Starodubrovskaya, V. N. _Kooperativnaya sobstvennost v selskom khozyastve sotsialisticheskikh stran._ Moscow: Nauka, 1970.
_Statistical Yearbook, 1971._ National Information Office, Sofia, 1971.
_Statistical Yearbook, 1972._ National Information Office, Sofia, 1972.
_Statisticheskii EzheG.o.dnik, 1971._ Moscow: Tipografiia Sekretariata SEV, 1971.
U.S. Congress. 91st, 2d Session. Joint Economic Committee. _Economic Developments in Countries of Eastern Europe._ Washington: GPO, 1970.
U.S. Department of Agriculture. Economic Research Service. _The Agricultural Economy and Trade of Bulgaria._ (Bulletin ERS-Foreign 256.) Washington: GPO, February 1969.
U.S. Department of the Interior. Bureau of Mines. "The Mineral Industry of Bulgaria." Washington: GPO, n.d. (Preprint from _1971 Bureau of Mines Minerals Yearbook_.)
Wilczynski, J. _Socialist Economic Development and Reforms._ New York: Praeger, 1972.
_Yearbook of National Account Statistics, 1971._ New York: United Nations, 1973.
Section IV. National Security
Baldwin, G.o.dfrey (ed.). _International Population Reports._ (U.S.
Department of Commerce, Series p-91, No. 18.) Washington: GPO, 1969.
Bulgaria. State Information Office with the Council of Ministers.
_Statistical Pocket Book 1970._ Sofia: Sofia Press, 1970.
Cary, William. _Bulgaria Today._ New York: Exposition Press, 1965.
Dellin, L. A. D. (ed.) _Bulgaria: East-Central Europe Under the Communists._ New York: Praeger, 1957.
_The Military Balance, 1972-73._ London: Inst.i.tute for Strategic Studies, 1972.
Newman, Bernard. _Bulgarian Background._ London: Robert Hale, 1961.
Oren, Nissan. _Bulgarian Communism._ New York: Columbia University Press, 1971.
Perl, Lila. _Yugoslavia, Romania, Bulgaria._ Camden: Thomas Nelson, 1970.
Popoff, Emil. "Bulgaria"s Young: The Silent Nihilists," _East Europe_, XVII, No. 7, July 1968, 7-11.
Pounds, Norman J. G. _Eastern Europe._ Chicago: Aldine, 1969.
Rothschild, Joseph. _Communist Eastern Europe._ New York: Walker, 1964.
U.S. Department of Commerce. Office of Technical Services. Joint Publications Research Service--JPRS (Washington). The following items are from the JPRS series _Translations on Eastern Europe: Political, Sociological, and Military Affairs_.
"Bulgarian Criminal Code," _Sbornik postanovleniya i razporezhdaniya na Ministerskiya suvet na NRB_, Sofia, May 1968.
(JPRS: 45,757, No. 5, 1968).
"Bulgarian Customs Operations," _Otechestven Front_, Sofia, 1971, (JPRS: 55,110, No. 475, 1972).
"Civil Defense Plans and Tasks," _Narodna Armiya_, Sofia, February 21, 1972. (JPRS: 58,495, No. 685, 1973).
"Crime Treatment in Socialist Society," _Filosofska Misul_, Sofia, 1971. (JPRS: 53,920, No. 405, 1971).
"Execution of Court Sentences," _Durzhaven Vestnik_, Sofia, April 15, 1969. (JPRS: 48,065, No. 98, 1969).
"History of Military Medical Inst.i.tute," _Voenno Meditsinsko Delo_, Sofia, No. 5, 1970. (JPRS: 52,242, No. 308, 1971).
"Intermediate-Level Service School Entrance Exams," _Trudovo Delo_, Sofia, May 12, 1970. (JPRS: 50,783, No. 228, 1970).
"Internment Without Deprivation of Liberty," _Pravna Misul_, Sofia, 1971. (JPRS: 56,452, No. 550, 1972).
"Law Governing Stay of Foreigners in Belgium," _Durzhaven Vestnik_, Sofia, November 28, 1972. (JPRS: 58,035, No. 658, 1973).
"Law on Universal Military Service," _Durzhaven Vestnik_, Sofia, August 11, 1970. (JPRS: 51,354, No. 257, 1970).
"Medicosocial Problems of Alcoholism," _Nevrologiya Psikhiatriya i Nevrokhirurgiya_, Sofia, 1972. (JPRS: 56,973, No. 589, 1972).
"Military School Cadet Entrance Exams," _Narodna Armiya_, Sofia, May 17, 1970. (JPRS. 50,687, No. 224, 1970).
"Military Training for Secondary Students," _Narodna Mladezh_, Sofia, March 20, 1972. (JPRS: 55,828, No. 516, 1972).
"New Medals," _Armeyski Pregled_, Sofia, September 11, 1969. (JPRS: 48,790, No. 129, 1969).
"New Training Year," _Armeyski Pregled_, Sofia, December 1969.
(JPRS: 49,929, No. 187, 1970).
"New Uniforms for Officers and Noncoms," _Pogled_, Sofia, March 22, 1971. (JPRS: 53,014, No. 347, 1971).
"Party Program for Defense," _Otechestven Front_, Sofia, July 8, 1971. (JPRS: 53,641, No. 386, 1971).
"People"s Councils Legal Departments," _Durzhaven Vestnik_, Sofia, March 6, 1970. (JPRS 50,415, No. 210, 1970).
"Pre-Induction Military Training Reorganized," _Narodna Armiya_, Sofia, August 8, 1968. (JPRS: 46,551, No. 31, 1968).
"Provisions for Servicemen, Families," _Narodna Armiya_, Sofia, February 8, 1973. (JPRS: 58,336, No. 676, 1973).
"Regulations on Obshtina Militia," _Durzhaven Vestnik_, Sofia, May 12, 1970. (JPRS: 50,920, No. 236, 1970).
"Scientific Training for Youth," _Durzhaven Vestnik_, Sofia, December 6, 1968. (JPRS: 47,136, No. 56, 1968).
"Significance of CEMA Defense Programs," _Narodna Armiya_, Sofia, September 22, 1971. (JPRS: 54,261, No. 549, 1971).
"Winter Defense Exercise," _Armeyski Pregled_, Sofia, December 1969.
(JPRS: 49,929, No. 187, 1970).
Wolff, Robert Lee. _The Balkans in Our Time._ Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1956.