"Trofin Attacks Radio-TV Producers for Indecent Att.i.tudes,"
_Munca_, Bucharest, August 11, 1971. (JPRS: 53,958, Series No.
407, 1971.)
"Work of a.s.sociation of Jurists in Developing Socialist Awareness," _Revista Romana de Drept_, Bucharest, May 1971.
(JPRS: 53,722, Series No. 392, 1971.)
Urbanek, Lida. "Romania." Pages 714-727 in Richard F. Staar (ed.), _Yearbook on International Communist Affairs, 1969._ Stanford: Hoover Inst.i.tution Press, 1970.
----. "Romania." Pages 75-84 in Richard F. Staar (ed.), _Yearbook on International Communist Affairs, 1970._ Stanford: Hoover Inst.i.tution Press, 1971.
Wolfe, Thomas W. _Soviet Power and Europe 1965-1969._ Santa Monica: Rand Corporation, 1969.
_World of Learning, 1970-1971._ London: Europa Publications, 1970.
_World Radio-TV Handbook, 1971._ (Ed., J.M. Frost.) Hvidovre, Denmark: World Radio-TV Handbook, 1971.
(Various issues of the following periodicals were also used in the preparation of this section: _Current History_ [Philadelphia], April 1967; _East Europe_ [New York], January 1967-December 1971; _Economist-Foreign Report_ [London], August-December 1971; _Manchester Guardian Weekly_ [Manchester, England], January 1, 1972; _Newsweek_ [New York], July 20, 1970, and August 9, 1971; _New York Times,_ November 5, 1971-January 1972; _Washington Post_, October 19-December 27, 1971.)
Baldwin, G.o.dfrey (ed.). _International Population Reports._ (U.S.
Department of Commerce, Series P-91, No. 18.) Washington: GPO, 1969.
Blumenfeld, Yorick. _Seesaw: Cultural Life in Eastern Europe._ New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1968.
Bromke, Adam (ed.). _The Communist States at the Crossroads._ New York: Praeger, 1965.
Dupuy, T.N. _Almanac of World Military Power._ Dun Loring, Virginia: T.N. Dupuy a.s.sociates, 1970.
Fischer-Galati, Stephen. _The New Rumania._ Cambridge: Ma.s.sachusetts Inst.i.tute of Technology Press, 1967.
Liber, Benzion, M.D. _The New Rumania: Communist Country Revisited After Sixty Years._ New York: Rational Living, 1958.
Mackintosh, May. _Rumania._ London: Robert Hale, 1963.
_The Military Balance, 1970-1971._ London: Inst.i.tute for Strategic Studies, 1970.
"Rumania." Pages 726-746 in _Encyclopaedia Britannica_, XIX. Chicago: William Benton, 1969.
_Statistical Pocket Book of the Socialist Republic of Romania, 1970._ Bucharest: Central Statistical Board, 1970.
U.S. Department of Commerce. Office of Technical Services. Joint Publications Research Service--JPRS Series (Washington). The following items are from the JPRS Series _Translations on Eastern Europe: Political, Sociological, and Military Affairs_.
"Border Guards Removed from Ministry of Internal Affairs,"
_Buletinul Oficial al Republicii Socialiste Romania_, Bucharest, September 25, 1971. (JPRS: 54,397, Series No. 429, 1971.)
"Collaboration with Armies of All Socialist Countries Stressed," _Scinteia_, May 9, 1971. (JPRS: 53,397, Series No.
370, 1971.)
"Decree on Border Protection System Pa.s.sed," _Scinteia_, Bucharest, November 14, 1969. (JPRS: 49,241, Series No. 156, 1969.)
"Decree Organizes Office of Prosecutor General," _Scinteia_, Bucharest, September 29, 1971. (JPRS: 54,361, Series No. 432, 1971.)
"Draft Law Established Judicial Commissions," _Romania Libera_, Bucharest, November 3, 1968. (JPRS: 47,085, Series No. 54, 1968.)
"Law Concerning Public Prosecutor"s Office Pa.s.ses," _Scinteia_, Bucharest, December 28, 1968. (JPRS: 47,551, Series No. 73, 1969.)
"Law on Execution of Penalties Adopted," _Buletinul Oficial al Republicii Socialiste Romania_, Bucharest, November 18, 1969.
(JPRS: 49,760, Series No. 180, 1970.)
"Law on Police Organization, Functions Adopted," _Buletinul Oficial al Republicii Socialiste Romania_, Bucharest, November 18, 1969. (JPRS: 49,760, Series No. 180, 1970.)
"Law Pa.s.sed on Organization of Court System," _Scinteia_, Bucharest, December 28, 1968. (JPRS: 47,551, Series No. 73, 1969.)
"Ma.s.s and Public Organizations Studied," _Revista Romana de Drept_, No. 6, Bucharest, June 1968. (JPRS: 46,478, Series No.
30, 1968.)
"New Law on Identification Cards, Moving, Residence," _Romania Libera_, Bucharest, March 19, 1971. (JPRS: 53,014, Series No.
347, 1971.)
"Provisions of the New Penal Code Explained." _Revista Romana de Drept_, Bucharest, December 1968. (JPRS: 47,525, Series No.
72, 1969.)
"Rumanian Code of Criminal Procedure," _Buletinul Oficial al Republicii Socialiste Romania_, Bucharest, November 12, 1968.
(JPRS: 47,556, Series No. 74, 1969.)
"Statute of Union of Communist Youth," _Scinteia Tineretului_, Bucharest, February 27, 1971. (JPRS: 52,726, Series No. 331, 1971.)
"Supreme Court Chairman Discusses Laws, Freedom," _Scinteia Tineretului_, Bucharest, February 5, 1971. (JPRS: 52,726, Series No. 331, 1971.)
"Training Youth for Military Described," _Viata Militara_, Bucharest, July 1969. (JPRS: 48,913, Series No. 136, 1969.)
"Training Youth for National Defense," _Sport si Technica_, Bucharest, February 1971. (JPRS: 52,888, Series No. 340, 1971.)
"Warsaw Pact Defends Against Imperialism," _Romania Libera_, Bucharest, May 7, 1971. (JPRS: 53,454, Series No. 374, 1971.)
_Anuarul Statistic al Republicii Socialiste Romania, 1970._ (Statistical Yearbook of the Socialist Republic of Romania, 1970).
Bucharest: Directia Centrala de Statistica, 1970.
Montias, John Michael. _Economic Development in Communist Romania._ Cambridge: Ma.s.sachusetts Inst.i.tute of Technology Press, 1967.
U.S. Congress. 91st, 2d Session. Joint Economic Committee. _Economic Developments in Countries of Eastern Europe._ Washington: GPO, 1970.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service. _The Agricultural Economy and Trade of Romania._ (ERS-Foreign 320.) Washington: GPO, 1971.