He hoped her strategy became clear shortly, and that for once his plans corresponded with hers.

Hades stepped forward and nodded to Kon. The Phantom raised his hands into the air to quiet everyone. "An unusual challenge has been put forth by Taylor Sh.e.l.ley. Since humans aren"t normally allowed to compete in the Pit, the Dark King has made an exception this one time, but Phantom rules still apply."

This brought a fresh round of grunts and growls from the crowd. Hades ignored them. He had no intention of losing this particular fight.

Would they say ready, set, go? Taylor sure hoped that Kon did. She needed time to reach the pole before Hades got to her.

"Begin," Kon shouted.

c.r.a.p! Taylor didn"t hesitate. She ran straight for the pole. When she reached it, she put the spray bottle in her mouth and climbed as fast as she could.

Tawny fur sprouted from Hades" skin, spreading quickly over his body. Claws and sharp teeth grew at an alarming rate. His body shifted and morphed, tripling in size until all resemblance to the man was gone. Hades roared, then Monster Kitty ran across the arena toward her.

Taylor screamed and climbed higher. She"d barely made it to the top, when Hades leapt. She spread her legs just in time. He barely missed her. The pole screeched as his sharp claws tried to grip the hardened, sealed wood.

She wrapped her legs around the pole and grabbed the bottle that Kon had given her. Hades jumped again. Taylor dropped back until she was hanging upside down, exposing her bare stomach and long legs. The crowd went wild as she undulated.

Hades" head snapped to the left to look at the warriors as he slid down the pole. He hissed in warning, but the crowd ignored him. Taylor continued to gyrate, playfully running the bottle over her body. She held her arms down, just out of reach. The moved worked. Hades snarled and tried to scramble up the pole once more, his red-blue eyes narrowed and intent.

When he neared, Taylor pressed the b.u.t.ton and sprayed. Water hit Hades straight in the face, surprising him and sending him falling back. The Dark King shook his ma.s.sive head and snorted. The liquid dripped down his whiskers and onto his sharp teeth. His long tongue darted out and he quickly cleaned himself.

An agitated swish of his tail told Taylor that she would pay for that one, but it had been worth it just to see the look on the Dark King"s face. She dropped the bottle and moved to the fastenings on her top.

Hades" gaze remained locked on her as she stripped off her shirt, revealing the red ta.s.sels beneath. She dropped the material onto his head. The sounds coming from the stands turned guttural as Taylor put on the performance of her life in hopes of provoking the King into revealing his feelings.

Hades roared in anger and rumbled at his men, but they refused to take their eyes off the human dangling precariously from the pole. Not that he could blame them with her perfect b.r.e.a.s.t.s on full display and those odd things twirling from her nipples. She was luscious and flawless and...his.

Didn"t they understand that?

He didn"t want his men looking at her, staring at every last delectable inch of her body. That was for his eyes only. And it was time Taylor learned that.

Hades stretched, allowing his muscles to reshape and his claws to retract. Within seconds his beast was gone and he was once again standing on two legs.

"Come down this instant and fight me," he demanded.

Taylor had the nerve to smile at him and twirl the things on her nipples even faster.

Hades" hands rested on his loincloth-covered hips in feigned patience.

Taylor shrugged, then slowly swirled down the pole, but stopped short of touching the ground. By the time she neared the bottom, Hades" shaft was as hard as the rod she was straddling.

Instead of dropping down the last few feet, Taylor leapt to the side and grabbed a wooden sword. She spun around quickly and prepared to attack.

Hades didn"t give her the chance. He leapt across the distance separating them and tackled her, taking her to the ground and covering her nakedness with his body. The second she caught her breath, he pinned her in place and demanded that she yield.

"Never!" Taylor shouted.

"I warned you what would happen if you challenged me." Hades flipped Taylor onto her stomach and ripped her skirt away, revealing a strip of red cloth and her bare bottom.

The roars around the Pit became a mixture of encouragement and surprise. Hades fingered the fragile red material that was cradled between her a.s.s cheeks, then impatiently snapped it in half.

"It"s never smart to bait the Dark King," he murmured in her ear, then licked the tender flesh. "I told you that you"d end up on your knees this night."

He yanked Taylor up until she was on all fours and lifted his loincloth. Without any warning whatsoever, Hades thrust forward and entered her.

