I felt something abnormal in Ria-chan’s emotions and headed with Hughley to Ria-chan.

In that instant, Hughley looked around in anger, looking for the person who made her like that.

If I say it was as expected, it was as expected.

However, she did her best to push those feelings back, you know?

It seems there was no need for that as I thought.
Haa~…… it would be better to remove him without a delay, right~

《There, there~ Hughley, calm down a bit~ Hunting for prey is good, but if you entrust yourself to anger, the entire building will turn into garbage~》

First of all, I stopped Hughley who was about to use his powers in anger.

Well, they weren’t aware that the building nearly turned into garbage, that would be startling to hear~

《If you do that, Ria-chan will be sad you know~》

Ria-chan will be sad, with just that brief comment, Hughley seemingly calmed down.

Ria-chan is a really good child~
Because Hughley understands that too, he gave up after listening to my words, wrapped the guard in ivy and rolled him up on the ground.

《Will there be a problem if I get rid off just this fellow?》

Hughley’s anger has somewhat lessened, but it wasn’t extinguished.
Hughley was stepping on the guard rolled up in ivy.

《That’s no good~ Ria-chan doesn’t desire for you to go that far, right?》

As for my true opinion, I’m in agreement with Hughley, but……
If we do that, as expected, Ria-chan would be sad, right~

《However, this fellow made Ria sad, ya know?》


Hughley this fellow, how shrewd of him to smack his lips~

Well, I made a contract with Ria-chan too and I’m having fun when making sweets with her, I wonder if we are the same?

《Ria-chan, everything is all right now. For now, go together with Hughley to the castle, okay? ――Look, Hughley. You take Ria-chan and that problem child and return to the castle first. Return the goods to the King》

「…… What about Miria?」
《It’s okay. I will clean up here and immediately return to Ria-chan’s side~》

To be concerned about me here~

Iya~n, Ria-chan is a really good girl, isn’t she~

《Ah, Ria-chan. Please lend me your pochette for a bit》

《Thank you》

Ria-chan is still crying a little, but she still nodded and gave a reply to my request.

It’s not easy thing to do even when it comes to your own contracted spirit~

All that’s left is……

《There, there Ria-chan’s older brothers. If you don’t follow after them, who’s going to explain the situation in detail? Hugh will do as he pleases and fabricate the story, you know?》

When I said such, the surprised older brothers left the store in a panic.

《Umm, you are the person who often accompanies Ria-chan in the mansion, aren’t you~? You stay behind, okay~ The person over there is the person I often see by the side of Ria-chan’s older brothers, right~? And, the man over there is?》

I point fingers one by one.

I haven’t seen the other one before~
But, he must be an involved party since they are together?

「!! He’s a guard」

「N, no! Others are waiting outside the store!」
《Is that so~ Then, you take the other guards and hurry up after older brothers, okay? I don’t know whether Hughley would protect older brothers at the moment after all. Ah, you remain here, okay~》

When I said so, the butler panicked and left the store.

If something happened to Ria-chan’s maid because she was left alone, Ria-chan would be sad, wouldn’t she?
Well, that’s about it~

「U, umm, Light Spirit-sama. What should I do since I’m staying……」
《N~? This is a shopping place, right~? Would it be alright if everyone disappeared like this~? People~ if eating in another place~ have to pay for it with money, right? And, this person is here so you wouldn’t be left alone》

When I said such to the timid maid, she made a startled expression.

She immediately took corresponding actions.

People have many troubles don’t they~

《Right, right! Also~ this is a store where sweets are sold, right? Store means that I can bring the sweets out of here, right~? Ria-chan was looking forward to it so much, but didn’t get to eat anything, didn’t she? You are the store’s person, aren’t you? Umm, give me as many sweets as I can buy with this please》

If I bring her sweets to eat, Ria-chan’s mood would improve at least a bit, right?

I looked after her pochette because of this and almost forgot~

If I’m not mistaken, I heard that these white ones are more valuable, so how many do I have to take out?

《Is this enough I wonder~?》


《Is that so~? Then, this~》

The whitish coin was apparently too much.

This should be fine then?

「G, gold coin……」


Shopping is unexpectedly difficult, isn’t it~

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