
Chapter 116

So carrying on from where we left off, King Alaric and Queen Gwyneth established a small settlement. The land surrounding Xoria was extremely fertile allowing their settlement to quickly expand, grow and prosper, but like all fertile land but the growth of Xoria didn"t go unnoticed there were nearby Orc tribes.... as you all may know Orc tribes love to raid human settlements taking men and women and incorporating them into their tribe.

"Aren"t orcs friendly?.. I remember seeing some walking around in Tripola." I whispered to Jay.

"Depends.... on the tribe... some orc tribes are friendly and some orc tribes are hostile..... For example most Orc tribes around Arcadia aren"t directly hostile….. But the mountain orcs are extremely hostile." Jay answered.

"..... As you all may know.... King Alaric challenged the Warchief Grukk the Butcher in single combat.... Despite the odds fighting King Alaric defeated the Orc Warcheif in combat ending the Grukks barbaric rule. Appointing a young strong orc Grogguk as the new Warchief he forged an alliance with the neighbouring Orc tribe, offering food and produce in exchange for help building up the settlement. Year by year Orcs and humans lived in peace side by side, helping the Orcs with education, agriculture, animal husbandry and even basic blacksmithing.

"King Alaric sounds like a good king..." I whispered.

"Yeah some say he was the greatest King of Xoria." Diasy whispered back.

"Because all his descendants were bad kings?.." I asked.

"They just got progressively worse and worse and more corrupt..." Ashley whispered back.

"Yeah.... The young king Thomas only aged 9.... Already married to queen Delphine aged 20, it"s kno surprise that Delphine"s home Town is getting favours from the king....." Daisy whispered.

"Yes.... all the kings and queens of Xoria is just one big fight for the throne.... anyone with a right to the throne being used as a p.a.w.n or hatching plans to sit themselves on the great golden throne." Jay whispered.

"... That"s not very surprising....." I replied feeling quite saddened by this news, how this world is filled with great wonder and magic, but still so backwards when it came to politics and culture. "How about the other kingdoms that surround Xoria?..." I asked.

"Well you know the heads of the schools.... they are also heads of that kingdom as well..... Abbraxsoth the Demon current ruler of Eshia, anyone and everyone can challenge Abbraxsoth to a duel for rule over Eshia. Hanna Grandmaster artificer of Aspa.... generally Aspa is governed through a council but Hanna has the last and commanding word on everything. She was voted in by the council based on her knowledge, intellect and wisdom. Zessia is ruled by a council of ageless sorcerers.... Nine immensely strong sorcerers that are agless some speculate they are eternals..... Egwene being the most famous and strongest of the nine." Jay explained.

"What about Arcadia?.." I asked.

"Arcadia is ruled by King Edward and Queen Caitlin, they have two children Princess Calista and Crown Prince Callum." Jay answered.

"I guess the Crown Prince is next in line for the throne?..." I asked noticing the t.i.tle.

"Yes... He is older.... and a Male heir... so he will be next in line to the throne." Jay answered.

"How is Arcadia governed?..." I asked curiously.

"Arcadia has a royal Family that has the Final say in things..... But Arcadia is split into several smaller cities governed by a council, once a year all the governing councils gather in Valares the capital of Arcadia to discuss politics for all of Arcadia." Jay answered.

"What about Atlantis?.." I asked.

"Atlantis is an academy to train students and the main military force to deter any of the other schools from taking territories from Arcadia." Jay answered.

"But if we are all here to defend Xoria... why are we attacking each other?.." I asked.

"The same thing that makes everything go around..... Money...." Daisy replied.

"Yes sadly... Xoria doesn"t get involved in the politics between the kingdoms..... All they care about is the taxes each kingdom pay them and as long as their coffers are full they are happy with whatever happens." Jay answered.

"..... This place is so backwards..." I mumbled.

"Yeah... the only time the kingdoms united for one common cause was against an invasion from another planar threat." Jay answered.

"What happened?.." I asked in shock.

"It"s a long story I"ll tell you tonight... I"m sure everyone else will have an input on their side of the war." Jay smiled.

"Is that the one where apparently four legendary sorcerers from my world intervened and changed the tide of war?.." I asked.

"Yes Erath was rumoured to be able to use high level spells effortlessly, Stryke had the unique ability to manipulate time….. Many have tried to study and discover his form of magic but none has come close to his level of manipulation..... before him we never knew there was magic that could affect time....., Morphling somehow with just a thought he was able to manipulate himself and things around him, he could sunder and raise cities and vast landscapes with just a thought, and lastly Alaystin he was able to freely and instantaneously travel between planes, some say he was even able to create pocket planes for himself." Jay explained.

"Yeah!!! That"s why people from your world are all famous!" Daisy smiled.

"I highly doubt that....I"m gonna be that strong" I replied.

"You never know." Jay smiled.

"Nah..... I really doubt it...." I replied.

"Paul is amazing and you"re from the same place... so you"re bound to be great." Daisy smiled.

"She"s not wrong... just about everyone from where you come from is a great sorcerer so I"m sure you"ll be great." Jay smiled.

"Yeah... you just need more time.... we"ve had years and years of training ahead of you." Daisy smiled giving me a rea.s.suring pat on the back.

"How long ago was King Alaric?.." I asking listening to the lesson.

"Hmm should be around a few hundred years ago..." Jay answered.

"When did the that war you mentioned earlier start?.." I asked in response.

"Hmmm.... little to under 30 maybe 40 years ago..." Jay answered.

"Woah... that"s so recent..." I replied.

"Yup... and that"s when all the kingdoms began a very strict at recruiting individuals who could harness Arcanum...." Jay explained.

"Are there any other Planes the schools recruit from?..." I asked.

"I"m not certain.... but I"d imagine so…. If you came from Consecratus." Jay answered.

"Hmmm I wonder what it would be like to live in your world.... lots of great food.... no dangerous creatures..." Daisy pondered day dreaming resting her head on her hands.

"Ohhhhhhhhh Ashely told me that the simulation rooms can be used to replicate things." I gasped remembering that the simulation room, causing the teacher to turn around looking for the source of the gasp. Promptly causing me to go silent pretending to be a good student.

"Ohhh lets go do that! After dinner!!!" Daisy whispered after waiting for a few seconds for Professor Doddle to turn back around.

"Sure!!! There"s so much I want show you guys." I whispered back.

"Did I just hear we have something awesome planned tonight!!!" Helen whispered turning her head back slightly.

"Yeah... we was planning to hit the simulation room and probably do something from my world." I whispered answering Helen.

"Ohh my that sounds awesome!!! I can"t wait!" She replied leaning over to Grace a.s.suming she relayed the plan and went back to focusing in cla.s.s.

"The Friendship between Xoria and the Orc tribe lasted for over three generations until King Edward the Fourth King to rule Xoria.... made the choice to exile the Orcs as well as any lesser races from the kingdom of Xoria deeming all lesser races unclean." Professor Doddle explained to the cla.s.s.

A student held her hand up waiting for the professor to notice, "Yes Emilly." Professor Doddle asked.

"Ummm..... Is that why no one except royal blood lines is allowed to set foot in Xoria?.." The young girl with raven black hair asked.

"Yes..... From there on.... only Royals and Humans families" with high status are allowed to enter and stay within the walls of Xoria." Professor Doddle answered with a grim face, "But once every four years the Grand Magical Games is on..... Where the gates and doors of Xoria are open to all races to stay for that week." Professor Doddle added.

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