Venomous Spiders and Corrosive Worms were already terrifying enough. Yet, they were the weakest amongst the Insect Invasion?"

When facing a Corrosive Worm, three to four fearless men were needed to have a chance at resisting… If they met even higher-ranked insects, what should they do?

That was not disparity numbers could make up for. For creatures like the Crimson Crowned Beetles, even if several tens of ordinary people ganged up against one, it would be of no use as its entire body was as tough as a rock. Without specialized weapons, there was no way of inflicting harm!

"And from Li Jiayu"s words, it seems that there are more frightening existences beyond the Crimson Crowned Beetles..."

"Heavens, how do we deal with them?"

Everyone wanted to kill monsters and raise their levels, but if the monsters could not be damaged and the chance of them perishing with a one-hit-k.o. was high...

"Raise levels my a.s.s, hurry up and buy a Town-Return scroll and hide for the rest of your lives!"

Li Jiayu’s swept his gaze across the crowd like a sharp sword. Those that hadn"t dared to step out during the Corrosive Worms ‘ a.s.sault, even those who had shivered and trembled, those cowardly men acted as though they were being scalded and hurriedly lowered their heads. They had no courage to meet Li Jiayu’s gaze head on.

“Ah… A bunch of cowards! According to data compiled by some people who had nothing to do… During the first phase of the Insect Crisis, 30% of guys will be afraid of death, like a bunch of ostriches that only knows how to escape. These people are normally without any achievements. They either die early and get reincarnated early or, get caught to be slaves. Anyways, no one will care about whether these people live or die…

"Additionally, the remaining 55% of males will perform mediocrely, barely qualifying as a survivor. Usually, they act cautiously but they never take the initiative. Living one day counts as one. It is only when they’re forced into a corner that they’ll know how to resist. These type of men numbers the most. They are also the basic characters in the apocalypse…

"The remaining 15% are the genuinely qualified survivors of the apocalypse! They are courageous and they understand that they need to strive and resist! In the new era, only these 15% of males possess the qualifications to ascend to another level. Think carefully, within a group of 20, there are only 3… Haha, this ratio may be a tad too little. Converting into our situation here, a cla.s.s of 30 males, only 4-5 of them will adapt and survive.

"As for the girls, en, the probability will be even lower! Terrifyingly low! Do you know how low? It does not even reach the 5% mark. That is to say, within two cla.s.ses, there will only be 1 girl that possesses the qualifications! For the remaining 95% of the girls, they will be either tortured to death or devoured. Anyways, the results are miserable… Things such as “being rounded up then killed(gang raped then killed)”, I shall not say much. You guys can experience that on your own.”

Stopping there, the entire hall went into absolute silence, thoroughly quietened down. All that remained were the sounds of their beating hearts, Li Jiayu’s voice resounding in the hall and the indistinct screams emitting from the 12th floor.

Everyone’s faces were drained of blood… At this moment, there was no longer any need to doubt the authenticity behind Li Jiayu’s words. Li Jiayu’s performance thus far had been mystical. 

Along with his contribution to the extermination of the Corrosive Worms, even the secrets behind Insect Cores were sufficient to convince at least 80% of the people. Especially during a time like the apocalypse when they were extremely lacking in security, people tended to hold more trust toward other humans.

“Oh! I forgot to tell you guys something. To save you guys from the delusions of wanting to try… En, Corrosive Worms and Venomous Spiders, these trash insects, do not have any Insect Cores. So, there would be no meaning even if you braved yourself to fight them...

"Ha, if you wish to get stronger, sure! Go challenge the Crimson Crowned Beetle or any other insects of its level. Don’t some students here love playing high difficulty games? Don’t you guys love forming parties to fight the bosses? Right? Why does fighting boss monsters in reality, make you that terrified?”

“Li Jiayu! Stop it… If you continue on, their desire for survival will be destroyed… You should say some encouraging words to raise morale. That way, there will be a positive effect on them!”

Hsiao Wanting, who was silently emitting Sacred Light in Li Jiayu’s embrace, suddenly knitted her brows. Her pretty face was filled with anger. She bit her lips and spoke disgruntledly. Evidently, she felt that he was disseminating panic. If she allowed him to continue, 80% of the students would probably have their courage worn down.

“So what?”

Li Jiayu smiled teasingly and shrugged,

“If they’re discouraged by these words, then they are all useless. They’d be better off dead, lest they waste food rations. The apocalypse isn"t a nice place… So what if they could survive for a day longer? Cowards that could survive today aren"t guaranteed to live through the next...

Princ.i.p.al Hsiao, by using the values from the peaceful era to educate us university students, don’t you feel that you’re falling behind the times? Since you are an educator, you should know fully that, teaching a person how to be a person is more important than teaching knowledge! Right now, I am educating them on how to survive as a person in the apocalypse and not as a dog!”

“Y-you... You are twisting words and forcing logic…”

Hsiao Wanqing’s expression changed. She had wanted to dispute with Li Jiayu. However, upon noticing that he did not seem to be pulling a joke but was looking at her with solemnity, she understood that Li Jiayu was speaking the truth. 

At the same time, the puddle of yellow pus was also within her sights. In the distance, the barely audible screams were drifting to her ears, causing her heart to tighten.

"At this time… It should be me, as a Vice Princ.i.p.al, encouraging everyone and bringing the morale up..."

"Why… Why do I feel that whatever Li Jiayu did was right?"

“Okay! Since Vice Princ.i.p.al Hsiao has spoken, I will stop cracking down on you guys… Oh, you guys move pretty fast. You"ve transported all the carca.s.ses of the frozen Corrosive Worms here? Okay, thanks, you can go rest now.”

At this moment, Li Jiayu had recovered fully through Hsiao Wanqing’s healing. He actually wanted to stay in sister’s warm embrace for a while longer, but the churning murderous intent in his heart was reaching its boiling point! He was not a perverted individual and most definitely not idler who indulged in women, but a bitter expert who had experienced fire and blood. 

Pushing Hsiao Wanqing away softly, Li Jiayu strode over to DO and slapped its head.

“What are you dilly-dallying for? There are 70-80 carca.s.ses before you. Hurry up and get their Brain  Nucleus. Quickly recover your strength and heal your injuries. I need your help!”

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