U.S. Department of Commerce. Office of Technical Services. Joint Publications Research Service--JPRS Series (Washington). The following items are from the JPRS Series _Translations on Eastern Europe: Economic and Scientific Affairs_.

"Activities of Romanian Foreign Trade Banks Noted," _Finante si Credit_, Bucharest, August 1971. (JPRS: 54,541, Series No.

568, 1971.)

"Antiquated Methods Hinder Conclusion of Economic Contracts,"

_Scinteia_, Bucharest, June 13, 1971. (JPRS: 53,695, Series No. 506, 1971.)

"Better Use of Economic Potential," _Probleme Economice_, Bucharest, April 1971. (JPRS: 53,416, Series No. 485, 1971.)

"Development of National Income Discussed," _Probleme Economice_, Bucharest, April 1971. (JPRS: 53,521, Series No.

491, 1971.)

"Development of Trade with Socialist Countries Detailed," _Viata Economica_, Bucharest, March 12, 1971. (JPRS: 53,001, Series No. 459, 1971.)

"Economic Planning Process Described," _Lupta de Clasa_, Bucharest, July 1971. (JPRS: 53,945, Series No. 524, 1971.)

"Foreign Trade, 1966-1970 Reviewed," _Viata Economica_, Bucharest, February 12, 1971. (JPRS: 52,736, Series No. 441, 1971.)

"Foreign Trade Reform a.n.a.lyzed," _Vierteljahresshefte zur Wirtschaftsvorschung_, West Berlin, July-September 1971.

(JPRS: 54,691, Series No. 580, 1971.)

"Improvement of Wholesale Prices Discussed by Specialists,"

_Viata Economica_, Bucharest, September 11, 1970. (JPRS: 51,680, Series No. 368, 1970.)

"Improvement of Wholesale Price System," _Viata Economica_, Bucharest, September 18 and 25, 1970; October 2 and 16, 1970.

(JPRS: 52,117, Series No. 398, 1970.)

"Interest Rates in New Credit System," _Viata Economica_, Bucharest, October 9, 1970. (JPRS: 52,001, Series No. 389, 1970.)

"Local Budgetary Problems, Proposed Measures Cited," _Finante si Credit_, September 1971. (JPRS: 54,748, Series No. 584, 1971.)

"Manpower Distribution a.n.a.lyzed," _Revista de Statistica_, Bucharest, November 1970. (JPRS: 52,236, Series No. 407, 1970.)

"Measures for Increasing Foreign Trade Efficiency," _Gazeta Finantelor_, Bucharest, December 22, 1970. (JPRS: 52,510, Series No. 426, 1970.)

"Modernization of Planning Advocated," _Probleme Economice_, Bucharest, December 1970. (JPRS: 52,614, Series No. 434, 1970.)

"National Income in 1966-1970, 1971-1975," _Probleme Economice_, Bucharest, May 1971. (JPRS: 53,755, Series No. 510, 1971.)

"New Methods for Planning Agriculture Discussed," _Agricultura_, Bucharest, December 10, 1970. (JPRS: 52,324, Series No. 413, 1970.)

"Profits Termed Essential Indicator of Economic Efficiency,"

_Scinteia_, Bucharest, November 27, 1971. (JPRS: 54,748, Series No. 584, 1971.)

"Relationship of Domestic, Foreign Prices Influences Export Efficiency," _Finante si Credit_, Bucharest, June 1971. (JPRS: 54,056, Series No. 531, 1971.)

"Significance of Acc.u.mulation Rate a.n.a.lyzed," _Probleme Economice_, Bucharest, October 1971. (JPRS: 54,558, Series No.

570, 1971.)

"Socialist Planning in Light of World Planning," _Probleme Economice_, Bucharest, April 1971. (JPRS: 53,392, Series No.

484, 1971.)

"Structural Changes in Manpower Distribution in 1966-1970,"

_Viata Economica_, Bucharest, March 12, 1971. (JPRS: 52,942, Series No. 454, 1971.)


centrals--Industrial a.s.sociations that group enterprises engaged in the same or similar lines of production or enterprises at successive stages of production as, for example, iron mines and steel mills.

COMECON--Council for Mutual Economic a.s.sistance. Founded in 1949; headquartered in Moscow. Members are Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Mongolia, Poland, Romania, and the Soviet Union.

Purpose is to further economic cooperation among members.

_judet_ (pl., _judete_)--Local administrative division corresponding to county or district. There are thirty-nine such counties plus the munic.i.p.ality of Bucharest, which is administered as a judet. There is no intermediate level between the central government and the _judet_ government.

leu (pl., lei)--Standard unit of currency. Officially rated at the level of 1 leu to US$0.18, the actual exchange rate varies according to specific transactions, such as tourist exchange, foreign trade exchange, hard currency purchase, or black-market transaction.

PCR--Partidul Comunist Roman (Romanian Communist Party). Founded in 1921. Declared illegal in 1924; operated underground until 1944.

Known as Romanian Workers" Party from 1948 until 1965.

UGSR--Uniunea Generala a Sindicatelr din Romania (General Union of Trade Unions). Official organization incorporating all labor unions of blue- and white-collar workers. Estimated membership in 1972 was 4.6 million.

UTC--Uniunea Tineretului Comunist (Union of Communist Youth). Official organization that functions as the youth branch of the PCR (_q.v._).

Membership open to young people between ages fifteen and twenty-six.

Membership estimated in early 1972 at 2.5 million.

Warsaw Treaty Organization--Formal name for Warsaw Pact. Military alliance of communist countries founded in 1955, with headquarters in Moscow. The Soviet minister of defense is traditionally the supreme commander of Warsaw Pact forces. Members are Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and the Soviet Union.

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