In a big forest, somewhere in After Earth world, two figures could be seen running.

Jon couldn"t belive how fast he was running. His paws were blurry, trees were pa.s.sing by so fast that he almost hit then once or twice. But, more incredible than this was the fact that he didn"t fall.

In front of him the stag become bigger and bigger, until Jon was just three meters behind.

Jon jumped and used his claws to grab the stag"s haunches. Both of then falling to the ground, Jon is launched away by the impact.

Getting up, he can see the stag trying hard to get away, but one of his legs is wasted. Maybe sensing Jon"s gaze, the stag turns around, and points his horns to him.

Jon begins to circle around the stag, trying to find the best position to attack. They stay like that for more two minutes, but the stag gets nervous, and tries to pierce Jon.

Jon jumps to the side, and when the stag charges pa.s.s him he bites his neck. Instantly his 10 points at sharpness shows their value, and half of the neck is gone.

The stag falls to the ground dead, and Jon is left panting by his side.

The whole scene lookes gory, with a dead stag laying in a pool of his own blood. Jon"s snout and mouth is full of blood, but it fells normal, maybe because he is a wolf.

And then the notifications appeared.

"Congratulations for killing your first enemy!"

"Congratulations for killing your first Forest Stag!"

"You received the t.i.tle: First Blood!"

"You unlocked the skill Bite!"

"You unlocked the skill Sprint!"

"You received Forest Stag Pelt X2!"

"You received Horn Dagger!"

The notifications almost made him blind, and he shake his head before checking them one by one.

The first two were nothing, just stating his kill. He dismiss then before going on.

t.i.tle: First Blood

Cla.s.s: Normal

A t.i.tle given to everyone that has the ability to kill something.

Well, the t.i.tle looked quite useless. But he was more excited about the skills. He opens the skill tree, and see that in the leftmost division two skills were illuminated.


You use your mouth to bite at something or someone.


Increase speed by 25% for 10 seconds.

Bite was as useless as the t.i.tle, but Sprint was quite good. Next he chose the last two notifications.

Forest Stag Pelt

Can be used to make clothes.

"Almost useless."
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Horn Dagger

Sharpeness: 3

A dagger made of a stag horn.

"I suppose it must be good to have a weapon when I am at human form."

Jon made a good harvest this time, and he learned a lot of things about how After Earth works.

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