1 Roger, B.

2 Thomas of Hereford, B.

3 Ewalds (two) MM.

4 5 Walter Stapleton, B. Acca, B.

6 Ywy, C.

7 Ositha, Q.V.M.

8 Ceneu, V.

9 Lina, V. and _Robert Grostete, B._ 10 Paulinus, Archb. John, C. of Bridlington.

11 Edilburga, V.A.

12 Edwin, K.

13 14 Burchard, B.

15 Tecla, V.A.

16 Lullus, Archb.

17 Ethelred, Ethelbright, MM.

18 _Walter de Merton, B._ 19 Frideswide, V. and Ethbin, A.

20 21 Ursula, V.M.

22 Mello, B.C.

23 24 Magloire, B.

25 _John of Salisbury, B._ 26 Eata, B.

27 Witta, B.

28 _B. Alfred._ 29 Sigebert, K. Elfreda, A.

30 31 Foillan, B.M.


1 2 3 Wenefred, V.M. Rumwald, C.

4 Brinstan, B. Clarus, M.

5 Cungar, H.

6 Iltut, A. and Winoc, A.

7 Willebrord, B.

8 Willehad, B. Tyssilio, B.

9 10 Justus, Archb.

11 12 Lebwin, C.

13 Eadburga of Menstrey, A.

14 Dubricius, B.C.

15 Malo, B.

16 Edmund, B.

17 Hilda, A. Hugh, B.

18 19 Ermenburga, Q.

20 Edmund, K.M. Humbert, B.M.

21 22 Paulinus, A.

23 Daniel, B.C.

24 25 26 27 28 Edwold, M.

29 30


1 2 Weede, V.

3 Birinus, B. Lucius, K. and Sola, H.

4 Osmund, B.

5 Christina, V.

6 7 8 _John Peckham, Archb._ 9 10 11 Elfleda, A.

12 Corentin, B.C.

13 Ethelburga, Q. wife of Edwin.

14 15 16 17 18 Winebald, A.

19 20 21 Eadburga, V.A.

22 23 24 25 26 Tathai, C.

27 Gerald, A.B.

28 29 Thomas, Archb. M.

30 31

N.B. _St. William_, _Austin-Friar_, _Ingulphus_, and _Peter of Blois_ have not been introduced into the above Calendar, their days of death or festival not being as yet ascertained.



182 Dec. 3. Lucius, K. of the British.

Jan. 1. Elvan, B. and Medwyne, C. envoys from St. Lucius to Rome.


300 Oct. 22. Mello, B. C. of Rouen.

303 Ap. 23. George, M. under Dioclesian. Patron of England.

June 22. Alban and Amphibalus, MM.

July 1. Julius and Aaron, MM. of Caerleon.

304 Jan. 2. Martyrs of Lichfield.

Feb. 7. Augulus, B.M. of London.

328 Aug. 18. Helen, Empress, mother of Constantine.

388 Sept. 17. Socrates and Stephen, M.M. perhaps in Wales.

411 Jan. 3. Melorus, M. in Cornwall.


432 Sept. 16. Ninian, B. Apostle of the Southern Picts.

429 July 31. Germa.n.u.s, B. C. of Auxerre.

July 29. Lupus, B. C. of Troyes.

502 May 1. Brioc, B. C., disciple of St. Germa.n.u.s.

490 Oct. 8. Ceneu, or Keyna, V., sister-in-law of Gundleus.

492 Mar. 29. Gundleus, Hermit, in Wales.

July 3. Gunthiern, A., in Brittany.

453 Oct. 21. Ursula, V.M. near Cologne.

bef. 500 Dec. 12. Corentin, B.C. of Quimper.


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