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Mackintosh, May. _Rumania._ London: Robert Hale, 1963.

Manolache, Anghel. _General Education in Rumania._ Bucharest: Meridiane Publishing House, 1965.

Matley, Ian M. _Romania: A Profile._ New York: Praeger, 1970.

Mellor, R.E. _COMECON: Challenge to the West._ New York: Van Nostrand, Reinhold, 1971.

Osborne, R.H. _East-Central Europe._ New York: Praeger, 1967.

Parkin, Frank. _Cla.s.s Inequality and Political Order._ New York: Praeger, 1971.

Pounds, Norman J.G. _Eastern Europe._ Chicago: Aldine, 1969.

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Roucek, J., and Lottich, K. _Behind the Iron Curtain._ Caldwell, Idaho: Caxton Printers, 1964.

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"Rumanian Literature." Pages 749-750 in _Encyclopaedia Britannica_, XIX. Chicago: William Benton, 1969.

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Seton-Watson, Hugh. _The East European Revolution._ New York: Praeger, 1968.

Seton-Watson, Robert W. _A History of the Roumanians from Roman Times to the Completion of Unity._ New York: Archon Books, 1963.

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U.S. Department of Commerce. Office of Technical Services. Joint Publications Research Service--JPRS (Washington). The following items are from the JPRS series _Translations on Eastern Europe: Political, Sociological, and Military Affairs_.

"Adult Education Program Examined," _Lupta de Clasa_, Bucharest, August 1970. (JPRS: 51,572, Series No. 272, 1970.)

"Adult Education Program, Examined, Praised," _Munca_, Bucharest, September 3, 1970. (JPRS: 51,745, Series No. 283, 1970.)

"Better Coordination Between Specialized Schools and Production," _Scinteia_, Bucharest, April 20, 1971. (JPRS: 53,539, Series No. 377, 1971.)

"Care in Criticism of Past Culture Urged," _Scinteia_, Bucharest, December 1, 1968. (JPRS: 47,202, Series No. 59, 1969.)

"Center for Education Information and Doc.u.mentation," _Buletinul Oficial al Republicii Socialiste Romania_, Bucharest, April 15, 1971. (JPRS: 53,289, Series No. 364, 1971.)

"Changes in the Social Structure, 1960-1969," _Viata Economica_, XVI, Bucharest, April 16, 1971. (JPRS: 53,159, Series No. 356, 1971.)

"Changes Urged in Policy of Admitting Students to Higher Education," _Scinteia_, Bucharest, January 12, 1971. (JPRS: 52,452, Series No. 317, 1971.)

"Decree Governing a.s.signment of Graduates," _Buletinul Oficial al Republicii Socialiste Romania_, Bucharest, June 8, 1970.

(JPRS: 51,399, Series No. 261, 1970.)

"Delays in Providing Modern School Equipment Cited," _Scinteia_, Bucharest, January 8, 1969. (JPRS: 47,598, Series No. 76, 1969.)

"Development of School System Discussed," _Scinteia_, Bucharest, January 12, 1969. (JPRS: 47,411, Series No. 68, 1969.)

"Economy Modernization Discussed in Relation to Socioprofessional Mobility," _Lupta de Clasa_, V, Bucharest, May 1970. (JPRS: 50,830, Series No. 308, 1970.)

"Equality at Law for National Minorities," _Scinteia_, Bucharest, April 11, 1971. (JPRS: 53,155, Series No. 355, 1971.)

"Government Revises Setup of Education," _Buletinul Oficial al Republicii Socialiste Romania_, Bucharest, December 29, 1968.

(JPRS: 47,447, Series No. 68, 1969.)

"Harmful Influence of Religion Stressed," _Romania Libera_, Bucharest, May 9, 1969. (JPRS: 48,249, Series No. 105, 1969.)

"Law on Education in Rumania," _Romania Libera_, Bucharest, May 15, 1968. (JPRS: 45,795, Series No. 8, 1968.)

"New Secondary School Cla.s.s Program Discussed," _Gazeta Invatamintului_, Bucharest, August 28, 1968. (JPRS: 46,589, Series No. 32, 1968.)

"New Stage in General Education Discussed," _Revista de Pedagogu_, Bucharest, September 1969. (JPRS: 49,412, Series No. 162, 1969.)

"Organization, Operation of the Department of Cults," _Buletinul Oficial al Republicii Socialiste Romania_, Bucharest, August 15, 1970. (JPRS: 51,850, Series No. 289, 1970.)

"Political Education at Universities, Examined," _Scinteia_, Bucharest, January 29, 1969. (JPRS: 47,585, Series No. 75, 1969.)

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