The crowd went insane as the Dark King claimed victory.

Hades had expected to meet resistance, but there was none. Warm moist woman surrounded him, taking the breath from his lungs. He thrust again to be sure and glided deeper into her body. G.o.ddess bless, she felt good. So good. So right. So utterly perfect.

He closed his eyes, reveling in the truth. Taylor wanted him. Wanted this. And G.o.ddess forgive him, but he wanted her, too.

"Yield!" he roared, but the harshness had all but diminished, its remaining edges lost amongst the voices of the ma.s.ses.

Taylor shook her head and bit her lip, but her hips rocked back to meet his thrusts.

Hades" teeth sharpened as his urge to dominate her grew. He waited until his incisors resembled fangs, then latched onto the skin of her fragile neck where it met her delicate shoulder. "I said yield." The words were garbled, but still intelligible.

Taylor shuddered beneath him and her feminine musk filled the air.

His sudden aggression caused the crowd to grab the sides of the cage surrounding the Pit. They shook the metal with all their might and chanted, "Claim her!" at the top of their lungs.

Hades" gaze moved to Linx. The arrogant cat smirked, then gave him an "I knew it" look and laughed. As much as he"d like to strangle the feline, he wasn"t about to let his "prey" go in order to do so.

The Dark King was so intent on holding Taylor in place that it took him a moment to notice that she"d gone limp beneath him. She"d finally submitted. Tension he didn"t know he was holding left his body in a rush.

"You are mine now." Hades kissed her neck tenderly, then bit down hard, breaking the skin. He thrust forward at the same time, burying his c.o.c.k deep inside her willing body. The second he tasted Taylor"s sweet blood in his mouth, something inside of him snapped.

Hades" beast took over and went into a frenzy. He pounded into Taylor, his thick shaft stretching her, working her soft folds, making sure she knew exactly who she belonged to. The ramifications of what he"d done entered his mind, but were quickly dispersed. This felt right. She felt right.

He purred and lapped up her blood, while his body continued to claim hers.

Taylor tightened beneath him, her wet channel fluttering sporadically as she neared completion. Hades slipped his hand between her legs and slowly circled her c.l.i.t, then flicked it with his thumb. Taylor jerked, then cried out as her release broke. But Hades refused to stop. He was just getting started.

Taylor felt overwhelmed as Hades f.u.c.ked her in front of the Phantom people. Blood dripped from her neck, but she barely noticed the sting. All she could feel was the Dark King surrounding her, cradling her, shielding her as he laid claim to her body, her heart, and her soul.

An o.r.g.a.s.m struck, but Hades didn"t give her time to catch her breath. He immediately rebuilt the tension. Taylor"s nipples were so hard and sensitive that they actually ached. Hades pinched them mercilessly. The pain only added to her pleasure.

Taylor clawed at the dirt, trying to get away from their intense connection before she shattered into a million pieces. Hades released her neck and licked the blood off, but his grip didn"t ease. He seemed harder than ever.

"You shouldn"t have challenged me. This is what happens when you challenge the Dark King." He grabbed her hips and shoved his thick, hot length as deep as it could go.

Taylor cried out and her body quivered. One second Hades was behind her, the next he was beneath her, kissing her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and biting her nipples. Everything inside of her tingled. Taylor closed her eyes and shook her head. How had he done that?

In a blink he was behind her again.

"What"s happening?" The tingles increased until her whole body felt electrified.

Hades didn"t answer. He simply faded into nothingness.

Taylor"s skin felt as if it were wired to her funny bone. She had no idea what was happening, but whatever it was sent the crowd into hysteria. The Dark King reappeared beneath her long enough to kiss her soundly, then disappeared.

When he reappeared, he was behind her once more. Hades rocked his hips against her bottom, his ma.s.sive c.o.c.k branding her flesh.

Taylor felt...weird. Off. Not sick, but different. "What did you do to me?" she asked.

"I claimed you as a Phantom Warrior does. Now we will join in the Atlantean way," he said, brushing a hand over her temple.

Heat flashed through her head before she could utter a sound and a loud pop detonated in her ears. Taylor would"ve collapsed had it not been for Hades holding her up.

It is done, he said.

The words whispered in her head.

