Seeing something new, Jon quickly opened the descripition of Life Stone.

Life Stone (Leader Rank)

A stone that contains the life source of a Leader Rank beast. You have three options of use:

1- Go to a city and change it for 1 Gold.

2- If it is compatible, absorb it.

3- Give it to a beast to help it evolve.

If the three options, Jon could only choose the third one. He wasn"t anywere near a city, so he couldn"t exchange it now. Of course, he can keep it until he found his way to a city, but for everything he knew, it will take a long time. And for the second option, if he could absorb it, he would alredy have done it.

Since he could only take the third option, Jon decided to test it. Coming back to his human form he started preparing some traps. While he was doing it he also unlocked the skill Basic Traps. What the skill did was quite obvious. Jon set some traps and then started to wander in the other direction. He decided to come back the next day.

Since the sun was high in the sky he trasformed to wolf form and started hunting. Soon, day turned to night, and Jon was deep in the forest. That time he saw a different kind of beast, a green and yellow bird, as big as a men. The bird was festing in the carca.s.s of a Shadow Cat.

Confident, Jon approached step by step, and using Sprint jumped at the bird. With a smashing and disgusting sound the head of the bird was swallowed whole by Jon.

"Congratulations for killing your first Double-Color Vulture."

"You received Double-Color Vulture feather X3."
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"You unlocked the skill Stealth."


You use the shadows as your allie, covering your tracks and sneaking upon your prey.

Seeing that it was almost dawn, Jon returned to check his traps. Maybe he got lucky but he captured one Forest Stag and one Three Eyed Frog. Getting the Life Stone from his inventory, Jon put ut in front of the Three Eyed Frog. He waited for half an hour, but the Three Eyed Frog showed no reaction other then trying to escape. On the other hand, the Forest Stag acted like he saw some heavenly food l, and even hurt itself trying to get to it.

When Jon gave the Life Stone to it, the Forest Stag swallowed it, and the his body started shining and a green ligth envolved it, forming a coc.o.o.n around it.

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