—Where should I go to find you?


Alarmed upon hearing what he had said, Fan Yuan regained his senses. He widened his eyes incredulously, even forgetting to struggle.

The man on top of him who couldn"t stop nibbling and kissing him stopped his movements, smiled at him for a moment, then slowly released his arms and gradually retreated.

Fan Yuan reached out his hand in fear, wanting to hug him tightly, but he carelessly fell off the dragon chair. His knees hurt a lot, no, his entire body hurt, especially his chest. It was as if his heart had been heavily hammered, as the pain was so excruciating that he really wanted to cry.

“Where are you going, Yan Rui? Are you angry? But what right do you have, the one who should be angry is me!”

Fan Yuan yelled at him in anger, but the man did not stop. Just like that, he continued walking away firmly till he disappeared from Fan Yuan"s line of vision.

That back was very familiar. It had clearly been so long already—he thought he had already forgotten it. It turns out that he hadn"t.

That evening, the setting clouds in the sky were as bright as fire. Fan Yuan tried to make himself look a little more relaxed and muttered a humble prayer.

"Gao Yu, I"ve gotten sick. The doctor said it"s possible it can"t be cured. I"m really scared. Are you willing to come to Germany with me?"

The man frowned, and not a single shred of familiar pity could be seen in his expression. There were no soft words of comfort or even some perfunctory statements. All he got were just some ice-cold words that instantly shattered all of Fan Yuan"s hopes.

He said, “Don"t look for me again in the future.”

The exact same lines as the script, the perfect curtain call.

He should"ve felt happy. He didn"t need to continue pretending to have deep feelings in front of the same s.e.x, he didn"t have to force himself to do those disgusting things, he didn"t have to hurt that innocent girl, and although he knew she wouldn"t get hurt, he still felt very uncomfortable.

Everything was very good, everything was moving in the right direction.

However, why did he cry? He wiped away tears from the corners of his eyes and asked himself—he wasn"t the original host, so why was he so sad?

Xiao Wu praised that his acting skills were getting more and more refined, but only Fan Yuan knew clearly—whether it was his superb acting skills, or………genuine sadness.

That person had abandoned him again.

What exactly was he hoping for? He was a person who was destined to have no past and future. He didn"t even have a real body, and could only survive through borrowing the bodies of others. Once upon a time, he didn"t feel much about this and even felt extremely grateful, but currently, it had become a heavy shackle.

He was not qualified to pursue happiness.

Everything around him began to become chaotic and empty. Fan Yuan suddenly felt that nothing mattered as he sat in the ma.s.s of fog without moving, allowing himself to be wrapped and swallowed up.

Just let things be like this, just let him keep going like this—rotting and degenerating. He no longer needed to pine for something he was destined to never obtain.

Xiao Wu realised that something was amiss and called for Fan Yuan in his mind, but it didn"t get a response. It was about to scan all aspects of Fan Yuan"s body, but it suddenly saw him spit out a mouthful of blood. It was apparent that he was trapped by inner demons.

Although getting trapped by inner demons was a necessary part of the plot, the original host"s tenacity allowed him to overcome it. Xiao Wu thought that with Fan Yuan"s positive and optimistic personality, he could get rid of inner demons quickly even if he attracted them, but Xiao Wu didn"t expect this to happen.

Without its master"s permission, the system couldn"t exchange for any props in the marketplace. Xiao Wu was so anxious that he didn"t know what to do.

Seeing that Fan Yuan"s face was getting paler, and his mouth and ears began to overflow with blood, Xiao Wu decided to ask the person-in-charge for help. No matter how important the holistic a.s.sessment was, it couldn"t be more important than his life.

However, at this moment, Xu Moran rushed in from the outside.

Xiao Wu could hardly believe that this person was the son of fate. Ever since Master had rescued him from the front of the mountain gate, when had Xu Moran ever looked so pained and upset? One didn"t need to even mention that his murderous and vicious expression was OOC, it was practically as if he was another person.

A suspicion suddenly popped up—could it be that this person was Yan Rui?!

Xu Moran"s eyes locked on the place where Fan Yuan was with a single sweeping glance. He stared at Fan Yuan"s unsightly face and the blood stains on the ground and practically burst in fury. He quickly formed a hand seal, and a barrier of black light instantly enveloped the entirety of Luoxia Peak. He pulled the bamboo flute out from his waist and in the flash of an eye, he erased the two seals Fan Yuan had placed upon it.

—The top-grade immortal jade flute had made an appearance in Minglan continent once again!

He placed the jade flute in the middle of the barrier, and the barrier began to overflow with a golden brilliance that covered the black. Luoxia Peak was covered with a glow akin to auspicious Buddha"s light.

A top-grade immortal tool had appeared in the world, and the entire Xuan Tian sect could feel a wave of its majestic aura. The Peak Lords of each peak quickly sent people over to inquire, and those who were naturally impatient personally came over to investigate whether an immortal tool had truly revealed itself.