What have you done? Taylor wasn"t even aware that she hadn"t asked the question out loud, until Hades answered.

I have bound us in the ways of my mother and my father. It is done. He pulled Taylor to her feet, then lifted her from the ground, while somehow managing to keep their connection. Hades walked them over to the fence. Each step sent his shaft deeper into her weeping channel.

Taylor"s eyes closed and her head fell back onto his shoulder as another o.r.g.a.s.m swept through her. Hades carefully set her feet down on the ground, then gently bent her over.

"Grab the fence." His harsh words were at odds with his tender touch.

Taylor reached out blindly, until her fingers grasped the metal.

"Now don"t move!"

Hades thrust deep, his body trembling with the need for release. Not yet. Not until he"d followed the rules of challenge. He grasped Taylor"s neck and carefully adjusted it, until his mark was clearly visible to the bulk of the crowd.

Their voices quieted instantly.

"I claim this human female as my mate," Hades bellowed.

"What does that mean? I"m not going to sprout a tail and fur, am I?" she asked, only half kidding.

"Eventually, but not now."

Taylor"s expression told him that she didn"t believe him. But she would soon. Soon there would be no hiding the changes taking place in her body.

Roars and howls filled the air once more. He waited for them to cease, then continued.

"Are there any objections to my claim? Speak now! But know that if you do, that you"d better be prepared to enter the Pit. For I shall kill any male who tries to take her away from me or attempts to stand between us." Hades scanned the arena, then locked gazes with Linx.

The feline"s brow rose, but he remained silent.

"Then as the Dark King, I declare this union accepted!" He grasped Taylor"s lush hips and released his beast once more. His shaft grew and guttural noises came from his throat as Hades claimed his new mate.

His hearts swelled as the word "mate" wafted through his mind. Taylor was his. Would always be his. Now no one would ever be able to take her away.

Blood roared in Hades" ears. His sac tightened and he increased his speed. He nuzzled Taylor"s neck, nibbling the spot he"d marked. He released one of her hips and slid his hand between her parted thighs. She wiggled when he neared the bundle of nerves at her core, drenching his fingers. Hades pressed down hard.

Taylor screamed. Her channel tightened, then convulsed in endless ripples, taking Hades with her. His big body jerked once, arching his spine, then his essence shot out. His legs trembled as he filled her with his life-force. Already Hades could sense the changes taking place in Taylor"s body. Soon she would be more Phantom than Earthling.

Hades brushed the soft curls that covered her s.e.x and rested his large hand over her flat abdomen. It wouldn"t be flat for long, he mused as a new life blossomed within her. He reluctantly withdrew from her body. His shaft was still half erect. He"d need to take her again. Soon.

He glanced around at the smiling faces of his people. Hades acknowledged their happiness and encouragement, but he wouldn"t be claiming Taylor in front of an audience again.

No, the next time he had Taylor it would be in a bed. His bed. Their bed.

He kissed her shoulder and carefully unwound her fingers from the fence. Taylor"s knees gave out, but Hades caught her, lifting her into his arms. He pressed another kiss upon her moist brow.

"I love you," she murmured, but he heard her all the same.

"I know." Hades grasped her hand and brought it to his hearts. You reside here. Now and always.

She cracked one eye open. "You were kidding about the tail and ears, right?"

Hades didn"t answer. Some things she"d have to learn firsthand. He carried Taylor out of the Pit with every intention of going straight to his room. Linx stepped in front of him, blocking his retreat.

"King Eros would still like to meet with her," he said. "It is an official summons."

Hades set Taylor down, making sure that she was steady before he released her. He then stepped in front of her and growled menacingly at Linx.

"I see," Linx said. "In that case..." He reached into his pocket, pulled out a doc.u.ment, and handed it to Hades.

"What"s this?" Hades clutched the missive, crumpling it in his fist.

"It"s an invitation to the Christmas party tomorrow night."

"Leave!" he snapped.

Linx chuckled.

Hades roared, but the sound was cut short when he received a squirt of water to the face.

"Tone it down, Monster Kitty," Taylor said.

He turned to find her holding one of the bottles she"d positioned around the Pit.

Hades brushed his hand over his wet face and flicked the water off. "What was that for?" he asked.

Taylor didn"t answer. Instead, she looked to Linx. "Tell the King and Tabby that we"ll be there."

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