"Compatible beast found. Do you want to absorb it?"

Jon felt as if he was on a dream.

"YESSS!! I want! Absorb it now!"

"Iniciating absortion."

The h.e.l.l Hound body started to turn liquid before Jon"s eyes, then this liquid started floting and, like a snake, curled on his body. Then, the pores of Jon skin sucked it like a hungry baby, and Jon felt a surge of strength. Looking at his stats he saw some changes.

Name: Jon

Race: Werewolf

Power: 9

Speed: 12

Sharpness: 11

Mana: 0

Although the increase wasn"t much, Jon felt happy, because he knew that was his first step to greatness.


Somewhere in s.p.a.ce, a big red ship was travelling.

On the deck, a woman was seeing something on a tablet when the computer at her side flashed. At first she didn"t pay attention, but after reading the message her mouth became wide opened, and she dropped the tablet, making a huge noise.

All the staff looked at her, but she didn"t care, and called a red haired woman in military clothes.

"Captain! A transmission for you."

"Is there a need to make such a fuss about it?"

"It is General Corton, captain!"

Everyone looked at shook, and the red haired woman touched the big TV in front of her. On the TV a middle-aged man, with a sharp nose and blue eyes appeared.

"Sir! May I ask what do you need general?"

"Haha! At ease Sheila. I bring good news. Do you remember about the reward for being the captain of the ship of the first lucky person to level up his or her stats?"

The eyes of captain Sheila and her crew shone.

"Do you mean..."

"Yes, I do. You and your crew should expect some good rewards, and maybe a promotion."

"Thank you general!"

"It isn"t me you have to thanks."

Then the man disconected, leaving an excited crew.

"Alrigth lads! Back to work!"
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All the staff returned to their work with double the effort. In her heart Sheila was thanking that mysterious person, and wondering who he or she was.


At another place, one big table was set, with many chairs around it. There were many middle-aged and old men and women around the table. Many of then were holograns. At the the head of the table a bald man, with a long beard sat. He coughed to get everyone attention and started talking.

"Someone had alredy absorbed his first beast. In just three days, a good ten days before we thougth. For now we will let it be, but I want everyone to remember this name: Jon Karlost."

The bald man got up and left without giving anyone a chance to reply.

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