The membership will have no definite limit and the correspondence will be governed by the wishes of each member.

Need more be said?

I almost forgot to say that we have two of the best Science Fiction authors as active members, and three more who are doing their best, but because of such work they cannot be active.

I hope my appeal bears fruit and that we shall hear from you soon.--Conrad H. Ruppert.

_But--Most Everybody Prefers the Smaller Size--and Price!_

Dear Editor:

Last night I was pa.s.sing a newsstand and saw your magazine. I bought it then and there. I do not read any other stories except the fantastic stories. Astounding Stories looks all right, but may I make a suggestions? Why not increase the size of the magazine to that of Miss 1900 or Forest and Stream? It would certainly look better! You could also raise your price to twenty-five cents.

Please print as many stories as possible by the following authors: Ray c.u.mmings, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Murray Leinster, Edmond Hamilton, A. Hyatt Verrill, Stanton A. Coblentz, Ed Earl Repp and Harl Vincent.

My favorite type of story is the interplanetary one. I wish you the best of luck in your new venture.--Stephen Takacs, 303 Eckford Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.

"_First Copy Wonderful_"

Dear Editor:

I have read the first copy of Astounding Stories and think it wonderful. I am very much interested in science fiction. I prefer interplanetary stories and would like to see many of them in the new magazine. Your authors are fine. The ones I like particularly are Ray c.u.mmings, Captain S. P. Meek, and Murray Leinster. I wonder if I could subscribe to Astounding Stories? Will you let me know?

Good luck to the new magazine.--Donald Sisler, 3111 Adams Mill Road, Washington, D. C.


Dear Editor:

Allow me to congratulate you upon the starting of your new magazine, Astounding Stories. Have just finished reading the first issue and it is fine. While the cla.s.s of stories that you publish do not appeal to all, I feel quite sure that there are many like myself who will welcome your publication and wish it all success.--R. E. Norton, P. O. Box 226, Ashtabula, Ohio.

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