After not even a moment, Luoxia Peak was already tightly surrounded by the members of Xuan Tian sect, and there were even a few members of the other two sects who came to join in on the fun. Everyone was speculating as to what item had emitted Buddha"s light, but they had no way of finding out the truth. This was because even if they gathered all their powers together, they were still helpless against the golden barrier. Not to mention breaking it, they couldn"t even hope to shake the barrier.

As for what was happening outside, Xu Moran or more accurately, Yan Rui, could also guess it even without looking. Just a group of incompetent people that didn"t concern him. After all, this barrier wasn"t set up for them.

He casually wiped away the blood at the corner of his mouth with his hand. That rascal"s capabilities had grown perceptibly, it was truly a miscalculation to not have cut off the gra.s.s and pull up its roots.

There was no time to think about this now, it wasn"t too late to settle these accounts later.

He quickly sat behind Fan Yuan, leaning him onto his shoulder, as he took out a condensed immortal pill to feed him. He condensed his inner qi into his hands and slowly channeled it into Fan Yuan"s eight extraordinary meridians, slowly easing open the blocked channels.

Seeing that Fan Yuan"s face was a little better, Yan Rui whispered into his ear, “Xiao Yuan, can you hear me? People who fall prey to inner demons have no way of receiving help from the outside world. If I invade your soul, I will be able to see your inner world, are you willing?”

Fan Yuan"s brow moved slightly, but one couldn"t tell if he had heard it. Yan Rui knew that he couldn"t wait any longer. He pressed their foreheads together and invaded Fan Yuan"s soul.

In there, he could only see gray fog everywhere. This was Fan Yuan"s inner world. If so, he must be confused and sad at the moment.

Yan Rui lowered his eyelashes, the colour of his pupils gradually getting deeper.

—Your sadness, is even a single part of it because of me?

He relied on his feeling to search around in the fog. He could feel the surrounding fog gradually dissipate—it was the result of easing Fan Yuan"s channels previously. He was carefully searching for Fan Yuan"s whereabouts, when he saw a sleeping boy in the deepest and thickest part of the fog.

The youth"s short black hair was covering the tips of his ears, his face was so exquisite that it looked almost perfect, his red lips were faintly moist, and his long, thick and trembling eyelashes made one"s throat itch. Such a charming and alluring face, but between the eyebrows carried the boy"s exuberant vitality. No one would mistake him for a girl, even if he had an angel"s face.

Yan Rui heard the sound of his heartbeat accelerating. This was Fan Yuan"s original body. Besides him, no one could ever make his heart move so.

He slowly approached the boy, and the fog that was wrapped around him gradually dispersed, allowing the boy"s perfect bare body to appear in front of Yan Rui.

Yan Rui didn"t know how to describe the beauty in front of him. There was only one thought in his mind—if the boy was seen by a second person, he would definitely kill that person and completely erase their existence.

Yan Rui knelt beside him almost devoutly. This was his prince, he was willing to surrender.

His low voice rang softly, carrying obvious hints of repression and forbearance, “Xiao Yuan, I"ve come to pick you up. Come back with me ba.”

Those light eyelashes slowly separated, resembling wings, and Yan Rui saw his own figure clearly reflected in the brilliant eyes of his beautiful star. That moment of palpitation, familiar but strange, was when he finally knew how far he had sunk.

On top of Fan Yuan"s eyes, he lay a fleeting kiss and saw him reveal a stunned expression. He couldn"t help but break out into a slight smile, "It"s me, you don"t recognise me anymore?"

It was normal for Fan Yuan not to recognise him. Yan Rui"s soul was also his original body, an appearance that Fan Yuan had never seen before.

Fan Yuan stared at him and said falteringly, “You"re Yan Rui?”

Yan Rui proceeded to press his forehead against Fan Yuan"s, his voice carrying slivers of gentleness and deep attachment, “It"s me, I came to find you.”

Fan Yuan said, “Didn"t you leave and ignore me? What did you come back for?”

Yan Rui raised his eyebrows and pressed down a certain conjecture in his heart. He said with an unchanging tone, “Because I regret it. I found that I still can"t live without you, so I came to find you again.”

Fan Yuan lowered his gaze, seemingly a little sad, but his mouth was still very unyielding, “You regret it this time, but who can guarantee that you won"t regret it later. You definitely will. Even if you"ve come back now, you"ll still leave in the end. How about you just make it quick and leave now, I"m still very good alone, I"ve always been good. If you don"t appear, I will always continue to be good.”

Yan Rui was somewhat distressed. He ran his fingers through his hair and slowly stroked him in comfort, “No, I won"t leave even in the future. It"s all because I can"t bear to let you go ne.”

