"We are f.u.c.ked. I am f.u.c.ked. You are f.u.c.ked. Everyone is f.u.c.ked. Earth is f.u.c.ked."

That was Daniel talking. He really liked the word "f.u.c.ked". Daniel is Jon"s best friend, and they were both f.u.c.ked together. Not the way you are thinking.

Humanity have done some really bad things. Like Daniel say, they "f.u.c.ked" the planet. Now, Earth started to fall apart. Literally. Little pieces of Earth started flying and left Earth atmosphere. Little pieces the size of a small city.

Then the leaders of Earth appeared. They said something like: we knew that would happen so we built some s.p.a.ce ships and we are going to a planet called Earth II. Ah, and you all are going to play a game while we travel.

In short they will be travelling for years in unknown s.p.a.ce. Amazing. And they will be imersed in a game called After Earth. Even more amazing.

Now we come back to present time. Jon is talking with his best friend Daniel while they stand in a queue to board Red Apple. Red Apple is the big bad a.s.s ship that will take then to Earth II.

"Yes, we are pretty much f.u.c.ked, but at least we are going to play the latest game."

"Yeah. After Earth looks awesome. Hey, we are close now!"
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Now they were so close to the ship that they couldn"t see the top of it. There were at least hundreds of thousands boarding their ship, and they made a incredible sigth.

One of the crew members called Jon:


He looked at Daniel and hugged him:

"See you inside After Earth man."

"I don"t now what kind of game this is, but I"m going to kick your a.s.s."

Laughing, Jon followed the crew member inside Red Apple. They pa.s.sed by dozens of chambers until they finally stoped in front of a metallic, round crate.

"Please, enter it. When all the ships leave Earth atmosphere After Earth starts."

Doing as the man said, the top of the crate closed, and suddenly Jon was in a white chamber.

He waited for what looked like days, and finally heard a girl voice:

"Welcome to After Earth. We just left Earth atmosphere, and the game is starting. In front of you there is a roulette."

A roulette appeared and there were thousands of question marks on it.

"After you spin it you will be given a random humanoid race. To make it fair for everyone, your old position, family and power won"t matter inside the game. Please, spin it."

Doing as ordered, the roulette started spining until it stoped at one of the question marks.

"You may start playing."

Everything became black, and Jon finally thougth of something the voice said:

Humanoid race.


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