The big arm-band and bracelet broad Then taking from the gilded coffer, On bold Sir Hagen she bestow"d, To swear with her who made the offer.

A hundred golden rings so sheen, With silver and with gold no little, She gave the counts of handsome mien Who swore the oath was her acquittal.

To church she gave, to cloister gave, Her bounty priest and prelate booted; And for the soul of Axel brave She daily inst.i.tuted.

She gave to orphans, and the clan Who rove with hunger"s pangs tormented; Unto the image of Saint Ann A red gold crown she has presented.

"Now Bishop with the earth so black Do thou effect my consecration; And when a nun let me not lack Thy mild paternal consolation.

"Come Aage, dear Archbishop, come, Do thou the Lord"s devoted make me; This blessed place shall be my home Till out a lifeless corse they take me."

There were so many warriors bold Whose hearts were all with sorrow laden, When they saw cast the dingy mould O"er Valborg"s arm, the lovely maiden.

Now Valborg in that abbey grey Doth go, its utmost strictness bearing; From no ma.s.s will she keep away, In every matin song she"s sharing.

Of maids and dames there"s every year Full many a one to cloister given; But none so fair as Valborg dear, Whose equal lives not under heaven.

"Tis better ne"er to breathe the air Than pine for ever on in sadness; Each day to eat one"s bread with care, And ne"er enjoy a moment"s gladness.

To them repentance G.o.d impart, By whose vile means are those divided, Who have each other dear at heart, And whose love is by honor guided.

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