Fan Yuan felt wronged, “Is it because I lied to you last time, so you didn"t come to find me this time? You"ve lied to me so many times, can"t you let me fight back ma?”

Yan Rui didn"t know whether to cry or laugh. It turns out that the crux of the problem lay here. He actually lost his heart to inner demons over this kind of thing, Yan Rui really had to give it to this little ancestor.

When he had relentlessly chased after Fan Yuan, he would say that he was too annoying. At all costs, he lied to escape, and now he hid his ident.i.ty, not allowing him to know, but in turn Fan Yuan blamed him for not following him over. It was truly that whatever he did would always be wrong, could this person be a bit more reasonable?

However, looking at Fan Yuan"s current situation, talking reason was not practical. He could only laugh, “Who said that I didn"t follow you over, it was you who didn"t come to find me.”

Fan Yuan was stunned for a moment before proceeding to shake his head with certainty, “No, I searched all over, unless you weren"t in Xuan Tian sect.”

Yan Rui"s eyes flashed and he leaned close to Fan Yuan"s ear, whispering, "So you have been looking for me all this time ah, shizun."

Fan Yuan was shocked! Those last two words were clearly the voice of his silly disciple. His mind gradually became clear, and he immediately got up and accused the man before him, “Yan Rui, you lied to me again!”

Yan Rui watched him with curved lips. He was clearly not angry, but he acted as if he was a frightened cat. Yan Rui couldn"t help but feel his head hurt—such a troublesome little thing, what should he do with him?

Sure enough, he was still………

Fan Yuan was still waiting for him to say something, but he was suddenly pressed down. Yan Rui"s right hand pressed against the back of his head to prevent him from escaping, while his left hand held his jaw and forced him to open his mouth. The liquid in his mouth was completely swept away by Yan Rui and his breath was swallowed. Fan Yuan felt it wasn"t that Yan Rui wanted to kiss him, but instead wanted to eat him.

But this time, he didn"t resist any more. Instead, he tightly clung onto Yan Rui"s back and obediently intertwined their tongues together.

After a while, Fan Yuan became dizzy, vaguely feeling that there was a big hand swimming around his body, only to realize that he was already naked.

In the end, his skin was not as thick as Yan Rui, so he was a bit panicked, “What did you do with my clothes?”

Yan Rui was laying on top of him, burying his head into Fan Yuan"s shoulder. He seemed to be suppressing something, and his voice was low and hoa.r.s.e, “Xiao Yuan, I want you, will you give yourself to me?”

Fan Yuan didn"t realize the danger he was in. Back in the day when Yan Rui was still Fang Xu, he had often asked him for s.e.xual favours. Later on, he and Pei Qi also had a round in the study. Yan Rui always knew when to stop and what degree to go to, he wouldn"t put him in a difficult position, so Fan Yuan was very a.s.sured to give himself to Yan Rui.

Moreover, he realised that he perhaps wasn"t unaccepting towards men.

He reached out his arms and hooked them around Yan Rui"s neck as he whispered, “Come on.”

Yan Rui"s black pupils swept across him like a black hurricane, and his voice was uncontrollably hoa.r.s.e, “Are you sure?”

Fan Yuan softly let out an "en".

How could Yan Rui still wait any longer? He had chased him through so many worlds, and even when asking for a kiss, he had to coax Fan Yuan for half a day. When he held his little hand he would get scolded too, let alone every time he wanted to eat some tofu he would have to resort to repeated deceit. What things like the wine being drugged, even he himself felt that it was shameless, but he was also at his wit"s end.

However, his little fellow was now hooking his arms around his neck and telling him that he was willing, what could be more exciting than this!!!! On top of that, this was not some other person"s body, it was the soul of the little fellow, his body! This was the true skin-to-skin contact!

After they finished, Fan Yuan lay on Yan Rui"s thigh to rest. He closed his eyes and didn"t look at Yan Rui"s smirking face.

He didn"t expect himself to be such a Kinky. And. Lewd person! Even if those kind of words had been said, he really felt like dying ah!

But it seemed to have felt pretty good?

Wait, wait, wait, wait! Did he forget something? With a roll, he got up and stared at Yan Rui, and finally covered his face and wailed, “I forgot to lock Xiao Wu in the little dark room ah!!”

Yan Rui was wondering what he was going to say, but it turned out to be this. He smiled and smoothed over Fan Yuan"s hair in comfort, “It"s okay, they"re both not here. This place only belongs to the two of us.”

Fan Yuan looked at him as he said such words full of confidence, and an ominous premonition hit his heart at the same time.

#At that moment, my mood was very complicated#


#Really don"t want to face the truth of the situation#

#Why did I meet this slag man?!#

Ayyy finally they papapa (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) Anyway, just a little announcement, submissions for the fanart contest mentioned a few chaps ago have closed! Here"s the link to vote for your favourite artwork, you can submit the form only once but you can vote for multiple artwork in this one submission: !

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